2022-10-05 DevEnv Meeting notes


Sep 7, 2022


  • @Kyle McCormick

  • @Zach Hancock

  • @Connor Haugh (Deactivated)

  • @AalOsman


  • Catch up on existing progress

  • Determine next steps

 Discussion topics












Catch up


  • Connor: Mini Hackathon on mount plugin Upcoming

    • Scheduled a self-hackathon on tuesday

  • Zach:

    • Added MFE setup steps documentation

    • How do we recommend adding non-default mfes?

    • Will start onboarding when mount comes in.

    • Will finish onboarding new service docs.

    • Will soon be involuntary M1 Trialist

      • Will inform WG as to that

  • Kyle:

    • Working on develop workflow for edx-platform packages

    • Renamed quickstart → launch

    • Sprint planning update



“Sprint planning”

@Kyle McCormick





  • Have a plan for how we’re going to have people try this thing

    • Retro pattern?

    • Risks:

      • slowing development type while they learn,

      • If failed uptake, lose that team as a team to uptake it

      • improvements promised can lead to slow holding pattern

      • At what point to we have confidence to support it?

    • Do we need a hosted environment to demo



building things

@Jeff Witt (Deactivated)

  • many a11y issues are one line fixes, literally

  • often the effort of fixing it is way lower than the effort of getting someone else to understand and then fix it

  • Jeff would like to get involved with making some of these fixes

  • how hard is it to test things locally? does hosted devstack help?

    • the goal of hosted devstack is for it to work easily for anyone

    • not 100% there?

  • or tutor?

  • Recommended to try devstack













 Action items

@Zach Hancock @Connor Haugh (Deactivated) if you see specific reports of what’s up with MFEs on ARM64, send them @Kyle McCormick 's way
@Connor Haugh (Deactivated) Will work on getting the #devenv-wg slack channel sent over to 2U slack
