[FC-0011] Mobile App Technologies: Kotlin, Swift, and MVC Reviews

[FC-0011] Mobile App Technologies: Kotlin, Swift, and MVC Reviews

Goal Context:

2 Technology: Recommend next steps for technology investment to support accelerated Open edX mobile development speed and increased contributions. This includes:

2a Assessing the benefits and impact of moving to brand new mobile code bases that leverage MVVM architecture patterns, based on a proof of concept effort underway by Raccoon Gang.

TL;DR: Summaries from Research

Mobile App Development (Objective C --> Swift)
Mobile App Development (Java --> Kotlin)
Mobile Architectural Patterns

Key Concepts

  1. Mobile App Development (Objective C --> Swift)

  2. https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OEPM/pages/3684990993

  3. Mobile Architectural Patterns

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