[BD-02] LTI v1.3 Consumer XBlock Support

[BD-02] LTI v1.3 Consumer XBlock Support


Blended Project ID


edX Product Lead

@Marco Morales (Deactivated)

edX Technical Primary

@David Joy (Deactivated) (@David St. Germain (Deactivated) as secondary)



Provider Lead

@Giovanni Cimolin da Silva

Calendly Scheduling Link

Slack Channel


Meeting Cadence / Preference

Weekly scheduled check-in

Action Item Tracking

Use Slack first; can also add action items on project status pages or provider status page

Escalation Path

https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/COMM/pages/1529676506 Escalation path outlined here

Relevant Discovery Documents

Discovery doc

Status Update Frequency


Target Completion Date


~Dev Hours Per Sprint Expected


Total Hours Used

100% - 6/29

Blended Project Epic
(Tracks pull requests )


Open edX Jira Epics


Open Action Items

Status Updates

Time Frame

Updates & Actions Needed


Time Frame

Updates & Actions Needed


June 15 - June 29

Work planned for next week:

  • TNL-7280: Merge LTI 1.3 branch into master and add documentation

On TNL-7280, I'll add a CourseWaffleFlag FEATURE flag (as discussed in the meeting) to enable selective development and testing on production, as well as add in more developer documentation and prepare the final branch for merging.

Tasks related to the grades implementation to the LTI improvements epic since we agreed to avoid this middle step of doing the read-only implementation and will focus on a feature-complete delivery.

We've spent ~106.5 h of the 105 hours of development time. 

June 29 - July 13

Work done:

  • We’ve just merged the LTI 1.3 code to master, and now we’re doing a few rounds of QA/testing on edX.org

Work planned for next week:

  • Waiting on feedback from edX team. I’ve allocated some time to fix issues and bugs next sprint if they come up during testing.

We've spent ~116 h of the 105 hours of development time. 

July 13 - July 27

Some deployment bugs were fixed, and the updated block is now tagged and deployed.

Waiting on feedback from edX and better clarity about documentation rework.

We've spent ~126 h of the 105 hours of development time. 


Relevant Jira Stories, Tasks, Bugs

This section will link to all the development stories, tasks, and bugs connected to the single (or multiple) epics used to track the work on the Open edX JIRA site.

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

Relevant Pull Requests linked to Blended Project Epic

This section will link to the edX internal Blended project epic, and contains all Pull Requests related to this Blended Project.

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution


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