2024-02-22 - UX/UI Working Group Meeting

2024-02-22 - UX/UI Working Group Meeting


Feb 22, 2024

 Discussion topics









10 mins

Quick updates on current projects


35 mins

Bridging the gap between the Paragon Group and the UX/UI Group

@Michael Leary @Gabriel Weinberg (Deactivated) @Doug Pecht

  • Walkthrough of Paragon

    • Show the doc site and how it works

    • Explain theming

    • Show how to connect open edX library to new files

    • Show the new library

      • Walkthrough of how the doc is laid out

      • Explain padding

      • Show the grid

      • Make changes to foundational elements

    • Design a page with elements

      • Show how the library works within a design

  • Access to our Figma account

    • Let me have emails we need in order to get access to our instance

  • Questions about next steps - conversation to kick off

    • What do these areas look like?

      • Ownership

      • Governance

      • Approval process

      • Decision makers

15 mins

Tutor Indigo Plugin - Call for feedback

@Asma Ahmed


(Punted to the next meeting)

Studio Search - Call for review

@Ali Hugo

Taking the group through the latest designs for the Studio Search and asking for feedback

Meeting notes

  • Otter summary, transcript & audio recording: UX/UI Working Group

  • Mike introduced Paragon, showed the doc site, and explained how it works. He pointed out the two themes (the edX and Open edX theme. The themes will be kept separate to allow for variation. In the future, community members may be able to create their own themes, and see what the Paragon components might look like in their brand colors etc

  • Cassie mentioned that the Open edX theme could do with some modernizing. The group agreed. As there is currently no Figma library for the Open edX theme, Mike suggested that a good first step could be to create a Figma library that matches what’s on the doc site. Once that’s done, we can look at modernizing the library (perhaps even as a joint activity during our meetings - perhaps once a month). We will need to discuss ownership, governance, approval process, and decision makers (amongst other things)

  • Mike offered to give more community members access to the 2U Figma account; Ali will collect the email addresses of everyone who needs access and share them with Mike

  • Brian described some of the benefits of a design system from a development point of view

  • Doug gave a mini Figma workshop, running through the steps of how to use the Paragon library on a file

  • Jenna asked what should happen if one of us has a suggestion for improving an existing component, or for creating a new one. Brian said that that person should get in touch with the Paragon Working Group, explain their idea, and discuss the way forward with them

  • Jenna mentioned that the way libraries work in Figma could be a good source of inspiration for the Content Libraries project

  • Asma did a quick presentation of the designs for the Tutor “Midnight Indigo” theme. She confirmed that the designs meet the contrast ratios required for accessibility

  • Brian explained the level of customization offered by the Card Paragon component

  • We ran out of time for the last item on the agenda, so Ali shared a link to the Studio Search Prototype and asked for feedback on Slack

 Action items

  • @Ali Hugo to collect the email addresses of everyone who needs access to Figma and share them with @Michael Leary

  • @Jenna Makowski to create a new meeting link for the Community Calendar so that we can record through Google Meet. @Ali Hugo to remove Otter from the existing meeting link


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