How to compile js/jsx translations on edx_platform

How to compile js/jsx translations on edx_platform

The js and jsx translations are not automatically compiled when pull_translations job is run

Instructions to compile js/jsx strings

  1. Open Transifex and check that the strings that are not compiled are present on Transifex.
    1. If the strings are not present run the push translations job first.
    2. If the strings are present, make sure those strings are translated and reviewed otherwise those won't be pulled
  2. Run the Jenkins pull_translations job to get the latest strings merged into the repository
  3. Pull the latest changes to your local repository 
  4. Create a new branch and check into that branch
  5. Go to lms-shell in devstack and run paver i18n_dummy
  6. Create a PR for these changes. Once these changes are merged and deployed the js and jsx strings will appear translated 

Related Ticket that addressed this issue :  LEARNER-7045 - Getting issue details... STATUS

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