Studio Home - Problem Statements

Studio Home - Problem Statements


We propose narrowing the scope of the MVP to focus on the problems/user pain points associated with the function of viewing and accessing all current and past courses and course re-runs.


High-level summary of problem statements:

  • The navigation and search experience through a list of courses and course runs is clunky at best and non-existent at worst

  • The course cards don’t give the right information or enough information to help Studio users navigate/manage their courses, libraries and re-runs


Functional changes/enhancements:

  • Better navigation

    • Through course list (pagination? sort and filter? search and filter?)

    • Through organization dropdown

    • Keyword search

  • Data on course card

    • Publish/Not published

    • List of authors who have permission to edit

    • Timestamp of last edited (include in early design sprints but possibly out of scope for MVP)

    • Who last edited (include in early design sprints but possibly out of scope for MVP)

    • What was last changed (include in early design sprints but possibly out of scope for MVP)


User Stories:

As a Studio user who is a staff member on many courses or libraries (sometimes dozens or more), I need to be able to sift through a long list of courses without endless scrolling so I can quickly find which course or library I am looking for. (pagination? sort and filter? search and filter?)

As a Studio user who manages courses with re-runs, I need a better way to keep track of long lists of course re-runs and to see the relationship between the original course and the re-run course. (Currently when a re-run is created, it’s just a duplicate of the original course and it gets dumped randomly into the laundry list of courses and course re-runs.)

As a Studio user who manages many courses and course runs, I want to search for course keywords as another way of navigating through my long list of courses.

As a Studio user, I need to see the current status of my courses and re-runs (published vs unpublished) in my course listings view so that I can keep track of current state and progress of my courses. 

As a Studio user, I want to see a timestamp of when a course or re-run was last edited. I also want to see the list of authors on the course, who created the course and who last edited it, and what was changed, so that I can keep track of the current state and progress of my courses.

As a Studio user on a multi-tenant site, I need more options for searching the organization drop-down without needing to enter the exact name of the organization, because I may not know the exact name of the organization.


UX Considerations for Future Growth

  • Studio Home needs to support access to a future Admin Portal, where RBAC among other things would be managed

  • Studio Home needs to support access to a future Taxonomy Management System

  • Possible: Studio Home needs to support better access to Publisher for those who use it

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