2021-03-05 Meeting notes

2021-03-05 Meeting notes



Mar 5, 2021


  • @Adam Butterworth (Deactivated)


  • Review dependent usage PR

  • Provide feedback on Flyover proposal

Discussion topics









5 min

Dependent usage analysis PR

@Adam Butterworth (Deactivated)


10 min


@Juliana Kang

AB: What is the reusable piece of this?

JK: It’s a panel with associated tab buttons

EK: Would be used more in the learning MFE

JW: Top of page notifications. I think we need a sitewide api for presenting messages. Only one tiny issue: are we constraining the space of the learning content too much? We may be forcing people to toggle the panel on and off.

DJ: The learning content is built to shrink to mobile sizes fwiw

AB: JK and EK, please work to figure out what this component is in the abstract. If you were to use something like it in a different context: what would you want from Paragon?

@Eugene Kang@Juliana Kang Develop the Flyover component idea: what is the generic version of this component?



@Gabriel Weinberg (Deactivated)

EK: Footer text could be used for legal text?

GW: Yes, we could turn these thigns on or off for marketing modal, etc. An option for legal text below button sin all sounds good to me.

EK: Placement of the footer language. I think it should be closer to form field. Happy to continue syncing. GW: In that scenario just use the composable region. Let’s chat.

AB: Could we make close button x equidistant.

LB: Close button and an x? GW: it’s a little different from cancel? will chcange label Close → cancel

AB: Scrolling withing dialog or on whole screen? GW: If you think you’re gonna have a really tall modal maybe you should choose a different layout? What do others thing? DJ: Maybe people should use fullscreen modal if it needs to scroll. LB: Against scrolling modals in general, use a stepper or something. JW: This is an interesting usability question. Norman Nielsen may have work done on this. AB: Let’s move on, no need to change due to my opinion here.




@Eugene Kang

More use cases of badges in the marketing site. Need to use colors in a non-semantic way. Should we remove the semantic meaning from the badge and simply use colors.

GW: At least for success danger and warning. We do use them a lot in enterprise in a semantic way

AB: Are there two components? StatusBadge?

EK: will look into naming options.


Default theme upgrade for Paragon

@Adam Butterworth (Deactivated)

Covered in fedx mtg.

Action items


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