Studio Home - Problem Statements
We propose narrowing the scope of the MVP to focus on the problems/user pain points associated with the function of viewing and accessing all current and past courses and course re-runs.
High-level summary of problem statements:
The navigation and search experience through a list of courses and course runs is clunky at best and non-existent at worst
The course cards don’t give the right information or enough information to help Studio users navigate/manage their courses, libraries and re-runs
Functional changes/enhancements:
Better navigation
Through course list (pagination? sort and filter? search and filter?)
Through organization dropdown
Keyword search
Data on course card
Publish/Not published
List of authors who have permission to edit
Timestamp of last edited (include in early design sprints but possibly out of scope for MVP)
Who last edited (include in early design sprints but possibly out of scope for MVP)
What was last changed (include in early design sprints but possibly out of scope for MVP)
User Stories:
As a Studio user who is a staff member on many courses or libraries (sometimes dozens or more), I need to be able to sift through a long list of courses without endless scrolling so I can quickly find which course or library I am looking for. (pagination? sort and filter? search and filter?)
As a Studio user who manages courses with re-runs, I need a better way to keep track of long lists of course re-runs and to see the relationship between the original course and the re-run course. (Currently when a re-run is created, it’s just a duplicate of the original course and it gets dumped randomly into the laundry list of courses and course re-runs.)
As a Studio user who manages many courses and course runs, I want to search for course keywords as another way of navigating through my long list of courses.
As a Studio user, I need to see the current status of my courses and re-runs (published vs unpublished) in my course listings view so that I can keep track of current state and progress of my courses.
As a Studio user, I want to see a timestamp of when a course or re-run was last edited. I also want to see the list of authors on the course, who created the course and who last edited it, and what was changed, so that I can keep track of the current state and progress of my courses.
As a Studio user on a multi-tenant site, I need more options for searching the organization drop-down without needing to enter the exact name of the organization, because I may not know the exact name of the organization.
UX Considerations for Future Growth
Studio Home needs to support access to a future Admin Portal, where RBAC among other things would be managed
Studio Home needs to support access to a future Taxonomy Management System
Possible: Studio Home needs to support better access to Publisher for those who use it