2023-01-23 BTR Meeting notes

2023-01-23 BTR Meeting notes


Jan 23, 2023


  • @Dean Jay Mathew

  • @Ned Batchelder (Deactivated)

  • @Matjaz Gregoric

  • @Maria Grimaldi

  • @Ghassan Maslamani

  • @Jorge Londoño

  • @Peter Pinch



  • Address each one of the agenda items



 Discussion topics









2 minutes

Conference presentation for Friday's agenda

@Dean Jay Mathew

  • https://openedx.slack.com/archives/C049JQZFR5E/p1674065744303159

  • Eden has asked WGs to prepare a presentation, elaborating on our accomplishments over the past year, planned initiatives for the year ahead, and potential collaboration opportunities.

  • Some of accomplishments:

    • Two releases (Nutmeg & Olive)

    • Hand-off of leadership

    • Start of DevOps working group umbrella

    • Testing plan standardization

    • Strating from Olive you would be able to start a fresh open edx instnace without building any image: previosly you had to build an image that takes around 23 minutes

  • Planned initiatives

    • More discipline about what code is included

  • Potential collaboration opportunities

    • Testing volunteers for next releases

2 minutes

Palm Retrospective planning

@Dean Jay Mathew

Olive.1 release retrospective

  • Ned suggested we start a retrospective sheet as early as the Palm cut in April, to better keep track of the release experience.

5 minutes

Comments needed for possible PR

@Dean Jay Mathew

The course search behaviour for courses with different visibility settings

  • Raccoongang wants to contribute a PR to solve the course visibility in catalog conundrum. I remember Ghassan and others were working/commenting on this same issue during the Olive testing phase. Let’s give our opinion on this. The Product WG is also going to be commenting on it.

10 minutes

Palm cut date and release date.

@Peter Pinch

Can we review the dates for the Palm release? We had to shuffle most of the major dates for olive due to holidays. Are there other dates that we should discuss?

10 minutes

Project board review

@Jorge Londoño

  • Are these all the issues we need to fix for Olive.2? any new issues?

  • The community test plan is not done yet. It marks 90.6%

  • Are the assigned people the ones that are actually working on the issues?

5 minutes

Previous meeting action points review

@Jorge Londoño


5 minutes

Open edX Con 2023 Awards Ceremony

@Jorge Londoño



 Action items

@Jorge Londoño will create a post in discuss where the members of the BTR could make their nominations for the Open edX Con Award Ceremony
@Jorge Londoño will enable a wiki page for starting the retrospective for the Palm release
@Jorge Londoño will create a Google doc for gathering the information for Eden’s request about the highlights of the WG during 2022.
@Jorge Londoño will start a thread in the forum kicking off the “Q” and “R” release naming process
@Dean Jay Mathew will move the information in GitHub - openedx/wg-build-test-release: Open edX Build / Test / Release Working Group into this group’s home page in the wiki
Once the above info is in the wiki, @Sofiane Bebert will delete the info in the repo README to avoid duplication
