2021-12-06 BTR Meeting Notes
Meeting Notes Dec 6th 2021
Meeting Notes
Open edX BTR working group
Meeting notes Dec 6, 2021, 15:00 UTCAgenda
· Release postponed to the 20th of Dec. This allows additional time to integrate the Ecommenrce MFE and Pay platforms before release.
Ecommerce Issues-
· Team has setup with Overhang.io assistance a test server to allow development on the Current Ecommerce MFE and will work on fixes to the following issues
o ID issue- only found in Dev Stack not found in production instances issue is closed (120)
o CyberSource not working as a payments method Team is continuing to investigate this and will have a solution before Release. Issue 121)
o PayPal is working and may be backported to lilac
· Overall Team is on track to resolve all issues by the 9th and testing should be done for Maple release on the 20th Dec 2021.
· Release notes for Ecommerce need to be produced cybersource setup needs to be documented.
· Custom payments processer to be completed issue 74
Other issues to be resolved:
· Issue 109 Front end Headers: Peter is working on issue fis may bring forward a setting change for other MFE for Branding purposes.
· Issue113 : to be looked at by Sofaine will require help
· Issue111: being worked on by Max happening on Devstack might occur in tutor but resolution may be to release token and add eccommerce lables Potential to fix before the 10th and release in to the 20ths major update.
· 116 Frontent MFE header translation issue with Ned
· Running at Scale with Tutor documentation being worked on by Regis and Overhang.io
· Release notes on how to do branding are required.
Learning MFE
· Issues remain with the upgrade buttons (111) may be a cache issue on local machine but checkging
· Fourm still represents an issue even if turned off
· Header will tie to issue 109
· MFE will result in issues with older courseware especially around the use of I frames in LTI component
· Issue 122 Assigned to peter to determine if major or minor issue
Gradebook MFE
· Working on issue for header integration Jhony assigned issue
· Native CI installer failing due to node issue of pulling node 16 rather thand 12 Ned will test native install and node packages
· Proctoring in Lillac broken with latest update
o Requires a rollback methodology to be documented and described to users who have implemented upgrade.
Chat text
00:09:45 Sofiane Bebert: https://github.com/openedx/build-test-release-wg/projects/1?card_filter_query=label%3A%22ecommerce%22+label%3Aaffects%3Amaple
00:14:36 Régis B.: In the frontend header component, a link to the Order History is displayed even when ecommerce is disabled · Issue #109 · openedx/wg-build-test-release
00:15:31 Max Sokolski: In the learning MFE, the course upgrade button has an incorrect link · Issue #111 · openedx/wg-build-test-release
00:15:49 Max Sokolski: Should we add this to the list of issues we discussing?
00:17:37 Sofiane Bebert: https://github.com/openedx/build-test-release-wg/projects/1?card_filter_query=learning+mfe
00:23:17 Sofiane Bebert: update lti-consumer-xblock to 3.1.1 · Issue #122 · openedx/wg-build-test-release
00:24:33 Tobias Macey: Stepping away for a minute
00:28:13 Sofiane Bebert: https://github.com/openedx/build-test-release-wg/issues/116
00:29:06 Sofiane Bebert: https://github.com/openedx/build-test-release-wg/issues/29
00:29:47 Sofiane Bebert: https://github.com/openedx/build-test-release-wg/milestone/7
00:31:58 Sofiane Bebert: https://github.com/openedx/build-test-release-wg/issues/74
00:38:44 Régis B.: Timed Exams breaking in Lilac with edx-proctoring version update
00:40:35 Max Sokolski: http://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?search=admin%2Bppa%40edx.org%3E&fingerprint=on&op=index
00:41:03 Max Sokolski: Is the key expired for http://edx.org and there is no new one?
00:44:32 Sofiane Bebert: https://github.com/openedx/build-test-release-wg/issues/123
00:48:04 Sofiane Bebert: https://github.com/openedx/build-test-release-wg/issues/36