Pilot Phase 2

Pilot Phase 2

Process Notes

In our retrospective we identified a couple of areas where we thought we could improve.  For this phase we’ll focus on creating batches of work, keeping them small, and having more frequent, but short touch points, to hold each other accountable and get unblocked.

Practical changes:

  • We will create a maintainers board to track work and create sprints with specific deliverables and milestones

  • We will have a short Maintainer Scrum of Scrums stand up every-other-week.

  • We will have office hours to bootstrap new maintainers who are being on-boarded.

  • A number of pilot repositories were unable to complete any of the phase 1 work. These repos have been dropped from the next maintainership pilot and will need to be revisited in the long term.

Expected Input

Expected Outcomes

  • Expanded set of maintained repos

  • Tooling and process improvements

  • Expand and clarify what we are asking maintainers to do with a focus on responding to pull requests, issues, and outreach in a timely manner.

    • Sarina Canelake has created a document as a “stake in the ground” that proposes rough SLAs for maintainers.  That document proposes, among other things, that

      • PRs must be triaged within a week

      • Author updates to PRs should be responded to within a week

      • Security fixes should be applied weekly


Phase 2 runs from 2023-Feb-09 to 2023-Apr-27.

Pilot Repos

