2022-12-01 Maintainer Meeting notes


Dec 1, 2022


  • @Edward Zarecor

  • @Zainab Amir (Deactivated)

  • @Felipe Montoya

  • @Sarina Canelake

  • @Kelly Buchanan

  • @Feanil Patel

  • @Ned Batchelder (Deactivated)

  • @Maria Grimaldi

  • @Michelle Philbrick


  • What was accomplished?

    • Kelly

      • Config PR for learner record MFE

      • Need to add context to README for Tutor configuration – Olive status is experimental

    • Zainab

      • Working on edx-ace, but want to transfer to authn as they are more familiar with that repo that edx-ace.

      • They have completed the phase 1 stuff for edx-ace.

    • Ned

      • Reviewed the Arch BOM repos, they haven’t finalized their phase 2 repos

    • Feanil

    • Maria/Felipe

      • Updated the readme

      • Setup python requirements bot

      • Setup GitHub checks, commit lib, etc.

    • Michelle/Tim

      • Getting into rhythm of triaging PRs

  • What’s next?

    • Kelly

      • Working with Aurora to get

      • OSPR to Jira workflow

    • Zainab

      • Will meet with Kelly next week for more context.

    • Ned

      • Need to figure out their team processes

      • Ned is working on the GitHub to Jira bridge.

    • Feanil

      • Working on doc for how to document your repo

    • Maria/Felipe

      • Improving library documentation

      • Reviewing filters developed by 2U staff

    • Michelle


  • Any blockers?

    • Kelly

      • Jira workflow is very manual

      • Their public board isn’t yet helpful to outside folks – need better transparency without tons of manual work

    • Zainab

      • Feels like there is still a communication gap and doesn’t understand what she’s on the hook to do.

    • Ned

      • Still needs some requirements for the bridge, 2U specific details.

    • Michelle

      • Looking forward to more definition of process, soft impediment for now.

 Discussion topics










Project Management

@Edward Zarecor

  • First office hours scheduled for Friday 12/9

  • We will discuss how best to leverage our PR project managers to improve consistency and predictability.


Maintainership changes

@Edward Zarecor

  • tCRIL will be taking over maintainership of XBlock core libraries/utilities from 2U. This includes:

    • openedx/XBlock

    • openedx/xblock-sdk

    • openedx/xblock-util

  • tCRIL will also maintain a hard fork of the FeedbackXBlock at openedx/FeedbackXBlock

    • This is a replacement for the deprecate RateXBlock

    • I’m currently working on getting it conformant.


Maintenance Board

@Feanil Patel

  • Proposal: Track all well defined maintainers work


Phase 2 Asks


  • Potential Asks

    • PRs must be triaged within a week

      • Author updates to PRs should be responded to within a week

      • Feedback

        • Get a clear definition of what triaged means.

        • How will we know that it’s triaged?

          • A label? Some sort of status on a specific board?

          • Label may not be the best option so we’ll have to brainstorm how we can track this.

    • Security fixes should be applied weekly

      • Feedback

        • How do I know which ones are security related PRs?

        • For libraries, do we need to release the library? Yes.

  • Other Notes

 Action items
