[DRAFT] UX/UI Guidelines for Open edX Contributions

[DRAFT] UX/UI Guidelines for Open edX Contributions

The UX/UI Working Group is drafting guidelines for a unified UX/UI experience. The goal of these guidelines is to inform those who intend to make a contribution to the Open edX platform that has any UX/UI components.

This document is intended to capture ideas from members of the Working Group that we can use to inform and create these guidelines.

Areas we need to cover are:

  • Clearly Identify the problem and who suffers from it

  • Propose a solution. If you are not sure on what the solution should look like, you can do some research with low-fidelity prototypes, but for the final presentation to the UI UX WG and usability testing you must have a high fidelity prototype.

  • Validate Product Core alignment (@Jenna Makowski )

  • Share moodboads with inspiration and references of existing products

  • Present problem and the high-fidelity prototype of the solution to the UI UX Working group for a round of feedback, they will check:

    • Requirements for Paragon (@Jonathan Fay )

    • Requirements for accessibility

  • Validate the technical feasibility of build that prototype with technical people

  • Make usability test with final users to be sure that the prototype actualy solve the problem

Once we gather the requirements needed, we can then create a checklist for anyone to use when contributing features with new or changed UX/UI.

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