How To Test the Course Embargo Feature

How To Test the Course Embargo Feature

FeatureCourse Embargo

On A Sandbox

Suppose you've made some changes to the course embargo feature and you want to see if it still works. Try these steps:

  1. SSH into the sandbox and connect to the sandbox MySQL DB using the information in lms.auth.json.

  2. Issue this SQL: 

    1. To allow the "staff" user to access the Django admin interface:
      1. update auth_user set is_superuser=1 where username='staff';
    2. To allow the "staff" user to access the embargo models:
      1. insert into auth_user_user_permissions (user_id, permission_id) VALUES (5, 497), (5,498), (5,499),(5,500),(5,501),(5,502),(5,503),(5,504),(5,506),(5,507),(5,508),(5,509),(5,510),(5,511),(5,512),(5,513),(5,514),(5,515),(5,516),(5,517),(5,518);
  3. Login as "staff@example.com" and go to the admin interface here:

  4. Add a course restriction in the admin interface for a course (like the demo course). The course key should be in this format: course-v1:edX+DemoX+Demo_Course

  5. Add a country access rule, picking a random "CountryX" to embargo.
  6. Modify lms.env.json to add the following line in the FEATURES section of the Django settings:
    1. "EMBARGO": true,
  7. Restart the LMS/CMS as your user (*not* edxapp) while SSH-ed into the sandbox:
    1. sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl restart edxapp:*
  8. Login to the LMS as "honor@example.com" and set your country of origin to "CountryX".
  9. Ensure that you cannot access the embargoed course.

On stage.edx.org


The code containing the embargo logic is here:


There are two ways to be denied access to courseware via embargo:

  1. If your account's country of origin is denied via a course's embargo country blacklist.
  2. If your originating IP address is determined to be from a course's embargo country blacklist.

Both checks are made and if either check is true, access is denied to the course. The steps above only trigger check 1).

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