Call for Conduct Committee Members (Summer 2023)

Call for Conduct Committee Members (Summer 2023)

The team at Axim Collaborative has decided to reformulate the Code of Conduct Committee to include more viewpoints from active members in the community, in hopes that the Committee feels relevant to and engaged with the community. This group will be comprised of:


  • One member from Axim Collaborative;

  • One member from 2U;

  • One member from each organization with more than 5 Core Contributors in the past year.

    • Currently, this scope includes OpenCraft, eduNEXT, and Raccoon Gang.


Each member would serve a 1-year term running on a calendar year, except the initial slate will run through the end of 2024. Organizations will be invited to name their representative to the committee. The representative does not need to be a Core Contributor or even work closely with the Open edX software, but may not serve on any other governing board for the Open edX project (such as the TOC). 


Tasks: The Committee will be initially tasked with producing policies that don’t currently exist. Following the model from Mozilla, these policies include how to triage reports, how to respond to reports, and what consequences to apply. We will adapt the Mozilla model to our needs, which may include simplifying it. Once the policies are defined, we will socialize them to the community. After these policies are in place, the Committee will be available to respond to incident reports. 


Commitment: Committee members should expect to write the new policies - and potentially update our existing Code of Conduct - for the first three months, with one hour per month of synchronous meeting and 2-4 hours per month of asynchronous document writing and review.


Currently the rate of incidents is around one per year, so we do not expect Committee members will be spending more than a handful of hours in a given year responding to incidents. This may change as our community grows.