2022-07-13 DevEnv Meeting Notes

2022-07-13 DevEnv Meeting Notes


Jul 13, 2022


  • @Rebecca Graber (Deactivated)

  • @Jeremy Bowman (Deactivated)

  • @Zach Hancock (Deactivated)

  • @Kyle McCormick - needs to leave at 3:30

  • @Connor Haugh (Deactivated)



 Discussion topics










General update

@Kyle McCormick

Regis is doing other things for the next couple months, so he’s still maintaining and reviewing PRs but not doing serious development until September

Kyle will be driving for that period

Kyle, unsurprisingly, is pro-Tutor and wants to help

Long term, we know we want Tutor but we’ve hit enough blockers that require us to do other things in the meantime

Becca will pair with Kyle to show some of the more transitory problems

MFE config work should shrink build time

Config work should make image smaller


Persisted mounts plugin?

@Kyle McCormick

Prototype persistent mounting interface as plugin(s) · Issue #66 · openedx-unsupported/wg-developer-experience

Background: to mount code you need to pass --mount my-stuff

Suggestion: Implement a persistent mounting interface · Issue #71 · openedx-unsupported/wg-developer-experience

This could probably be done as a plugin

@Connor Haugh (Deactivated) is interested in working on said plugin but is running into capacity and prioritization problems. This may be eased pending future conversations


The Doc


  • Open edX Development Environment Plans 2U/OCM: Proposal

  • @Rebecca Graber (Deactivated) will create a central confluence doc for talking about Dockerfiles

    • Arbi-BOM is also working in Dockerfile land

  • What are the organizations goals? How do we use those to establish our own goals?

    • We want less mud

  • Should this be 2 different documents?

    1. a (less-detailed) statement for the 2u community that says this is what we’re doing and this is where we are

    2. internal document: document to help us determine how to allocate our resources

      1. can we drop one or more?

      2. prioritize which we think we should work on, which we will work on if the other thing gets blocked, etc.

  • DevEnv people who are not @John Nagro (Deactivated) should spend time on Tutor and not cloud-based devstack unless they are absolutely blocked on/out of Tutor work

Time tracking

The spreadsheet does not get much love (although props to @Zach Hancock (Deactivated) for being regular in filling it out). Do we still want/need it?

We’ll keep using it for now, as people figure out ways to track their own time hopefully it will be more useful




Becca - try to use Tutor and see what issues there are, working with Kyle

Zach - same ^

Connor - get started for real on the tutor plugin (capacity pending)





 Action items

@Rebecca Graber (Deactivated) Create Dockerfile best practices Page
@Rebecca Graber (Deactivated) Split the doc into 2 as outlined in the notes
@Rebecca Graber (Deactivated) to fill out the proposal section with the decision mentioned below


  • DevEnv people who are not @John Nagro (Deactivated) should spend time on Tutor and not cloud-based devstack unless they are absolutely blocked on/out of Tutor work

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