2022-04-06 DevEnv Meeting notes


Apr 6, 2022


  • @Rebecca Graber (Deactivated)

  • @John Nagro (Deactivated)

  • @Connor Haugh (Deactivated)

  • @Jeremy Bowman (Deactivated)

  • @Zach Hancock

  • @Ben Holt (Deactivated)

  • @Diana Huang


  • Retro! Evaluate our progress and consider ways to improve the group processes.

What should we keep doing?

What should we start doing?

What should we stop doing?

What should we keep doing?

What should we start doing?

What should we stop doing?

Understanding the gaps in tutor itself

Identifying things that make our dev environments difficult to work with in general (across devstack/Tutor/etc.)

Thinking about a cloud-based dev environment (yet) (But when we do pick this up, it could lower the barrier to entry)

Understanding the gaps in tutor support

-What exactly do we need to do/build in order to make it work for us?

Keeping track of people’s capacity over the weeks? +1


Finding reasoning for a move to tutor// weighing its benefits as we learn more about it. And documenting them.

Plan beyond Regis - right now he’s pretty important/central/hard-to-replace


being incremental with our goals



Fleshing out specific norms/practices for how we work with Overhang.io, TCRIL, openedx community, + rest of 2U

Setting some rough expectations/timeline on when we expect to hit milestones


Getting as many folks within the WG as possible working with/on Tutor

Remembering to document the practices we already came up with ><


Further discussion