2021-01-12 Meeting notes

2021-01-12 Meeting notes


Jan 12, 2021


  • @Adam Butterworth (Deactivated)

  • @Ben Warzeski (Deactivated)

  • @Bronwyn Hawkins (Deactivated)

  • @Alasdair Swan (Deactivated)

  • @Eugene Kang

  • @Jeff Witt (Deactivated)

  • @Gabriel Weinberg (Deactivated)

  • @Adam Stankiewicz

  • @Ange Romanska (Deactivated)


  • Review / Accept Cards Design

  • Review / Accept Alerts Design

  • Review / Accept Form Fields Design

Discussion topics











@Adam Butterworth (Deactivated)

Paragon Design System

  • Needs interactive card designs (focus states)

  • Connect with Jeff on markup considerations

  • Note that Course Card Images have constraints

  • In docs: Mobile responsive. Add notes about (this is probably not something to keep on mobile, think of alternatives/examples)



@Bronwyn Hawkins (Deactivated)


  • Show in context.

  • Show design for links in alerts?

  • Dismiss: X disagreement. we have a bunch of them. revisit Dismiss vs. X.

  • What does i look like with just dismiss button

  • Page level messages, where do they go? What is their appropriate width? Will work on with Container Components and page layouts

  • ORA extreme danger alerts? “What are the triggers of those errors?” that might help us think whether those should be a variant of this or something new. Ben will follow up. Some consensus that this is a different thing. Team working on ORA is calling this “emphatic alert.“

  • We’ll add a note on that page that we’re sitll discussing the Dismiss button vs X.


Form Fields

@Bronwyn Hawkins (Deactivated)

Design System Workspace

  • Avoid the yellow as error color. Group agrees, no design should put validated forms on dark backgrounds. “Don’t do that”

  • Character count requirements. Useful for title fields etc. Used somewhere in proctoring. Making it accessible is interesting. Matt Hughes did that work, check in with him.

  • Adam connect with Wajeeha on ticketing

    • Paragon board as source of truth. squad board has a ticket that points to Paragon. Paragon core ticket.

    • Separate out the creation of the paragon component from the use of it. explicit about whether the ticket is for building or not

Action items

@Adam Butterworth (Deactivated) follow up with Wajeeha on engineering work for the Form Fields
@Adam Butterworth (Deactivated) coordinate follow up on the Dismiss vs X button question on Alerts
@Adam Butterworth (Deactivated) follow up with @Jeff Witt (Deactivated) on HTML mark up considerations for Cards.
@Adam Butterworth (Deactivated) Add ticket to design interactive states and guides for Cards.


  1. Accept Cards as is. Will revisit interactive states
  2. Accept Alerts, but add note that Dismiss, vs X is still under debate. We will follow up, but not blocking for now
  3. Accept Form fields. Remove design options for validation of fields on dark backgrounds. Instead the rule is “don’t put validated forms on dark backgrounds”

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