Meeting notes

Meeting notes

Incomplete tasks from meetings

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
  • Adam Stankiewicz Look into how to make Netlify access available to not just myself via the edx-netlifty Github user (before Axim can take ownership of the Netlify sites).
Adam Stankiewicz2024-12-04 Meeting notes
  • Adam Stankiewicz Inquire about whether we have an ADR about using TypeScript by default for net-new components in FWG (Paragon can reference the more general FWG ADR).
Adam Stankiewicz2024-12-04 Meeting notes
  • should present themselves and screen reader should indicate that it now exists, and put the user in a position to know what exists
2024-09-18 Meeting notes
  • needs focus to be able to interact with keyboard
2024-09-18 Meeting notes
Brian Smith2024-09-18 Meeting notes
  • Adam Stankiewicz document Algolia DocSearch configuration and open PR with editor config.
Adam Stankiewicz2024-01-10 Meeting notes
  • Adam Stankiewicz finish creating final checklist about Design Tokens to review with PWG next week to determine actionable next steps.
Adam Stankiewicz2023-10-11 Meeting notes
Anastasiia Abyzova (Deactivated)2023-09-06 Meeting notes
  • Try to find a workaround for compound components and tree shaking
2023-07-12 Meeting notes
  • Adam Stankiewicz File a Github to use a consistent prop name for actions nodes passed into various components (e.g., actions as node vs. list, actions vs. actionsNode
Adam Stankiewicz2023-05-10 Meeting notes

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