edX Themes Directory

edX Themes Directory

edX Bootstrap ThemeDadaso Zanzane


edx-bootstrap-theme for open edX dogwood release (comprehensive theming)

Theme Marvel Raccoon Gang IN PROGRESSThe unique character of the Marvel theme for Open edX platform is in its wide-screen representation of the courses on the main page. It gives you an opportunity to arrange course information in the best way: bright, vivid images and comprehensive description. Although the Marvel theme has nothing to do with the superheroes it has a superpower to make your platform more attractiveAGPLv3
Theme Marvel: blueRaccoon GangIN PROGRESSThis variation of the Marvel theme for Open edX platform is a bit more contrast because of the deep dark background and bright blue menu. And this makes it look totally different.AGPLv3
Theme Marvel: yellowRaccoon GangIN PROGRESSPowerful variation of the Marvel theme for Open edX platform. Yellow color emphasizes the nature of the theme which makes it look fresh and sleekAGPLv3