2022-09-07 DevEnv Meeting notes


Sep 7, 2022


  • @Rebecca Graber (Deactivated)

  • @John Nagro (Deactivated)

  • @Zach Hancock (Deactivated)

  • @Connor Haugh (Deactivated)

  • @Kyle McCormick

  • @Jeremy Bowman (Deactivated)


  • Catch up on existing progress

  • Determine next steps

 Discussion topics










Catch up



Who is ready to onboard their squad?


  • Becca: maybe ready to onboard Arch BOM if today’s work pans out

  • Zach: Would like to get the mounting plugin in first. Currently involves a giant copy/paste of arguments

  • John: Some squads might want more documentation on new services for running in Tutor and/or k8s

  • Connor: Needs Blockstore plugin for Tutor or blockstore for edX platform. The latter is underway but taking a while.

    • Zach: How scary is the blockstore service?

    • Connor: 3-database-scary

  • Kyle: tCRIL is using Tutor exclusively for development (probably), mostly only doing work inside edx-platform proper


Sprint planning for Tutor work


Bi weekly Weds at 11am EST, probably. Will send out an invite when that’s solidified. Optional for anyone interested.

  • Jenna is the product manager from tCRIL

  • Not likely to mean a new strategy or product goal or anything, more for process management


Developer Feedback & Home for Hosted-Devstack



Question from @Tyler Thompson (Deactivated) on SRE: what’s the plan to support this long-term?

In general, once these types of projects are more widely adopted, should this group own them? Will this group actively solicit feedback from developers?

Jeremy: currently, we are thinking Arch BOM will take over hosted devstack ownership once event-bus work hits a decent pausing point (Becca says lolsob)

SRE really does not want to own it, although Arch BOM will need their involvement

Tyler is helping to figure out how to define the base image so regular engineers (eg Arch BOM) can make PRs against it

This group was originally meant to take/triage issues on Tutor even after adoption, should probably re-evaluate once it is more widely adopted

Should we give broader guidance, like coordinating with IT or on PyCharm vs VSCode vs Whatever

  • DevEnv could be responsible for flagging issues that specifically relate to running development envs on new machines

  • At the moment, Linux users need to figure out their own security processes to take to IT






 Action items

@Kyle McCormick will send out an invite to sprint planning
