[FC-0047] - Configure mobile push notifications in edx-platform
1. Create a new Firebase project
All push notifications in Open edX are sent via FCM service to start with it you need to create a new Firebase project in Firebase console https://console.firebase.google.com/
2. Provide service account credentials to initialize an FCM admin application in edx-platform
To configure sending push notifications via FCM from edx-platform, you need to generate private key for FIrebase admin SDK in Project settings > Service accounts section.
After downloading .json key, you should mount it to LMS/CMS containers and specify a path to the mounted file using FIREBASE_CREDENTIALS_PATH
settings variable.
edx-ace/docs/decisions/0002-push-notifications.rst at master · openedx/edx-ace
3. Configure and build mobile applications
Use the supported Open edX mobile applications:
GitHub - openedx/openedx-app-android: The mobile app for Android for the Open EdX Platform.
GitHub - openedx/openedx-app-ios: The mobile app for iOS for the Open EdX Platform.
3.1 Configure oauth2
First you need to configure Oauth applications for each mobile client in edx-platform. You should create separate entries for Android and IOS applications in the Django OAuth Toolkit > Applications.
Fill in the form with the values like depicted in the screenshot:
Specify generated Client ID in mobile config.yaml
openedx-app-android/Documentation/ConfigurationManagement.md at main · openedx/openedx-app-android
openedx-app-ios/Documentation/CONFIGURATION_MANAGEMENT.md at main · openedx/openedx-app-ios
3.2 Provide FCM credentials to the app
Create new apps in Firebase Console for Android and IOS in Project settings > General section.
Download credentials file, google-services.json for Android, or GoogleService-Info.plist for IOS
Copy/paste values from configuration file into config.yaml as shown in example configurations.
openedx-app-android/Documentation/ConfigurationManagement.md at main · openedx/openedx-app-android
openedx-app-ios/Documentation/CONFIGURATION_MANAGEMENT.md at main · openedx/openedx-app-ios
Build applications and you’re ready to go!