2023-02-20 BTR Meeting notes

2023-02-20 BTR Meeting notes


Feb 20, 2023


  • @Pierre Mailhot

  • @Jhony Avella

  • @Donato Bracuto

  • @John Swope

  • @Matjaz Gregoric

  • @Jorge Londoño



  • Address each one of the agenda items



 Discussion topics









5 minutes

Project board review

@Jorge Londoño


5 minutes

Previous meeting action points review

@Jorge Londoño




5 minutes

Olive.2 has been released!

@Jorge Londoño

  • Should we document the release ceremony?

10 minutes

Next releases:


@Jorge Londoño

Olive.3 (10/04):

  • Confirming roles

  • Backlog refinement

Palm.1 (12/06):

  • Confirming roles

  • Backlog refinement

  • Testing plan dependencies

  • What else should be done by 10/04?

5 minutes

Open edx Con Friday’s working group session agenda

@Jorge Londoño


10 minutes

Open edX Con 2023 - Awards Ceremony

@Jorge Londoño

  • @Pierre Mailhot suggested to nominate @Peter Pinch for his outstanding and consistent contribution to the release notes publication.


 Action items

@Jorge Londoño will confirm the WG roles for the next releases (Olive.3 and Palm.1) and in case any of them is vacant, he will open as many positions as needed.
@Jhony Avella will take a last look at the current project board to make sure all the issues are properly tagged and processed.
@Matjaz Gregoric will create the release notes for Olive.2, which will mainly include the repositories that were tagged. Some examples: Nutmeg.2 Olive.1
@Jorge Londoño will list the required tasks for the Palm.1 release to make sure we don’t miss anything in the process and to properly manage any dependencies or risk we identify beforehand.
@Jorge Londoño will move the information in GitHub - openedx/wg-build-test-release: Open edX Build / Test / Release Working Group into this group’s home page in the wiki
@Jorge Londoño will work along with @Régis Behmo, @Kyle McCormick and @Xavier Antoviaque on the Open edx Con Friday’s working group session agenda


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