Proposed Mobile Roadmap Process (DRAFT)
This document proposes an updated process for informing and maintaining the roadmap for the Open edX Mobile App. We are looking for feedback on all parts of this proposal. In its current form, the mobile roadmap is tracked here: .
Establish a process through which providers and the broader mobile community contribute to the roadmap for the Open edX Mobile app, centering client needs and feedback.
Process Overview
In order to best leverage our provider and contributor communities in defining our mobile roadmap, we propose a process in four stages. The focus of this process proposal is on the creation of a process driven forward by end user feedback and needs. The early stages are on gathering information and synthesizing it into a product vision. The latter parts of the process are built on the Shape Up methodology.
Stage 1: Provider Outreach and Feedback Gathering
In this stage, Schema (with support from Axim) will reach out to as many providers as possible. We hope to gather the following information from providers:
Usage data: what were the key factors in determining whether a client opted for or against adopting the mobile app
Client feature requests
General feedback and observations
Schema will create a survey to capture this information asynchronously. We may consider other feedback channels from providers over time. Feedback gathering efforts will happen quarterly.
Stage 2: UX Testing and Review
In parallel to Stage 1 above, Schema will perform formative and summative UX testing and review of the mobile app. Schema will perform two rounds of UX testing a year. Prior to each testing phase, Schema will propose a process that will prioritize gaining insight on matters generated from various working groups' involvement. Examples of potential methods are: user interviews, persona development, direct user testing, and heuristic analysis.
Stage 3: Feedback Synthesis and Living Vision Document
Annually, Schema will synthesize captured feedback into themes, which will drive the creation of a vision document similar to the Open edX Mobile Product Vision / Direction . The goals within this vision document will be used to prioritize work on the mobile roadmap.
With quarterly provider feedback and insights gathered from bi-annual testing/research, Schema will update the vision document with any necessary changes. In this way, the vision document will be a living document.
Stage 4: Proposal Submissions Process
Providers can write project proposals and upload them to Confluence. Under the proposed process, providers will also create a ticket linking the confluence proposal in the Github Roadmap found here: . During our bimonthly Mobile Product working group meetings, new proposals will be reviewed. Proposal authors will be given feedback including requests for additional information or clarifications.
In addition, proposal authors are encouraged to post proposals in the #mobile-apps Slack channel to generate additional feedback.
The purpose of this proposal process is to encourage proposals to align with the feedback and vision document generated in Stage 3.
Stage 5: Quarterly Direction Setting
Each quarter, Axim, Schema, and other core providers will hold a direction setting meeting. In this meeting, proposals will be reviewed and prioritized. The prioritization of proposals will be driven by the themes and goals outlined in the vision document. The output of this meeting will be reviewed by Axim, and a roadmap for the upcoming quarter will be published to the Open edX community.
Additional Efforts
In addition to the above outlined process, we plan on making changes to the current utilization of GitHub Projects through improved templates/metadata fields. The result of these efforts will lead to better visibility of project status and bug tracking.