Interactive components MVP (Matching Game, Flash Cards)

Interactive components MVP (Matching Game, Flash Cards)

This project is focused on building an interactive x block with flashcards and a matching game. Here is a four minute video of what that will look like with mocks and voiceover. Flashcards and matching game provide new types of content that have proven pedagogical and market value

  • Quizlet (flashcards) has over 60 million monthly users. Quizlet does not publicly disclose the exact number of Quizlet Plus users specifically, though. Quizlet's user base consists of a broad range of students, but a significant portion of its users are college students. Approximately 50% of Quizlet's users are in high school, while around 40% are college students.

  • Duolingo (matching game) has around 103.6 million monthly active users. As of June 2024, Duolingo has 5.4 million paid subscribers. These paying users subscribe to Duolingo Plus, which offers features like no ads, offline access, and additional learning tools​.

  • Flashcards do improve ability to recall information, especially if done with spaced repetition. Requiring students to additionally write the answer in their own words and/or provide an example of the term/definition has shown to make a statistically significant difference Reinventing Flashcards to Increase Student Learning - Sawa Senzaki, Jana Hackathorn, Drew C. Appleby, Regan A. R. Gurung, 2017

  • Flashcards and matching game moves us significantly closer to have the most comprehensive list of highly valued problem types of any platform.

  • AI based flashcards provide an interesting enhancement that we have UX mocks for



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