Pull Request initiation and review

Pull Request initiation and review

Following are some guidelines for initiating & reviewing a PR to have a common understanding and make the process easy for all the teams involved.

Before posting a PR

  1. Make sure that the implementation is complete and the acceptance criteria on the ticket/issue are completely met

  2. Try to distribute the code changes into atomic commits making it easy for the reviewers to review the changes commit by commit

Posting a PR

  1. Follow the pull request template (if any)

  2. Add a detailed description to the PR including screenshots, videos, config changes required, ticket/issue link

  3. Make sure all the checks pass on the PR (i.e. all test cases pass)

  4. Add relevant reviewers who will review the PR

Reviewing a PR

  1. Checkout the code and run the app to see if the implementation has been done according to the ticket/issue

  2. Review the whole PR and then post a review including your manual testing and code-related feedback

  3. In case there are multiple commits or the PR is big, do mention in the review if the review pass has been done on certain commits or if it's incomplete

When to share PRs between Axinite & TouchApp


  • When Domain Expertise is required for things such as Authentication

  • Configuration / Theming updates

  • Updates that require back-end work

  • Discovery / Search or any other code that is committed to our internal 2U repo


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