Customizing Site Headers Using Frontend "Slots"

Customizing Site Headers Using Frontend "Slots"

Utilizing frontend plugin slots, site operators now have the ability to customize various aspects of an instance’s site header.

A “frontend plugin slot” refers to an area of a web page - comprising one or more visual elements - that can be “swapped out” with other visual elements. For example, one new plugin slot allows you to “swap out” the link that the header logo goes to (or remove it entirely).

Overhead and hassle is minimized using the plugin slot system. Site operators can leverage a plugin slot using a configuration file; the codebase does not need to be copied (“forked”) nor are extensive changes needed. A snippet of code is all that is needed to use a plugin slot. A site operator places that code within a configuration file. Site operators should refer to the src/plugin-slots directory within each MFE’s codebase to view documentation for that MFE’s plugin slot(s).


Header Slot


explain what it can do, with screenshots

Leveraging This Slot

Could add some “advanced” use cases. Should basically though point at the developer docs

This slot can be utilized via code-based configuration. Site operators should consult the <LINK>header plugin slot documentation</LINK> for examples of how to use this slot.

New Slot Template


explain what it can do, with screenshots

Leveraging This Slot

Could add some “advanced” use cases. Should basically though point at the developer docs

This slot can be utilized via code-based configuration. Site operators should consult the <LINK>header plugin slot documentation</LINK> for examples of how to use this slot.

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