Improved Course Enrollment Views / Discovery

Improved Course Enrollment Views / Discovery

Please include:

  • Overview: 1-2 sentences that describe the project

  • Problem: 1-2 sentences that describe the primary user problem, challenge or barrier

  • Use cases: As a [course author author/instructor/learner], I need to be able to [do something] because/in order to [achieve a specific outcome].

  • Discovery approach: What questions would you ask to explore solutions to this problem?



Contributing Team

@Marco Morales , @Sam Daitzman

Earlier Discovery

Project - Improved Mobile Discovery (FC-28a)

Linked Initiatives

[Mobile] Improved Mobile Discovery


This is a proposal to improve the Open edX platforms basic course enrollment views and how these are authored in Studio. This would allow for improved mobile discovery and general improvements to enrollment and discovery, views which have been largely unchanged in the platform since its earliest days.


This is a proposal to improve the Open edX platforms basic course enrollment views and how these are authored in Studio. This would allow for improved mobile discovery and general improvements to enrollment and discovery, views which have been largely unchanged in the platform since its earliest days.

This document was created using the OE Roadmap Submission item template , but it likely will benefit from being represented in the roadmap as a series of smaller efforts to make it easier to provide visibility on whatever fraction of this set of initiatives moves forward.


We would like to modernize course enrollment pages and enrollment page authoring on the Open edX platform, as doing so would enable:

  • mobile friendly enrollment pages with richer categorization (subjects / topic),

  • the removal of raw HTML authoring for enrollment pages,

  • future mobile optimization for improved performance of these pages.

Context & Background

  • The base enrollment page authoring views have changed little on the Open edX Platform since its early days. Authoring in Studio is largely a single HTML editing text block hiding in the Schedule & Details page within Studio.

  • Most Open edX instances with the budget revamp / change their discovery engine and enrollment pages to something more sophisticated but we can do better, even without the need for a full discovery / catalog service adopted by 80%+ of the community.

  • We can improve the base template for enrollment pages to support improved performance, mobile discovery, and improve the authoring tools used to generate these pages within Studio.

  • Recent updates like the course authoring MFE, Paragon, and system level tagonomies / tagging makes improved course enrollment page now possible in a much smaller scoped effort than before.

  • This work should help unblock expanded mobile access, and eventually improved mobile discovery APIs to support native (and improved webview) mobile discovery, including fully offline discovery for smaller sized catalog instances of the platform.

Scope & Approach

The team at Schema Education has only just started scope and approach discovery review, and we are interested in collaborating with the community on next steps for this project, including potential sequencing & funding paths.

Value & Impact

  • We hope to dramatically improve the out of the box rendering and mobile friendliness of our enrollment pages for the platform.

  • We hope to add to the course authoring MFE improved authoring tools for enrollment pages and more structured data for instructors, subjects, topics, and more.

  • We hope to make it much easier for platform adopters to customize these page fields to help reduce the cost of enrollment page customization and extension.

Milestones and / or Epics

Any relevant background information about the Initiative. What key pieces of information are important for newcomers to understand about the nature of the problem or pain point, the current user experience, etc. Please use the following format:

Milestone 1: [Title]

  • [1-2 sentence abstract. Include key user stories if appropriate]

  • [Impact metric]

  • [Link to Epic where it may exist in GH, jira, etc]

Initiative 1: Course Enrollment Page Authoring

  • Updated experience for basic platform authoring of course enrollment pages to support improved metadata and the new MFE development patterns of the platform.

  • This would move the course enrollment page content of the Schedule & Details page to its own Course Enrollment page, built into the course authoring MFE. Additional metadata fields to be added to build richer enrollment pages.

  • Defined APIs for this work will help unblock future mobile web + native discovery improvements.

  • Improvements / expansion of the fields used to generate enrollment pages such as: Subject, Topic, Instructor, Pacing, Duration, etc can be extended or added over time. This basis should also support much quicker extension by having core enrollment metadata placed close to courses (or within courses directly?)



Some details about metadata for these enrollment pages has been added here from our earlier (linked) mobile discovery project page:

Section 1 - Basic Course Details