2024-03-07 Meeting notes
Feanil Patel
Tim Krones
Robert Raposa
Mar 7, 2024
@Feanil Patel
@Tim Krones
@Michelle Philbrick
@Robert Raposa
@Adolfo Brandes
@Chintan Joshi
@Yagnesh Nayi
@Jeremy Ristau
@Navin Karkera
@Felipe Montoya
Previous TODOs
Discussion topics
Item | Presenter | Notes |
Item | Presenter | Notes |
Previous TODO Updates |
Mongo Upgrades |
Maintainer Search Update | ||
Node 20 upgrade | @Adolfo Brandes | Coordinating the Node 20 upgrade.
Meetings Time and DST |
| Will update the meeting to be the same UTC time which means it will shift in the USA |
Notes from edx-platform specifics |
Action items
Recording and Transcripts
Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UxNojzYHl7a7XGIlBbwRdhDHRSOaSliT/view?usp=sharing
Maintenance Working Group Meeting (2024-03-07 08:32 GMT-5) - Transcript
Adolfo Brandes, Adolfo Brandes's Presentation, Chintan Joshi, Fateme Khodayari, Feanil Patel, Feanil Patel's Presentation, Felipe Montoya, Jeremy Ristau, Maria Grimaldi, Michelle Philbrick, Navin Karkera, Robert Raposa, Tim Krones, Yagnesh nayi
This editable transcript was computer generated and might contain errors. People can also change the text after it was created.
Feanil Patel: Will almost certainly want Automation in the space in the long term.
Feanil Patel: But we can figure that out as we go.
Feanil Patel: some of the things that prevent a lot of automation from being added is inconsistency in our test naming across our system.
Feanil Patel: means that like it is
Feanil Patel: Yeah, it makes it much harder to automatically update these things.
Feanil Patel: huge speedups harder that we can
Feanil Patel: We might need to come back to…
Feanil Patel: but yeah Adolfo definitely keep track of
Feanil Patel: I think keeping track of required branches or…
Feanil Patel: Is a good thing to integrate in here,…
Feanil Patel: right
Feanil Patel: Yeah, so…
Feanil Patel: Okay, great.
Feanil Patel: awesome, and
Feanil Patel: right?
Feanil Patel: That sounds good.
Feanil Patel: Okay, I think they should be.
Feanil Patel: Right you.
Feanil Patel: Yeah.
Feanil Patel: I think that's fine for Studio Friday.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, yeah.
Feanil Patel: Correct.
Feanil Patel: Okay.
Feanil Patel: okay, but I was saying doing them last verses should those be ticketed here as a separate section of these are the
Feanil Patel: Okay, you do.
Feanil Patel: You haven't filled that one out yet. Okay.
Feanil Patel: I don't think you need to do that to make one of them failing in one of them not.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, yeah,…
Feanil Patel: Portions of the Matrix be failing in portions of the Matrix speed.
Feanil Patel: Yeah.
Feanil Patel: awesome
Feanil Patel: Yeah, and…
Feanil Patel: Because like that,…
Feanil Patel: Yeah, yeah for addicts platform.
Feanil Patel:
Feanil Patel: but the latest status over there is that he was able to get
Feanil Patel: The dependencies building on Note 18 with some minor test failures that he was going to dig into so I think it's much further along than it was then.
Feanil Patel: But I'll check in with them again today.
Feanil Patel: I don't think you talked about the bat like the Django services that still use node for Asset Management.
Feanil Patel: All right.
Feanil Patel: what I would suggest is Robert,…
Feanil Patel: to sort of address Jeremy's question real quick and…
Feanil Patel: because it's hard to fix everything all at once right?
Feanil Patel: we're doing this on the python side…
Feanil Patel: but otherwise,…
Feanil Patel: I was thinking more of course Discovery and…
Feanil Patel: my concern with a thing being already behind is that it means it's hard to take security fixes for it.
Feanil Patel: I think that process looks pretty good cover.
Feanil Patel: I think
Feanil Patel: There is an issue and…
Feanil Patel: Okay, not okay to fail.
Feanil Patel: We don't want to boil the ocean.
Feanil Patel: required Branch protections and…
Feanil Patel: maybe you could come back to Adolfo with a top three top.
Feanil Patel: where you can have.
Feanil Patel: So maybe just worth investing in that sooner rather than later…
Feanil Patel: at next platform and credentials.
Feanil Patel: So there's these small things that make
Feanil Patel: also just in general while it's true that we're not prioritizing the rest of the nude upgrades on the back end Services right now edx platform is one that I do want to prioritize and…
Feanil Patel: Did you have more comments that you wanted to add or questions?
Feanil Patel: he's been updating it.
Feanil Patel: changes to require tests.
Feanil Patel: because we're going to run into this for the python upgrade, too.
Feanil Patel: Five list of ones that you would be okay with being first,…
Feanil Patel: And I think that's a high enough risk that we don't want to be in that state for longer than we have to be.
Feanil Patel: Are those on your list here?
Feanil Patel: I think we understood it that was so he was able to get through some of that stuff.
Feanil Patel: and he can just do one of those. Does that work for you Adolfo?
Feanil Patel: actually Brian Smith is actively working on getting 18 landed so that we can then get 20 landed.
Feanil Patel: All right. Hello everybody. Welcome to the maintenance working group meeting. Real quick. I'll drop the meeting notes one more time when I go.
Feanil Patel: So per usual, let's start with previous to Do I just do by person Jeremy? You just want to talk through the things that are on? Your plate here. It looks like it's mostly still just general reviews and making sure that the internal code owners are happening and I saw a bunch of those land.
Feanil Patel: On yeah.
Jeremy Ristau: Yep, that's right. I think what I would say is my action items are probably written in Reverse priority order. I did what I could for my set of code owner changes, but there are other domains as well and decided to you those have not happened yet, but I'm working with the leaders of those domains to get those updates. That should pretty much finish out that action item.
Feanil Patel: Okay, awesome.
Jeremy Ristau: I'm hoping by the end of this week to have that done. and then the review of upgrade processes is Happening between me and…
Feanil Patel: Okay.
Jeremy Ristau: Spencer but there's other things that have sort of gotten injected above that. So we're still reviewing it, but we haven't really identified anything to transfer yet. other than…
Feanil Patel: Good.
Jeremy Ristau: what has already been transferred which is the repos themselves and The teams are now creating issues in repos that they are not maintenance of but they're not creating draft PRS for those issues like they were in the past.
Feanil Patel: Okay.
Jeremy Ristau: So I think that's That sort of the clear line that we can draw. And then in terms of what other action items should shift to this group. We haven't really identified those yet.
Feanil Patel: That sounds good.
Jeremy Ristau: Related to the aura MFE reached out to the team that owns Aura and ask them to identify all the documentation that they had and move it to open edx documentation. That is a ticket in the backlog after that Team Works through feature their building into a plug-in.
Jeremy Ristau: I think the main problem was a lot of that was written very project oriented and very who you oriented. So it's sort of just like taking the time to go through that documentation and make it more agnostic.
Feanil Patel: Okay, that sounds good. and you said sort of your domain versus other domains are their names that we can use for that that are useful to document here is that not super useful and…
Jeremy Ristau: Yeah,…
Feanil Patel: we can just say
Jeremy Ristau: yes, so the three main domains here are learning platform. That's the one that I've already made updates to. And then there's a Marketplace And Enterprise technology.
Feanil Patel: Okay.
Jeremy Ristau: And just for this groups sort of knowledge. We are evolving our definition to you ownership to align much more with the definition of community maintainership. So what we are claiming as owners now going forward will actually be maintainers and for things that we are no longer claiming as maintainer. We will also not be owner of and so we're trying to align much more with the way that the future of maintainership is desired.
Feanil Patel: that's great to hear.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, it's presumably ownership internally is like Community maintainership plus all of the operational bits that are relevant to your particular deployments of it as well.
Jeremy Ristau: Yeah, have fun. If the agendas light I can add 30 more seconds. obviously we'll still have internal points of contact for things like http://edx.org reported issues but maintainership now, if an issue falls into an area that we are no longer the maintainer of if it is a non-urgent incident, we will be creating an issue and the GitHub repo rather than creating a ticket in a team's backlog.
Feanil Patel: That sounds great.
Jeremy Ristau: Urgent issues will likely have a PR created against an issue and a PR created against the repo and we'll just act like a Community member create the issue pick up the issue and then move it forward.
Feanil Patel: That sounds great. All right. Let's see. Next is me.
Feanil Patel: I started looking at the list you sent me Jeremy and it looked like a lot of the things at least that was The version of it that I have was sort of internal stuff and all the external stuff. We're already tracking for the most part. So I think it might be in good shape there. I need to spend a little bit more time with it to make sure I didn't miss anything but
Feanil Patel: I think that is sort of in progress.
Jeremy Ristau: Yeah, great. That was the hope is that most things were already captured? so sounds like you're confirming that.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's I think I want to do one more Passover everything but I think so far. I didn't see anything. That's a big thing we forgot.
Jeremy Ristau: excellent
Feanil Patel: And then Kyle I know is still working on the lips that stuff. He figured out a way to not have to do. To make a new fork and he's testing that but he's picked up a bunch of deprecation work around the static assets pipeline that if you can just move forward then there's less code for us to maintain and it puts us in a better position for three twelve in edx platform so might be slightly delayed, but he's actively working on that. He's currently in Pakistan actually to speak at pycon Pakistan, so is one of the reasons probably he's not here is he's probably cocked out in a bed at this point.
Adolfo Brandes: I think they already went and…
Feanil Patel: and then Yeah,…
Adolfo Brandes: met some people. but
Feanil Patel: they went to the arbisoft office this morning and sent some pictures. So that was cool.
Feanil Patel: But it'll be 6PM on the day that they landed. At 3 AM.
Adolfo Brandes: yeah.
Adolfo Brandes: Yeah.
Feanil Patel: and then Adolfo has the MFE prioritization stuff going for the note 20.
Adolfo Brandes: I've got some started on that and Ernest yesterday. Sorry for the delay, but I did want to discuss this a little bit With Robert and Jeremy and whoever like the plan for tutor. So let me start from the beginning.
Adolfo Brandes: Do you mind if I share my screen so I can shoot people?
Feanil Patel: No, go for it here. I'll stop presenting.
Adolfo Brandes: I'm sure if that works, okay.
Feanil Patel: I see it.
Adolfo Brandes: Let me make this a little.
Adolfo Brandes: to make a bigger
Feanil Patel: Yeah.
Adolfo Brandes: So we have a main issue. It's Linked In the notes. I'll link it in the chat to
Adolfo Brandes: And this is sort of the base for all the upgrades right? There are different classes of things that we need to upgrade djangles Services. Of course, mfe's libraries and tutor MFE itself. So the plan for the mfes
Adolfo Brandes: The outlined this here once we decide on what the plan is. I'm going to announce it in the forums. But the proposal is basically for each MFC to create two or three. Different PRS and get them rge Individually, so we know what's going on. For example for the first step is just adding notes 20 to the test Matrix. Or hmfe right? So I already did that for front-end templates application. submerged yet, but basically We're adding 18 and 20 to The Matrix. We didn't have a matrix. We don't have a matrix right now because we opted to go with just using nvmrc for the tests, but we're going to have to revert that for now because we want both node 18 and 20 tests around.
Adolfo Brandes: So that's the first you are. and once that's merged what happens is you can tell if it works until 20 or not, right? And if it doesn't the next PR is basically address the failures in no 20 and merge that and finally you update nvmrc to use notes 20. regenerates package lock.json in no 20 and make sure we're using the V3 of the log file checkbook, but most of them if he's already going to be doing that. So once that's merged what's happening is we know that MFE supports 18 and 20, but we are officially on node 20, And finally, once the tutor supported MF fees are all at stage 3 here.
Adolfo Brandes: We can then go into tutor MFE and upgrade that we use note 20 and with this will be released ready for no 20, but that doesn't answer the question of when are we going to merge these? Changes, especially number three here to master right in the past. This was done by fed bomb or the last upgrade was done by fed bomb I even have this here.
Adolfo Brandes: So Abdullah basically managed that one.
Adolfo Brandes: And he and that team managed when to merge stuff to master or not, right? So we have to coordinate with I'm gonna say folks that deploy for master right mostly to you right now. about when these got merged, so what's folks preferences on how to manage that do because these are not going to be coming just from inside to you this time a bunch of cars are going to be coming from the community. I have this on the frontend working group board. So anybody can go in and issue a PR for example? Who should we notify? How is the merging process going to look like?
Robert Raposa: Yeah, I've got some questions on this. So is there anything that needs to be merged that affects? All mfe's or it's just a one at a time concern of hey merge this and release it and make sure there's your deploy it and make sure there's no problems.
Adolfo Brandes: So it's gonna be one at a time right for the simple.
Robert Raposa: Okay.
Adolfo Brandes: Experience that both 18 and 20 are going to be supported. But at stage 3 we're actually changing nvmrc. So that and regenerating package lock.json, so we'll know that it works in no 20. And vmrc is going to pull points note 18 and vmrc is going to point to note 20. So, I don't know if that affects your pipeline, right?
Robert Raposa: Yeah, so it sounds like there's at least. additional coordination between merging of step 3 And working with the first MFE that getting deployed to production, right, choosing one and seeing what is actually needed on our side for Emma.
Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, exactly. So for maybe obvious reasons the ones that I expect to happen first or these ones the tutor supported one.
Adolfo Brandes: So maybe we can pick one of these to do first. So since the coordinates with the actual merging here, right?
Robert Raposa: the sense reasonable and we can figure out whether it gets coordinated with the owner or just one of us me I don't know take over and just coordinate getting one out and rolling it back if there's a problem and
Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, yeah.
Robert Raposa: because the way our pipelines are set up. it'll go to Stage first. We can test it in stage make sure all as well And then it'll go to Broad when? We're happy on stage.
Adolfo Brandes: All right, cool.
Robert Raposa: There's no automatic going to proud of any of these. It's not like it's platform the other just question reminder…
Adolfo Brandes: right
Robert Raposa: because we're working through this on the python upgrade is adding in steps for yourself around. when to update branch
Robert Raposa: required tests so adding in no 21 once it's passing so that you don't get regressions and then dropping. the old one but
Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, the very last step here is dropping the old one right when? One basically by the time it gets here.
Robert Raposa: right
Adolfo Brandes: The only blocker is Twitter because tutor does it only uses one node version for all mfps, right?
Robert Raposa: You got it. And sorry that I think it was a little too small for me to read. So I was following.
Adolfo Brandes: I'm sorry. Yeah.
Robert Raposa: do you already have a step for adding in? no 20 as a required test
Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, it's the first step.
Robert Raposa: No, So is that part of the first step? Because there's two one is you it can't be required test…
Feanil Patel:
Robert Raposa: until after step two when you've actually fixed all problems, it'll best but we don't want it to be.
Adolfo Brandes: Yeah. No, I get it now. Yeah, that makes sense.
Adolfo Brandes: Okay, I didn't actually take that into account.
Robert Raposa: so just
Feanil Patel: But yeah, I think my suggestion.
Adolfo Brandes: but basically Go ahead.
Feanil Patel: My suggestion might be to make that part of step four honestly, which is that we swap out the required test when we're removing the old tests and making the new one. which is a little late and can potentially introduce regressions at step three, but
Feanil Patel: I think in general people are not merging with red tests. anyway
Feanil Patel: Do you imagine that with step one the way it is we would more often.
Adolfo Brandes: let's Okay, so I'd do it as part of ours. It looks like step 3 is multiple steps actually.
Feanil Patel: but
Adolfo Brandes: Because step three as I'm proposing here. It means we are now officially on Note 20 for development at least right? And as part of that we should block on tests that failed note 20 for sure.
Feanil Patel: right
Adolfo Brandes: Whether that happens as a first step three or blast step 3. we'll see right but yeah.
Adolfo Brandes: by step two, which is basically just fixing the failures in the 20 and making sure it doesn't break note 18,…
Feanil Patel: Yeah, right.
Adolfo Brandes: right where We're Technically good to go for tutor as well.
Feanil Patel: right
Robert Raposa: And I'm guessing finale was trying to save you time.
Feanil Patel: that's
Robert Raposa: If not having to go in choice. So one potential decision that you could make is. either adding 20 as a required test later or you could drop 18 as it required test earlier, when you add 20 it's the required test But that's up to you or you could go in twice for each Gemma fee update them. Seventh.
Robert Raposa: Yeah.
Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, I already ran into that.
Robert Raposa: Not around the general process, I guess around choosing the MFE. I don't know if there's Let me open the link. That's in the chat. Is that the one? that's so
Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, the last one is the one I'm looking at right now. Yeah.
Robert Raposa: I think maybe we could just Are these being done in the order from top to bottom?
Adolfo Brandes: That's just alphabetical order.
Robert Raposa: okay, so then I Can just check in with people and just see if we can get a volunteer who's okay with being the guinea pig on the first merge and deploy.
Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, sure.
Robert Raposa: And do we know approximately when that will be happening? it's not a big deal, but
Adolfo Brandes: I actually wanted to try the first ones myself right so that I can hand off. This work to anybody that wants to do it in the community for individual mfcs right with certainty that it'll work. So I mean as soon as you say we can try one, I suggest we try one. because if you'll remember the node 16 to 18 upgrade took a long time, right and we should at least get the process verified as soon as possible.
Robert Raposa: Right, but the thing that I'm verifying I think is step three, So there's nothing blocking you from merging step one and two.
Adolfo Brandes: particularly after our conversation that we should merge something. That's not blocking test, right? Yeah.
Adolfo Brandes: That's perfect. Yeah.
Adolfo Brandes: By the way, we didn't get into the library upgrade. So there might be some new Breaking change of or an at least new major versions of front-end platform front and builds cetera that actually only work on notes 20 or something or work on both. I'm gonna check how that was done for the note 18 upgrade and see if it's gonna work.
Adolfo Brandes: No, they're not.
Adolfo Brandes: I mean, I'm pushing those back a little bit because for example Studio frontend my cease to exist pretty soon. And that's something I won't need to worry about.
Adolfo Brandes: yeah, yeah sure, but I know Alex platform is going to be a bit right so we didn't even manage to do 18 there fully if I understand correctly.
Adolfo Brandes: So I'm gonna do those last we're already behind anyway on that.
Adolfo Brandes: We have a Django Services section. It's just that I haven't. Dug into it at all yet. Yeah.
Robert Raposa: And sorry, I just didn't understand the answer to my question. So you said you haven't merged yet. step one or two like the…
Adolfo Brandes: No, I haven't done.
Adolfo Brandes: I just created the issues basically and one example PR for template application.
Robert Raposa: but guys
Robert Raposa: Right, then. My question is we're not blocking you from merging one and two, right so you'll do that on your own timeline because it right now
Adolfo Brandes:
Adolfo Brandes: yeah, yeah the way it's written down now it might have been a blocker because I was simply going to add the blocking test for note 20, right? So I'm gonna separate the test out instead of doing a matrix.
Robert Raposa: got it.
Adolfo Brandes: I'll probably just create a separate workflow for it.
Robert Raposa: right Yeah.
Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, look into it. Yeah.
Adolfo Brandes: cool.
Robert Raposa: Yeah.
Adolfo Brandes: Okay, Alright. So yeah, left to my own devices. I'm just going to go down alphabetically or for the tutor supported once so.
Robert Raposa: That sounds great.
Adolfo Brandes: But still get back to me. Once you feel like there's one we can push forward sooner.
Robert Raposa: Yep.
Adolfo Brandes: All right.
Adolfo Brandes: All We should definitely track what's happening. there is an issue there.
Adolfo Brandes: Okay, perfect. All right. Awesome.
Adolfo Brandes: awesome
Jeremy Ristau: Thanks.
Jeremy Ristau: Sounds good.
Adolfo Brandes: Perfect.
Robert Raposa: So we're gonna need to drop Jeremy. Do you want me to follow up with your question? Is it a question to me? And should I just thought out with your afterwards?
Jeremy Ristau: Yeah, it's a question for us. I think yeah, that makes sense.
Robert Raposa: so I will follow up with you and I don't know if you added an action item to note that you can add the action item for me around the MFE like that deployment.
Jeremy Ristau: Thanks everybody.
Robert Raposa: All right. Thank you.
Feanil Patel: awesome next real quick. So the Mongo upgrade I wanted to provide some updates on that front as of last night we've tested. the forums on the latest Ruby version and the latest Mongo version together and tests not only are the automated Test passing but Max and the raccoon game team were able to do a bunch of manual testing and that all looked good. So I think I'm gonna merge that pull request and start the conversation with tutor maintenance to update any relevant plugins or configuration. So super good news on the forums front because I think that was a big unknown unknown and we didn't know
Feanil Patel: How big it was gonna be so it's good that it's small and I think with those two updates. I'm hoping that we can ride those through to when we can deprecate the forums and replace them with the equivalent python service, which is a thing that Dave Ormsby is trying to write some FCS to get sort of an API compliance. Replacement that's in Python so that we're not in this weird state.
Feanil Patel: In the edx platform Side open craft I think came through with a PR. That has Mongo seven running on edx platform with all of the Test passing. So also good news on that front because that's another one that we didn't know how complicated it was going to be. So with that passing. I'm just waiting I think for future to sort of come back with when it's a good time to merge that if they're waiting for something. But if they're not I think we can land that pretty soon as well. So Tim, I don't know if you have an inside track on if there's anything blocking this Mongo 7 upgrade Matrix tests from merging
Tim Krones: And I don't have any notes on that right now. But if you put something in the meeting notes, I can look it up and just comment.
Feanil Patel: Okay, awesome.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, because he was like do you want to review it before we merge it and I took a quick look at and I was like this looks great. But then it kind of went radio silent. So I wanted to make sure it didn't get drafts because I would hate for it to get into merge conflict land.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, okay.
Feanil Patel: Thank you. Yeah, so I think that's going really well that kind of puts the Mongo upgrade in a really stable position for us for Redwood very early on so that gives us a lot more time to focus on the python upgrade. And hopefully get the node 20 upgrade landed tube. Although I think the new 20 is less critical.
Feanil Patel: Than the note 18 at X platform. Right Adolfo. we need no 20 before sumac.
Feanil Patel: Okay, I think you said exactly but you were muted. But I read your lips.
Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, I did say exactly. Yeah.
Feanil Patel: Yeah and lip reading is improving.
Feanil Patel: Cool, and then I've updated the spreadsheet that I linked there. And it's going we've got sort of four. In five in progress repos where there have been new and maintenance that stepped up and we're expanding their CC right. So I think in the next week or two, we're gonna have a bunch more maintained. There's a bunch of stuff in Priority One still.
Feanil Patel: I would say I think what Jill did is probably the most awesome thing and is the most helpful which is just like I want to maintain these things and expand my CC rights to do it. If you want to make posts like that. I'm fully in support of that. If you want to sort of double check with me before you do that. I'm happy to be a sounding board for that as well. But it is certainly not required reminder. You do have to be a CCL ready to expand rights to become maintenance for things and it should still be in a domain area that you have sort of demonstrated expertise. So if you haven't worked in front end code at all. Doesn't you're unlikely to get an approval to be in front end maintainer for a thing.
Feanil Patel: but other than that, I think that's slow but moving steadily forward. I'm going to look at what the next sort of top five or ten repos are that we should find maintenance for and post for that. soon
Feanil Patel: But other than that, I think things are in good shape. Does anybody have other items that they want to talk about today? Or have questions about anything we talked about so far.
Feanil Patel: You're still muted Felipe. You have a hardware mute.
Felipe Montoya: Yeah volume of the Microsoft whatever. I wanted to start the scaling of this meeting some meetings in the community calendar maintain the UTC. right Time and…
Feanil Patel: yeah.
Felipe Montoya: so with the US they like timings and this one. From the looks in the calendar it's changing. So if you want our before next week I decided to be so is that something we should discuss?
Feanil Patel: Right, right.
Felipe Montoya: What works best for the most people in this meeting? I don't know.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, that's a great question. Yeah, I think when I made it, I forgot to make it UTC.
Feanil Patel: So that will move so what is it? It's one hour earlier. then right now is when it would become. Do people have preferences if this time works for everybody making it one hour? earlier is
Adolfo Brandes: You're really just asking the US people because if it remains in UTC,…
Feanil Patel: yeah.
Adolfo Brandes: it's going to remain the same for everybody. That's not in the US.
Feanil Patel: Right and in the US it will become an hour earlier. No.
Adolfo Brandes: And the US so you're gonna go from UTC minus 2 to minus 1, right so it'll be an hour later.
Feanil Patel: Right in an hour later. So that might actually work better for people in the US. So I'll do that.
Adolfo Brandes: Yeah.
Feanil Patel: I'll make this a UTC meeting.
Feanil Patel: and we will I think in the US shifting it by an hour. It's probably okay. It just means I'm already getting up early. Anyway, so it's not a major problem for me, but perhaps it'll make it easier for others in the US to
Feanil Patel: to be here. All right, I'll figure that out and update the meeting. Thank you for the reminder on that.
Adolfo Brandes: We should do this to all Community meetings, right? I remember we talked about it at maximum a while back.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah, I mean I think it makes sense to just have things be stable. happily. I've been petitioning the US government to get rid of the daylight savings time that any chance I get…
Adolfo Brandes: Yeah.
Feanil Patel: but they still won't do it.
Feanil Patel: So I am happy to sort of just operate in that mode. okay.
Felipe Montoya: You need to train with a smaller government.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, yeah.
Felipe Montoya: Group, I just wants for God to notify that they didn't change so they servers went absolutely crazy. absolutely, no reason
Feanil Patel: Wow.
Adolfo Brandes: if I take all of us in devops that have been there for a couple of years of been there Software that doesn't realize time zone change.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Adolfo Brandes: That's
Feanil Patel: I think there was one time where the session tokens all expired much earlier than expected because Daylight Savings Time happened and you get a one hour token and so it was writing the time in the past. So you would get immediate session tokens that expired as soon as they got created.
Felipe Montoya: This machine like a political issue. They passed a lot saying they would not have here selling time anymore, but they never notified. Whoever keeps track of what country does…
Adolfo Brandes: That's awesome.
Felipe Montoya: what and selfless just went into saying and the government why? because
Feanil Patel: communication is important, The hardest part is telling other people what you're doing.
Feanil Patel: I think it is if we don't have anything else I'll let you guys get out early the edx platform bit of the meeting shifted a little bit just accommodate. The two you folks that are in that other meeting. If you do want to be around for that shoot me a slack message. I'll send you an invite but that's just at a ten o'clock Eastern now, which is in 50 minutes. but yeah that I don't think I have anything else. Does anybody else have anything?
Feanil Patel: Thank you everybody. but
Tim Krones: because I
Meeting ended after 00:50:03 👋