2022-02-08 DevEnv Meeting notes


Feb 8, 2022


  • @Rebecca Graber (Deactivated)

  • @Diana Huang

  • @Jeremy Bowman (Deactivated)

  • @Ned Batchelder (Deactivated)

  • @Kyle McCormick

  • @Mat Carter (Deactivated)

  • @Connor Haugh (Deactivated)

  • @Ben Holt (Deactivated)

  • @Chris Deery (Deactivated)

  • @Zach Hancock

  • @Jansen Kantor


  • Establish a working cadence for the DevEnv group

  • Begin outlining the specific tasks for upcoming work

 Discussion topics









  • Introductions

  • Why are we here?


Where will we keep tasks?

  • Jira board vs GH issues

    • GH Issues

  • Which org?

    • edx vs openedx

    • Will it matter where we do work around enterprise repos?

    • we can create private Jira tickets if necessary

  • Tutor is not under openedx governance

  • We don’t want to conflate the TCRIL work with our work

  • Suggestion: new open repo in the edx org


How will our priorities be determined?


How will work be assigned?

  • How will work flow between TCRIL and us?

  • How will work be distributed within the WG? On call rotation? Adhoc?

  • What should our meeting cadence be?


First tasks


Actual first tasks

  • determine and document limits of devstack on M1s



At some point need to make a deliberate decision on how much to involve the community and when

 Action items

@Diana Huang to create new open repository under the edX org
@Ben Holt (Deactivated) and @Connor Haugh (Deactivated) to compile a list of issues/concerns with devstack on M1s in whatever format they see fit (tickets to be put on our board, PRs for updated documentation, confluence, etc)
Everyone else to try Tutor and take notes about what they can and cannot do
@Rebecca Graber (Deactivated) to schedule the next meeting



  1. We will use GitHub issues to keep track of our tasks
  2. We will create a new public repo in the edx GitHub org to hold our issues
  3. The project board will be org-level, to allow linking to issues in other repos later
  4. Employees who wish to bring issues about development environment work will file a ticket on a issue specifically meant to be triaged, and from there the WG will decide whether to punt the ticket to a squad, work on it ourselves, or follow the Tutor process for errors in Tutor core