MFE Definition of Done
MFE Definition of Done
Superseded by: Requirements for an MFE
Infrastructure & Framework
Also, see How to: Create and Deploy a new Microfrontend inside edXarchived.
Paragon / "Design System"
Reusable components upstreamed to Paragon
Uses frontend runways for common functionality (free with frontend-template-application cookie cutter)
frontend-platform (authentication, analytics, i18n, logging)
frontend-build (webpack config, babel, eslint, jest)
Code maintenance
Auto-merging of dev dependency minor and patch versions
Auto-merging of minor and patch versions of edX dependencies
Observability & Analytics
Error Logging; Alerting & Monitoring
Work with Data Eng to understand how changes in URLs (retiring HTML rendering endpoints, usage of new/existing APIs) may affect analytics data flow.
Segment integration → Snowflake (data warehouse)
Segment integration → Tracking logs
[Optional] Hotjar
Ensure that PII is suppressed with
attributeArchitecture concerns
SOLID Principles: Single Responsibility & Extensions
Boundaries: Clear Bounded Contexts
Asynchronous Client-side Integrations
ADRs: Decision Records
Client usability: discoverable and self-serve
Docs: Swagger sustainable and better integrated
Limits: Pagination, Rate Limiting
Compliance with MFE-related OEPs
OEP-48 Brand Customization (pending)
OEP-23 Style Customization (outdated)
OEP-11 MFE Tech standards (outdated)
Code Linting
Code Coverage
OEP-16 Bootstrap (outdated)
OEP-31 Internationalization (pending)
UX and Accessibility
Accessibility checklist
Components adhere to design system best practices
a11y (Today, this is done manually)
Performance (compare new and old using Speedcurve)
User Acceptance Testing (UX)
Multi-device support (tested using Browserstack)
Unit tests (see OEP-11 for tech choice)
[Optional] Acceptance tests (Cypress is being assessed as a technology)
[Optional] Consumer-based contract tests (looking for a pilot drive of this pattern)
, multiple selections available,
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