Onboarding Checklist [Irtaza Akram]

Onboarding Checklist [Irtaza Akram]


Create a copy of this page and include your name in the title i.e. Onboarding Checklist [Zaeema Anwar]. Read all points carefully and check the boxes once you complete the task. Don’t forget to save each time you update the list.

Platforms to Join

Join public Slack channels to ask questions and get insights. Some recommended channels are: #ask-2U, #ask-axim, #dev, #cc-edx-platform, #wg-build-test-release.
Get added to the aximprovements group on GitHub. (You don’t need to do anything yourself. Just make sure you’re added to the group. Contact @Feanil Patel if you’re not.) 
Bookmark the Aximprovements Team Project link in your browser.
Get your Github CLA(Contributor License Agreement) approved.
Get your Axim email invite and enable 2FA.
Join Open edX Community wiki and add your details on the team page Aximprovements Engineering Team.

Get meeting invitations:

Aximprovements team daily sync-up meeting
Weekly sync-up meeting with @Feanil Patel

Contact @Farhan Khan for the invitations

Set up the development environment

Use Tutor Nightly documentation to set up the dev environment. 
If you want to make the changes in the repository for example edx-platform follow the Open edX development — Tutor documentation. You need to clone the repository first locally.
Ignite your dev server 🚀 unleash your talent 🌟 and set out to create marvels in the Open edX community!"

Documents to go through

Other Reading Material

Open edX Project Catalog

Open edX Project Catalog

Open edX Project Catalog

Open edX Project Catalog

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