2023-10-05 - UX/UI Working Group Meeting

2023-10-05 - UX/UI Working Group Meeting


Oct 5, 2023

 Discussion topics









25 mins

Content Tagging usability testing

@Santiago Suarez

  • An update on the findings so far

25 mins

Open edX mobile application

@Marco Morales

Background Context / Recap:
Open edX has adopted new codebases for its mobile applications. (edX will continue to support the existing mobile codebase for now,) but a series of efforts now exist to build on top of the new open edX mobile apps.

Topic 1: As part of the OEP where we made this new app proposal, @Adam Stankiewicz and @Kyle McCormick articulated thee goal of Paragon/design token support in the new mobile apps ( shown below). Anything \ this group should discuss or ok to handle fully in other WGs?

Topic 2: Design working process input / feedback. To support multiple teams contributing to product / design efforts:

  • Figma Library: Components + All Screens + App Version ID

  • Project Figma Files: Copy of Lib + Remove Screens as needed

    • Completed projects result in new Library version

    • Keep app version ID as reference

Topic 3: Active Projects / Roadmap

  • @Sam Daitzman to share a few recent efforts:

10 mins

Copy/paste a unit

@Ali Hugo

Meeting notes

  • No progress yet on the Content Tagging usability tests as test users have not responded. Jenna will connect Santiago with potential test users via Slack

  • Open edX mobile application:

    • Marco updated the group on the project’s progress, and Sam walked us through the current designs

    • Marco will liaise with the Paragon Working Group about their processes (to make sure mobile components are in alignment with the rest of the design system)

    • There is a need for design contribution processes

      • Central libraries (at MFE level?)

        • The mobile team are exploring the option of using a single Figma file containing the component library, as well as all of the mobile screens. The file can be cloned and extended (collaborating designers must be aware of which version of the library the file uses so that it is easy to update the library to the latest version)

      • We need to determine how to manage files across different organizations (the mobile file is external to the 2U Figma organization)

    • Anyone interested in more frequent updates on the mobile application should join the Mobile Working Group

  • Copy/Pasting units:

    • Ali ran us through a prototype for copy/pasting a unit from within the unit page

    • The response was generally positive. The group seemed to like the idea of using a segmented button for the “new unit / paste unit” functionality

    • The idea is to keep this as MVP-esque as possible for right now, so it's likely the first version will include only the copy button in the sidebar, and the segmented button in the horizontal navigation

    • Once the MVP is up-and-running, we will rely on usage analytics to give us insight into how/if the feature is being used

    • We will probably also conduct qualitative testing with a few superusers

 Action items

  • @Jenna Makowski will create Slack channels connecting @Santiago Suarez to potential test users for the Content Tagging usability tests

  • Community members wanting to keep up to date with the Open edX mobile application should join the Mobile Working Group meetings: Open edX Working Group Calendar

  • @Ali Hugo will share links to the files for copy/pasting a unit so that the group can review

  • @Jenna Makowski and @Brad Brown will discuss roll-out options for copy/pasting a unit (whether to use a feature flag, qualitative testing etc)


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