2020-09-22 Meeting notes

2020-09-22 Meeting notes


  • Share interim brand guidelines for visibility.

  • Create visibility into blue sky UI design work.

Discussion topics










Review Action Items


@Jeff Witt (Deactivated) share examples of good a11y design: [Design System] Explorations


Interim brand design guidelines

@Sree Lenhart (Deactivated)

[To add]


Blue sky design concepts

UI Team

Blue sky designs based on brand visuals.

  • lael: want to make sure disabled button states are very clear

  • ange can we move away from dsiabling buttons

  • ben a lot of the new design is focused on the 3d aspect. sheets lying onn top of each other. how does that design play out with lists like these? gabe's example son the left where each answer is on it’s own elevation feels like brand. worry about interweaving borders being jarring.

  • ange: can we stick to one filled button on the page? an then use a secondary outline elsewhere?

  • sree: let’s stick to logo in elm color

  • ben: worried about red as a primary color for buttons. lael seconds. red can confuse semantic meanings as well.

  • parallelogram: Is the diagonal parallelogram from the doc an active/intentional part of the branding/design? ange: do we have opportunity for more background shapes etc? maybe jus tin headlines or badges? w/o going overboard

  • ben: should we reduce lines/borders and stick to “sheets” of things. jeff +1


Next week

@Adam Butterworth (Deactivated)

Begin Phase 1 design work:


Finalize Design System Principles


Review stakeholder interviews



Design System Principles discussion

(If time allows and Lael is in attendance.)

@Lael Birch (Deactivated) @Adam Butterworth (Deactivated)

Questions regarding the “Work collaboratively” principle.

Creating community

  • How do we foster a sense of collective ownership when one does not currently exist?

  • Ben: We don’t have a standardized training / orientation for frontend developers. If we’re building this system, maybe we should have a shared training. Anyone who starts as a frontend engineer would get this training.

  • Adam: Currently Paragon is difficult to design for/contribute to, and for design, it’s not easy to know how to contribute.

  • Templates for engineering/design tickets

  • Gabe: Office hours could help. It’s more meetings, but it lends support. Design/dev together maybe so people can get input from both sides

  • Ben: I think there should be a push instead of a pull, not just somewhere to go when you need help.

  • Lael: Maybe something on the docs pages

  • Ange: Low-fidelity library, find out if things exist or not

  • Adam: Getting designers/devs on the same page as to what is a component and what isn’t.

  • Adam: Establishing collective ownership and maintenance: Act like an owner, with examples of what that means. Having the explicit example made it clear about how to behave.

  • Provide expectations for how to behave

Action items
