Quick Wins Discovery: Mobile Improvements

Quick Wins Discovery: Mobile Improvements

Recently the edX Mobile team completed a feature gap analysis between the existing edX mobile applications and the new Raccoon Gang-built open edx mobile apps.

We (@Volodymyr Chekyrta , @Marco Morales , AndyP) have compared this document to the existing feature gap list (with RG’s approximate development t-shirt sizing) to help arrive at a single list of feature gap areas.

Note - These sizes were quickly calculated without full requirements or mockups but are still helpful as a relative sizing exercise.

Categories / groupings via @Volodymyr Chekyrta

S - small feature (8 - 24 mobile dev hours per platform)
M - medium feature (24 - 40 mobile dev hours per platform)
L - large feature (40-80 mobile dev hours per platform)
XL - x large feature (80-160 mobile dev hours per platform)
XXL - we don’t know how to do it / impossible to estimate

We are interested in taking some or all of the smaller development updates and bundling them into 1 quick wins project.

Green rows are app updates we think are candidates a quick wins development effort in the new open edx mobile apps. 13/38 entries (34%)

App Update Messaging
1 - What’s new screen (After Login Experience)
2 - App update version (Main Dashboard)

Video Experience Improvements

  • Bulk videos download feature (Course Dashboard > Videos Tab)

  • Transcript navigation (Course Dashboard > Video’s Screen)

  • Screen Casting (enable by default)

  • Download Video (File size)

  • Video Quality Setting, user preferences and supporting adaptive streaming (HLS Videos)

Additional Quick Wins

  • In app review system (Course Dashboard > Video completed)

  • Landscape support (Full App)

  • Component completion Checkmarks (Course Dashboard)

  • Accessibility - Talkback / Voiceover support

  • View Discussion Profile

  • Ensuring that analytics events match the existing application


Rows in Red are gaps that we believe will be covered by other non-quick win projects that are complex enough to merit their own projects, requirements, etc. These are likely all Medium sized or larger. 12/28 entries (31%)

Rows in Yellow are projects that we believe are already supported by the new mobile app but were called out as feature gaps by the edX mobile team, these merit follow-up and review to confirm alignment / testing of these matches expectations. 11/38 (29%)

Feature Category




RG Approx. Development Size
(Without Product Requirements)

Working Group Comments

Login experience

Improved Discovery Project - Pre Registration/Login Discovery Experience (Before Login Experience)


Unlogged in users can still enter the discovery module and explore the catalog


While previously discussed this wasn’t in our feature gap list, added now!

Social logins (Login Experience)


Ability to login from social accounts such as FB, Outlook, Google, & Apple

Small - per provider

May require additional discovery so TBD on if it can be in the Quick Wins effort.

Learning Experience - Main Dashboard

What’s new screen (After Login Experience)


User onboarding pop-up for new features added in a release

Users see up to X of the most recent ‘what’s new' screens at a time if they haven’t opened the app in multiple version upgrades.

Need to document public process for mobile app versions to help with tracking what’s new messaging.

Quick Wins Included

@Volodymyr Chekyrta - sizing needed next / decision on inclusion

Programs Support (Main Dashboard )


Very specific feature tailored for edX. This might not be a requirement for any other LMS

XXL - Native support
(Web view support sizing TBD)

We might want to consider a smaller sized effort to add web views for Programs using existing edx-platform views prior to fully building the native variant of this.

App update version (Main Dashboard)


Ability to show the "update the app" banner if the user is using an old version of the app

In configuration one app is marked current, some are marked deprecated. When deprecated the upgrade message warns of broken functionality more directly.

Quick Wins Included

@Volodymyr Chekyrta - sizing needed next / decision on inclusion

Profile Live picture (Accounts/Profile)


Ability to set user profile picture in app


This is currently possible in the RG application, sync with edX team on missing requirements / testing gap?

Learning Experience - Course Dashboard

Component completion Checkmarks (Course Dashboard)


Automatic marking of completed components of a course on the course dashboard

Quick Wins Included
Size S/M

This is currently possible in the RG application, automatic refreshing of visual indicator can be done.

Course Certificate (Course Dashboard)


Ability to view earned course certificate


This is currently possible in the RG application, sync with edX team on missing requirements / testing gap?

Deep Linking Project - Share Course Button (Course Dashboard)

Should Have

Ability to share a course


This work to be added after Deep linking is built into the app.

Resume Course (Course Dashboard)

Should Have

Resume course button that allows the user to continue studying where they left off in the app


This is currently possible in the RG application, sync with edX team on missing requirements / testing gap?

Resume Button synced between web & mobile apps (Course Dashboard)

Should Have

Syncing of the users learning progress with the web and mobile so that a cross platform user can continue from they left off from any platform


Worth syncing on here, API that references which unit page to resume course at may be wrong (from RG analysis)

Bulk videos download feature (Corse Dashboard > Videos Tab)


Ability to download course videos in bulk onto the device for offline viewing

Quick Wins Included

Most of the functionality already implemented

Dates Project Navigate to Dates screen (Course Dashboard > Dates Tab)


So that the user don't miss any assesment by seeing the schedule


Ideally bundle with Calendar integration / Native Course Dates page

Dates Project Navigations from calendar items to unit navigation directly (Course Dashboard > Dates Tab)


Ability to load the specific component by just tapping on any assessment link in dates screen


Ideally bundle with Calendar integration / Native Course Dates page

Dates Project Calendar integration (Course Dashboard > Dates Tab)


The ability to integrate important course dates to a personal calendar i.e. Google Calendar

Small to Medium ?

Resize based on requirements

HTML support in Discussion posts (Discussion Tab: Course Dashboard)

Should Have

Helps load HTML content within discussion posts


This is currently possible in the RG application, sync with edX team on missing requirements / testing gap?

Learning Experience - Unit Navigation

Transcript navigation (Course Dashboard > Video’s Screen)

Should Have

Tapping on transcripts sentences automatically seeks the video that part

Quick Wins Included


Closed Captions (Course Dashboard > Video’s Screen)

Should Have

Ability to change the subtitles of the video if available


This is currently possible in the RG application, sync with edX team on missing requirements / testing gap?

In app review system (Course Dashboard > Video completed)


A pop-up feedback message to rate the quality of the video

Quick Wins Included


Celebratory modal (Unit navigation)


A modal that is shown on completion of the first section of the course to motivate the user to continue learning


This is currently possible in the RG application, sync with edX team on missing requirements / testing gap?

Improved Unit navigation

Should Have

From course dashboard to components → 3 screens on RG app vs 2 screens edX app (Unit Navigation)


This is currently possible in the RG application, sync with edX team on missing requirements / testing gap?

Improved Navigation Updates Enhanced Unit Viewing Experience with In-App Full Web View

Should Have

Within app full web view experience of full unit if it doesn’t have full support on our main component screen (Unit Navigation)


Would be helpful to connect with edX team on the requirements here.


Push notifications (Internal Working)


Ability to send a variety of push notifications to users

Small to Medium

Resize based on requirements

(Firebase messages only? more?)

Dates Project Deep links (Internal Working)

Should Have

Ability to take the user to the specific component by tapping on the link provided in the Calendar as a deeplink

Small to Medium

Resize based on requirements

Landscape support (Full App)

Should Have

Ability of the app to be used in landscape mode

Quick Wins Included

This was specifically disabled in phone sizing, enabled on tablets. Can enable all screen rotation with incremental effort.

Screen Casting


Casting Support to bigger screens like a TV (Chrome Cast)

Done - Small

This is currently possible in the RG application, sync with edX team on missing requirements / testing gap?

Not enabled by default so might have not been seen in testing?


Should Have

(11 Languages including RTL (Right to Left) languages like Arabic & Hebrew)

Medium - initial infrastructure

Small - per language addition


Accessibility (a11y) support

Should Have

TalkBack on Android & VoiceOver on iOS

Quick Wins Included

Resize based on requirements

Additional Gaps from Mobile Working Group

Display Download Video File size and provide large file warnings - S - Quick Wins Included


View Discussion Profile - S - Quick Wins Included

Note - edX app behavior links to platform profile, new discussions MFE allows for discussion activity profile. We can build both here, screen necessary.


Ensuring that analytics events match the existing application - S/M - Quick Wins Included


Video Quality Setting, user preferences and supporting adaptive streaming (HLS Videos) - S/M - Quick Wins Included


Dates Project Adjust Personalized Schedule - S (Added to Dates / Calendar Project)


Improved Discovery Project- Discovery Search Filtering, Discovery Subject Browsing - S/M (depends on design)

We have this called out as a separate project elsewhere and is probably a medium/large.


Prerequisite Courses / Sections


Build Automation (Tutor plugin or something) - XXL


Discussion Cohorts - ? need small tech discovery


Time Gated Course Access - ? need small tech discovery


E-Commerce - XXL


Other Features (Not Gaps, but Client Requests)

Proctor exams - XXL

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