Arch Tea Time: 2020-09-17

Arch Tea Time: 2020-09-17


Please enter your proposed topics for discussion here.
In Lean Coffee Style (link1, link2), we will vote on which topics the group wants to discuss and time-box the discussion to 10 or 15mns → 5mns (if re-voted) → 5mns (if re-voted).

  • How do devstack problems get addressed? Who’s responsible for this?

    • Currently, whoever is impacted and/or the team that owns the service which initial troubleshooting identifies as the cause

      • This doesn’t work super well, we’re hoping decentralized devstack will make it more clear that each team is responsible for maintaining its own dev environment

  • What about pipeline ownership and problems?

    • SRE owns infrastructure (GoCD, Kubernetes, etc.)

    • Architecture owns basic pattern of deployment?

    • Service owners own the pipelines for their own service (but often need to ask for help due to knowledge/experience gaps)

    • Pipelines are in the process of being switched from GoCD to Kubernetes

  • Type hinting: Do we want it? Everywhere or just in APIs? etc?

    • Yes we want it

    • Nobody is actively working on it at the moment

    • Anywhere we add it should start running the type checker to catch problems, and fix them

    • Got into the weeds about testing, where to run tests, can we stop using build-jenkins, etc.

    • Blocked in edx-platform by sys.path hacks - Cale is slowly chipping away at this

    • There’s a risk of specifying types too precisely (when the code is more lenient than the annotated types)

    • How are types better than good code documentation?

      • Automated checks in CI to make sure they stay

  • Q&A with Feanil on Inter-service Eventing

    • Have we decided what to use?

      • We’ve decided to try Pulsar first, but aren’t positive it’ll be the final choice

    • When is it happening?

      • Later this year

      • When we have a use case which has developers available to work on a pilot

  • Preview of decentralized devstack?

Backlog of Questions/Discussions

This section lists a backlog of previous proposed topics that haven’t yet been discussed.

  • React - Discussions Forum - editor input - draft JS

  • Questions about frontend-platform and edx-platform (AJ and David Joy)

  • Branding: How can we keep branded edX Strings separate from the open source code (right now English string values are also edX-branded string values) +3

  • Shopping cart deprecation with Diana

    • lessons learned, knowledge sharing on dead code, etc.


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