Arch Hour: 2020-10-15 (DEPR shopping cart celebration)
Celebrate DEPR of the old shopping cart
Shopping cart deprecation with Diana
lessons learned, knowledge sharing on dead code, etc.
More info on DEPR
Describing the assumptions, the business context, the intention/rationale
ADRs for intentions/rationale, but can also include business context via links to any private docs, if needed.
What’s next for DEPR WG?
notifier, which has already been turned off for 6 months.
xserver, which is also no longer used prevalently.
Don’t use IDA patterns, so removes technical maintenance.
Backlog of Questions/Discussions
This section lists a backlog of previous proposed topics that haven’t yet been discussed.
Recent MFE docs +1
Changelogs: +1
what/where is it?
if you are doing them, what would make it easier?
If you aren’t doing them, what would help get you started?