

Sample data table

LocationEffort to convert into PLForm LayoutAlignmentLabel locationTooltipsPlaceholder textValidationLocation of validationAdvance input fieldsSemantic HTMLLinksAction buttonsSubmitScreenshots

Edx help center


inlinecenterNo labelnoYesno validationnone
No. No label associated with input field

no hover, no activegoes to result page

edX support request https://support.edx.org/hc/en-us/requests
stackleftabovenonenoneinlinebelowfile uploadyesnograys out on submitgoes back to help desk page with a small blue success message
Financial aid form https://courses.edx.org/financial-assistance/apply/
Stackleftabovenonenonesummarytopnoneno, field instructions shouldn't be inside a <span>nograys out on submitsuccess message with link to dashboard
Donatemight be really hardstack and inlinecenterabove, dynamic.no tooltipsyesinline with dynamic iconsicon on rightall with transitions on labelsmaybenograys out?
Contact ussmallstack two columnsleftleftnonosummarytopnoneyesnono hover, no activegoes to a success page