Documentation Organization Discussion
Documentation Organization Discussion
The following are prompts for discussion. They are not final decisions.
Documentation Goals:
- Easy to search (Google? Confluence?)
- Easy to find developer docs from code.
- Easy to understand and answers questions.
- Easy to write a new doc and know where it goes.
- Easy to comment on or ask questions about?
Documentation home page(s):
- http://docs.edx.org/ (Mix of User and Developer guides, Global and edX platform specific)
- Developer Documentation (new wiki homepage by Andy Armstrong (Deactivated))
- Open edX Developer Documentation (Docs team wiki homepage)
- Can we have a single top-level resource to point to?
Repository docs:
- README should clearly point to relevant developer docs and/or the global developer doc home page.
- API Docs
- docs directory
Documentation dimensions:
- Audience: Operator vs Developer vs User (Learner and Educator)
- Operator and Developer guide dependent on the code.
- Global vs Feature vs Repo
Additional Questions:
- Differences between needs of small IDA vs edx-platform?
- edx-platform:
- What goes in the repo vs wiki vs readthedocs developer guide?
- Can and should docs grow up from Confluence to RST?
- Proposal that docs could start in Confluence, but should move to the repo when they are more "official".
- edx-platform repo docs are a mess:
- Global README and docs/README just point to read the docs
- docs contains ini for help links
- docs contain lots of old links and docs that probably would never be found.
- Imports are breaking ability to publish docstrings using sphinx
- OEP vs L'OEP (lightweight local OEP) or ADR (Architectural Decision Record, or OEP with minimal sections)
- It was decided that this was not the highest priority.
Read the Docs accounts management
Communication channels
- Google Docs should not be used for external communications
- GitHub wikis should not be used.