Open edX 2016 Presentations

Open edX 2016 Presentations

Note: follow the patterns here: 2015 Open edX Presentations

Talks and Keynotes


SESTopicPresentersSlides and other materialsYouTube

Jennifer Widom

Anant Agarwal

0Keynote: Building A Community ExoskeletonJono Bacon

0State of Open edX

1Open edX 101: A Source Code Reviewhttps://regisb.github.io/openedx-conference-2016/

1Supporting Peer Engagement Utilizing the Peer Instruction Xblockhttps://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1aUQ3V032o1_FghlqlezuTSHzSPGDAPOfpg-BxF_6yD0

1Extending the Open edX Platform for Informal LearningDaniel McKelveyhttps://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Asl0K99WltCR5KrBH75iYvTBVxDxtBtGr7ALegJbDP8/edit#slide=id.p4

2Increasing Content Reuse and User Engagement Across Open edXJane Parkwww.slideshare.net/janeatcc/increasing-content-reuse-and-user-engagement-on-open-edx

2AppliedX: Lessons Learnt and Discussions for the Future of Open edX in the Enterprise

Aneesh Nainani

John O'Shea

Chinmay Nivargi

Eyal Shelly

2Dogfood Development: Open edX For Developers By DevelopersSteven Burch

3Lean MOOC Production: the Universitat Politècnica de València Streamlined MOOC Production ProcessIgnacio Despujol

Minute 55:10

3Remedial Courses: From the Khan Academy Platform to Open edXCarlos Delgados Kloos

3Lightning Talk: Building a best of breed learning stack with Open edXDoug Foster (Unlicensed)
3Lightning talk: Content LibrariesEugeny KolpakovSlides
4Interoperability: Getting Open edX to Play Nicely with OthersSlideShare

SCORM XBlock: Getting SCORM content into Open edXSlideShare

4Pedagogical Problems and Innovative Solutions from Stanford OnlineKenny Ligda and Grace Lyo

4Demystifying the Open edX Architecture: Understanding the Components Behind the MagicSar Haidar and Wael Ghandourhttps://speakerdeck.com/bitsavant/demystifying-the-open-edx-architecture

4Lightning Talk: Measuring Effectiveness of SPOCs in the Enterprisehttps://drive.google.com/open?id=0BySRZp7Zya2_Wm1lQWd6V3dNaFpMandCNDZDdmZMeXFXSWJB

5Going Deep with edX Insights on TokyotechX's Introduction to Deep Earth Science Part I Sara A. Metwalli, Hideki Mori, Jeffrey S. Cross https://www.dropbox.com/s/cpjxb7mrxpa0dzf/openedX2016_0704tokyotech.pdf?dl=0

5Lightning Talk

Technological Education with EducateWorkforce: Utilizing the Open edX platform for course content delivery, editing, and tracking
5Hybrid Lecture Systems using Open EdX - Curricu.meJohn Swopehttps://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/38501835/Curricu.me%20Hybrid%20Lecture.pdf


Educating 1 Million Data Scientists with Open edX

Luiz Aoquihttps://ibm.box.com/s/rujzyx3n45xtw7fu6xp35xbxs4xilm24


SESTopicPresentersSlides and other materialsYouTube
0Keynote: What in the World is Happening to Higher Education?Mitchell L. Stevens

1Lightning TalkAdaptive Hint

1Extending Access through APIs

1Life as a New Open edX Contributorhttp://arbrandes.github.io/openedx2016/

Starts around 01:13:05.

1Lightning TalkJill Vogel Developing Portable Course Content

2Open edX for Corporate Learning PanelSlideShare

2Continuous Deployment of Open edX Instances with OpenStack


Lightning Talk

FLOW CONTROL: A multi Unit Conditional XBlock

3Open edX Deployment Panel

3Developing UQx Teaching and Learning Tools & Activities: A Story of UQxAnkith Konda (Unlicensed)https://github.com/ankithkonda/open_edx_presentation

3Implementing Open edX for Developing CountriesDean Jay Matthew

4Using and Extending edX eCommerce

4Building Scalable Tools for Open edX Learning AnalyticsLauren Milechin

4DIY Course Authoring: Best Practices and Tips for Small Content Creation Teams

5Extracting actionable insights

from Open edX data


5Ok, Elasticsearch, where's my coursewareSlides

5Spark: Blended, Project Based MOOCs

Tutorials, workshops, etc.

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