Overview of Target Milestones (subject to adjustment)

Overview of Target Milestones (subject to adjustment)

Milestone 1: User stories and problem definition

  • Deliverables: A list of clearly articulated user stories (not prioritized) that appropriately reflect the problem(s) the modular learning initiative will solve.


Draft user stories
Map user stories, v1
Solicit stakeholder feedback (target 6-8 superusers/clients) [In-progress, target Oct 15 for completion]
Integrate feedback
Finalize user stories


Milestone 2: User story mapping and prioritization [partially already complete in Milestone 1]

  • Deliverables: A clearly articulated opinion on which user stories will be prioritized to guide subsequent milestones.

Define prioritization criteria (both product and tech perspective)
Identify subset of user stories to prioritize
Tweak user story map to reflect priority, v2


Milestone 3: Approach speccing

  • Deliverables: An approach document that articulates possible approaches and solutions.

Write proposed Approach Spec
Write MVP Tech Spec (based on prioritized user stories)
Create “Consumer Review 2.0” = Open all documentation for community review and input


Milestone 4: Wire Framing and user journey definition

  • Deliverables: Mock wire frames or design prototypes that outline the user journey based on the approach documentation.

Design low-fi UX frames [IN PROGRESS]
Light touch user feedback/usability testing


Milestone 5: Tech/arch Prototype

  • Deliverables: Low-fi tech prototype that can 1) serve as a proof of concept and 2) guide effort estimates for broader implementation

Tech spec
MVP Milestone planning [IN PROGRESS]


Milestone 6: Product Requirement Documentation*

  • Deliverable: Product Requirement Documentation that includes Overview of the initiative

    • Articulation of the problem(s) and the opportunity

    • Market evidence + user stories

    • Approach and solution

    • Wire frames

    • Any risks and dependencies

Final PRD

*As the scope of this project evolved, PRD will be focused on Phase 1 and Phase 2, which future PRD work to follow incrementally.

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