2021-01-21 Meeting notes


Jan 21, 2021


  • @Stacey Messier (Deactivated)

  • @Jon F

  • @Sharon Wang (Deactivated)

  • @Alasdair Swan (Deactivated)

  • @Bronwyn Hawkins (Deactivated)

  • @Adam Stankiewicz

  • @Jeff Witt (Deactivated)

  • @Ange Romanska (Deactivated)

  • @Eugene Kang

  • @Carla Duarte (Deactivated)

  • @Gabriel Weinberg

  • @Lael Birch (Deactivated)

  • @Ben Warzeski (Deactivated)

  • @Adam Butterworth (Deactivated)


  • Review/Approve Navigational Select Menu

  • Review/Approve Page Banner

  • Early feedback on Modal Stepper

Discussion topics







10 (took 21)

@Gabriel Weinberg

Navigational Select Menu

  • BW: does it overlay nearby elements. – Yes, it will, like a dropdown menu

  • AS: how does this differ from the dropdown menu?

  • AB: may be difficult to implement the near edge behavior as designed (duplicates the option). JW make sure the arrow keys work to change focus/selection

  • BW: would positioning be configured or auto detected – auto detected via Popper.js

  • JW: Syncronize selection states etc. make sure all componnetns match

  • AR: Could we show the top half of the next item. – GW: I can adjust the height cap so that it would crop at a half item

  • BW: let’s make sure scrollbar is visible. can we avoid putting scrollbar on top of the items text? – GW: we’ll cap the width.

  • JW: how will we build this? a customized select? – AB: no, react component. Should consider a component built and one that does aria well

  • BW: I don’t think it would make sense to roll our own. lets use a library. – We all agree using a library to implement this is something we should/will do.

Gabe to open thread in Slack channel →

@Jeff Witt (Deactivated) to look for a good library to implement hsi select control

10 (took 15)

@Eugene Kang

Page Banner

  • BW: No red banner?

  • JW: I wonder if this thing is nicely comprehensive for a variety of scenarios if it should also have a bottom of the page option as a parameter. BW +1 – AB: let’s wait to add a bottom version until we need one

    • There is an… @Jeff Witt (Deactivated) can you add you notes here about what would make a comprehensive solution - I missed it

  • BW: would this have rules around priorities of what to show? – AB: Maybe this is the job of an Application Frame that Orchestrates these things? – JW: thinks this would be ideal.

Eugene to open thread in Slack channel →

Didn’t get to this.


@Ange Romanska (Deactivated)

Modal Stepper Stepperarchived

Action items
