RBAC Meeting Notes
Project-level design:
Term definition
Team preference to have approach conversations async
Next steps: Auslasneo to put forth next round of approach proposals within the next 2 days, so everyone can begin discussions/refinement async
Multi-org vs multi-site
Multi-org sites will have specific needs
Wanting to rename roles
Custom roles
Desire to assign/customize roles at org level without having to go to admin
Also need to define custom roles at the platform level
May not need for MVP, but need to model for it
Multi-site sites
Need to understand specific needs (edunext as key stakeholder) but may be easier to design without this as the primary case, and focus instead of developing such that multi-tenancy needs can be built on top of it/extended from it
Next steps: Need to do interviews with edunext (re: multi-site) and set up a few new interviews to understand multi-org (2U, possibly WGU or ASU)
MVP Design: Libraries
Beginning to build understanding of use cases