2022-03-23 DevEnv Meeting notes

2022-03-23 DevEnv Meeting notes


Mar 23, 2022


  • @Rebecca Graber (Deactivated)

  • @John Nagro (Deactivated)

  • @Zach Hancock (Deactivated)

  • @Diana Huang


  • Report on current progress

  • Discovery and remove any blockers to continued progress

 Discussion topics












  • How do we recover from small errors in setup without having to nuke everything?


How we address bugs/issues


  1. How can we make use of and give back to the community?

  2. Something has gone awry

  3. Check the FAQ page that we will totally create

  4. Ask in #deveng-working-group

  5. If able to resolve locally, add error and resolution to FAQ

  6. Open issue on http://overhang.io forum,

    1. notify the public #tutor-adoption channel

    2. tag the issue with…something

  7. Every DevEnv meeting, we look at the tagged issues and check on progress and/or assign work

  8. If the issue is something that will still require developer knowledge, add it to FAQ


Current progress

  • Discovery: zach got it working, will document, yay zach!

    • Next step: documentation

  • MFE: Connor has gotten a single MFE to run, not yet multiple

    • next steps, run >1 locally

  • Enterprise: John got it to work, but it’s hella convoluted

    • next step: overriding docker-compose to include loop in the entry point

    • eventual next step: copy disco plugin to see if we can reuse it for enterprise

      • before that we’ll have to talk to tutor about naming and publishing

    • M1 instance

      • need permission from AWS

      • some new hire resources, new hire process group having troubleshooting sessions

  • Using MariaDB with Tutor:

    • Closed, not needed with MySQL 8 support


 Action items

@Rebecca Graber (Deactivated) to set up FAQ/debugging page
@John Nagro (Deactivated) to touch base with Adam/SRE on M1 instance




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