2022-05-09 BTR Meeting Notes
May 9, 2022
@Ned Batchelder (Deactivated)
@Ghassan Maslamani
@Régis B. @Régis Behmo
@Peter Pinch
@Gonzalo Romero
@Kyle McCormick
@Pierre Mailhot
@Adolfo Brandes
@Dean Jay Mathew
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
| Nutmeg Testing: Update | @Dean Jay Mathew |
| Changes to the Tutor maintainer program: call for volunteers to maintain plugins | @Régis Behmo | https://discuss.overhang.io/t/tep-get-rid-of-the-nginx-container/2024 We are looking for maintainers (with commit rights) of the Tutor plugin repositories. These are the plugins:
| Testing Maple-to-Nutmeg | @Ghassan Maslamani | To my understanding so far we have been testing on a fresh clean instance. However usually upgrading to a new release involves a different workflow. e.g. migrating data… and I am afraid we wont catch (bugs/unexpected behaviours) that might come up when upgrading. |