2024-08-01 Meeting notes

All public Working Group meetings follow the


Aug 1, 2024


  • @Feanil Patel

Previous TODOs

 Discussion topics







Commerce Related Depr/Maintainership Hand-off

@Feanil Patel


@Adolfo Brandes (on behalf of Michelle Philbrick)

  • Any suggestions on getting more reviewers in there? There's a bit of a backlog. More CCs? Transfer of maintainership?

    • @Jeremy Ristau @Robert Raposa any suggestions given that TNL is the current maintainer?




  • Looking for input from Nathan or team about any concerns with hand-off of Learning MFE

Review maintenance board


  • Need to plan the Ubuntu Upgrade - Probably teak

  • Django upgrade is coming up soon after that. - Probably for the U release

  • React Upgrade - Probably for teak

Maintenance Check-in for in-progress



Python 3.8 - edx-platform


  • We’re dropping Python 3.8 across everything but it was before we had the new process. So testing is mostly being dropped.

Python codejail


  • Is there a deadline on when to switch from py38.txt to py311.txt

    • No those files are small so we’ll keep them for a while but can be deleted if we think they are no longer needed.

 Action items

@Feanil Patel put the ecommerce deprecation plan on the ecom seeking maintainers ticket.
@Feanil Patel Next Time: Frontend Strategy for edx-platform

Recording and Transcripts

Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g7OiYEisNB7QPbPG5YenHt57rps4ijq0/view?usp=sharing

Maintenance Working Group Meeting (2024-08-01 09:03 GMT-4) - Transcript


Adolfo Brandes, Feanil Patel, Feanil Patel's Presentation, Kyle McCormick, Maria Grimaldi, Robert Raposa, Sarina Canelake, Tim Krones


This editable transcript was computer generated and might contain errors. People can also change the text after it was created.

Feanil Patel: And good morning everybody. Welcome to maintenance working group meeting for August 1st. We are officially in the second half of 24

Adolfo Brandes: crazy

Feanil Patel: Let's see. We've got a couple of different things. Let me share my screen.

Feanil Patel: Okay.

Feanil Patel: stating Start us off. So the previous to do's.

Feanil Patel: Robert I think this is just on here, although I guess it was for July 31st, right? So another thing

Robert Raposa: There's the July 31st thing. It'd be great to just have it on the agenda. I haven't looked at the spreadsheet just to…

Feanil Patel: Okay.

Robert Raposa: where things landed and whether Is it done? We need to get one last warning or to want to say? you missed the day.

Robert Raposa: That but this one.

Robert Raposa: I do have a ticket for it and I did. Write this in our ticket for it, to let the maintenance strip now, but in terms of the profiling thing and…

Feanil Patel: Yeah.

Robert Raposa: I have no idea how long it's going to be before we get there because we've got other broken things that are blocker so we can either quickly. Look at this every single week or we could just check it out and not have it. that's something that we have to every time

Feanil Patel: Yeah, that's okay. Let's pick it up. And if you've got it in the other ticket, you'll just assume that callback will function so we don't need to keep it in here twice.

Robert Raposa: Okay.

Feanil Patel: All right. Let's see. and I didn't get to talk about this last week at Deborah working group because Deborah workin group had to be cut short because of certain announcements related to your job. So I think we can just come back to that next week. And maybe we can second half of it just like working through that spreadsheet and…

Robert Raposa: I think that's good.

Feanil Patel: figuring out where Dippers need to be created.

Feanil Patel: And then Jeremy is not here today. But I haven't seen that pepper ticket go through so maybe we can. Ask him to do that as well.

Robert Raposa: But if back and I can follow up with him.

Feanil Patel: And then strength in here today. No. And then Brian and Adolfo. Maintenance stepper tickets for dropping the way we do footer. I feel like I saw something. Yeah.

Adolfo Brandes: There was some conversation. I don't think the Deborah is up yet, but I'll pick up with Brian on this.

Feanil Patel: right Yeah, I thought I saw it fly by. I'm not that.

Feanil Patel: that's

Feanil Patel: I think he had it in draft. But he hasn't fully yet.

Feanil Patel: That's a draft one somewhere.

Adolfo Brandes: That's my impression as well. I'll ask him today and…

Feanil Patel: Okay, Yes progress.

Adolfo Brandes: you were right.

Feanil Patel: And then that brings us to frontend lit and That brings us to Commerce related Dippers just flagging this for people.

Feanil Patel: I think we've now deprecated commerce or some component of it Four different times over the last six years. This is a combination sort of like Seeking maintainers and if that doesn't work hand off for all of the commerce related repositories that are in the opened export. I don't necessarily expect a different results than previously which is that I don't think anybody is interested in maintaining the LD Commerce systems. but I wanted to sort of give everybody the opportunity to do it for the whole system that exists today because previously we to include the mfe's really forgot to include the back-end worker systems or something and this should be everything. So if these are important to you Now is your chance for trying me in?


Feanil Patel: Believe rest listed yeah, all of the front ends and back ends related to that. so

Feanil Patel: yeah chime in on that if you're interested. otherwise, we will probably approach seed with a deprecation post next week

Kyle McCormick: I think you just answered my question. So if we don't get a main Center, we are truly deprecating commerce. Is that the idea? …

Feanil Patel: Yeah, that's right.

Kyle McCormick: archive removes support from ideas over time remove support from my next platform Okay. sweet

Feanil Patel: Yeah, exactly.

Robert Raposa: And if that was Kyle's question is the communication about looking for maintenance. Is that consequence clear on the communication?

Feanil Patel: If not, I will make it more clear. It is pretty good. Yeah.

Kyle McCormick: the Dipper ticket itself is in the proposed state. So if this is the Dapper right here if this is okay. This is not the Dipper.

Feanil Patel: No, no. here's the processes. I see it right now based on what I think is going to happen, which is We're not going to hear anybody say this is really important to me. I want to take all of these repos. I'm gonna give it another it's been eight days. I'm going to give it the rest of this week. And then when it's 14 days, so two weeks, I'm going to say given that there's been no response. I'm going to propose a deprecation of all of this and that take over that existing ticket and update it to match. The set of repos that are here and start it from scratch basically give it two weeks of deprecation. Which I never seems like excessive but I figure let's just get all the t's crossed and all the dot eyes dotted and at the end of that two weeks. I'll archive everything part of the reason for doing it. That way is because

Feanil Patel: Part of the deprecation proposal is to split the deprecation into two parts essentially part one, which is removing an archiving The repositories and part two, which is removing code in other repositories that references that existing Commerce systems. that second one I think will be more complex and controversial because if people want to use some of those apis, we need to convert them into sort of standard apis rather than Specific apis for this other system. So we need to examine those and that's going to be a lot more work. So that's how I first see this going

Robert Raposa: but I guess two questions that I'm not one is for archiving.

Feanil Patel: Yeah.

Robert Raposa: this should archiving fit under the general six month rule or not of backward and comp change or no

Feanil Patel: No, my argument is no because anybody can Fork an archive repo.

Robert Raposa: they're still potentially work to be done In 4k, so yes.

Feanil Patel: Yeah. right…

Kyle McCormick: My sense is that This isn't archiving is not a breaking change…

Feanil Patel: because it

Kyle McCormick: because of the redirects.

Feanil Patel: Right because you can still read the repo. So if you do nothing the archive repo is still fully usable from a read perspective. You just can't make changes to it. Which I think is it. safer to be in

Robert Raposa: them maybe Yeah, I don't know if we should be explicit about that in our Deborah dots whenever we have those steps. but

Feanil Patel: Yeah, we can. You want to make a note about that in that pilot ticket on open proposals Robert?

Robert Raposa: Didn't find it.

Feanil Patel: Because I think it's a good call out. I think we had said previously that we'll sort of decide on a Case by case basis whether something needs it six months timeline. This feels that conversation of do we feel like archiving repos needs that we should capture it in case this is a consistent rule, but I think given that only or repos that are archive can still be read and used that. It doesn't. That I think getting them out of the organization is a useful.

Kyle McCormick: Yeah, we've observed that even if we plaster deprecation warnings all over a repository people will still use the repository if it's not move to attic supported and will still open issues saying hey, I started using this my argues. Is it now? So the more we can actually be clear.

Feanil Patel: Okay.

Robert Raposa: Yeah.

Sarina Canelake: and also Putting more Banner deprecation warnings on docs and stuff is really helpful to I was talking with somebody who was like, I dug down seven layers until I hit the readme in this repo that said it was unsupported and it's like I was up and using it before I saw this note.


Feanil Patel: But yeah. I think that's a great call out and part of the Dapper stuff that we haven't been as strong with is the warnings and in the documentation just because Having documentation that people look at is actually kind of A New Concept for us.

Sarina Canelake: Right, but I think if you have a tutor plugin for your thing that you're deprecating like you should definitely on the tutor Pages get them to put a deprecation warning on there. So the people are full stop. Thinking critically at the entry point of using the piece of software.

Feanil Patel: Nothing, that's a great call out.

Kyle McCormick: I'm gonna bring up at the next 200 Meeting that we need to start reading opened steppers and then following through on the tutor side.

Feanil Patel: Awesome. Thanks, though.

Sarina Canelake: Yeah, I made a pull request. I'll send it your way to put a Dipper warning on a repo for a two to tutor plug-in for commerce. Regis said that he was going to start having the Splash pages on the edley site actually read from the repo. But if that's not happening anytime soon, those Splash pages should also get the Dipper warnings.

Feanil Patel: okay, and

Robert Raposa: My other thought was just your plan that you laid out. Here's what I think is going to happen, but you said you weren't going to Share the plan. I think outside of this meeting until you get to the Deborah stage, but you could just have a couple of bullets of here's the plan and…

Feanil Patel: that's

Robert Raposa: put it in that announcement so that yeah,…

Feanil Patel: Yeah, if I don't hear anything by this date. Equals the plan.

Robert Raposa: just This is what's going.

Feanil Patel: All fair enough I will put that on there.

Robert Raposa: And that whenever you want I noted in. The chat I have some. questions about Jeremy's to do And whenever you want to live back to them.

Feanil Patel: Okay, give me one second.

Feanil Patel: And for what it's worth when we do the removal of code in the existing repos that I think will all get the six-month treatment. we would identify. Hey, this is commerce specific Django apps. They're gonna go away in six months. If you need them, please pull them into a plug-in or something that I think would get the six month warning.

Feanil Patel: Yeah, so back to Jeremy's. Denver ticket for front ends for the new course authoring stuff. It's

Robert Raposa: Yeah, and I'm not sure if we should cover this and it never read into or whatever. so one. I was thinking I've been a Jeremy brought up and Kyle's Kyle's attempted Deborah the content editors and discussion with the MIT about here's a million reasons why we don't like what we is here. right now

Robert Raposa: generate having us dealing with Are we building more what we wish for? http://edx.org versus everyone else and what Are we ready?

Feanil Patel: Yeah.

Robert Raposa: Or do we want to never this all kinds of questions around that?

Feanil Patel: I think those are great questions that we can answer as a community. Once the deprecation ticket exists and everybody is on the same page about what would go away. right


Robert Raposa: That but where Kyle?

Kyle McCormick: We're talking about the Legacy text editor.

Feanil Patel: I think we're talking about that as a indicator of concern that maybe people don't want this new thing and should deprecate the old thing.

Feanil Patel: For all of the studio pages that they replaced though. My thought is that

Kyle McCormick: I think we're Sorry, maybe I missed it where I can discussion or is the overarching discussion the Legacy Tech Senator, or is it? something else

Robert Raposa: above the Todo says something around the actually was that course or authority.

Kyle McCormick: got it. I think I agree with the Neil's take.

Robert Raposa: Which is that doing this that the editor is a separate issue and this would help us learn about other things or What is the mistake? Is it…

Feanil Patel: what my stance is that having the debit for the Legacy text editor helped us understand…

Robert Raposa: what I just

Feanil Patel: what it's limitations are or what the new editors limitations are and I think if there are issues with other pages that need to be removed having the deprecation tickets for them will help us understand that I'm less concerned about these new pages because they are not part of like they are

Feanil Patel: Simpler in a lot of ways…

Robert Raposa: and are you saying we can follow up the initial Dipper by breaking things out…

Feanil Patel: then the editing environment for creating content. And so I don't think there's gonna be as much pushback.

Robert Raposa: if needed or okay.

Feanil Patel: I think if there's concern about pushback I would recommend making separate tickets per page so that we can sort of not block everything on certain things needing further development outside to you.

Robert Raposa: Yeah.

Robert Raposa: Sounds good.

Feanil Patel: Yeah, yeah, that's totally fine. That's totally fine.

Robert Raposa: I will pass that on.

Feanil Patel: We can just have a list in that Dipper and…

Robert Raposa: and guys,…

Feanil Patel: if somebody's like I have an issue with X we can say okay,…

Robert Raposa: I think Chris and is still in line for creating that effort.

Feanil Patel: we're going to make a separate Dipper for X collect this information over there remove it from this stepper and proceed. So that 9 out of 10 pages have moved.

Robert Raposa: Okay. Thanks.

Feanil Patel: We don't have to implementations.

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, Michelle.

Feanil Patel: Okay.

Adolfo Brandes: Where is the concern yesterday that there's a bit of a backlog with reviewing PRS there? And it's just a general question.

Feanil Patel: Okay. Great.

Adolfo Brandes: What should we do? Should we find more CC's or…

Feanil Patel: Next is Adolfo printed lib content components.

Adolfo Brandes: even ACC for that repo would be Asking tnl whether they are still interested in maintaining it or not. And if not, Could we find somebody else? But I've just raising the question here.

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, possibly. Yeah, yeah. So yeah not looking for a resolution right now just starting a conversation there.

Feanil Patel: Yeah, and that's maybe a question for Robert to take To Tiana. Yeah.

Adolfo Brandes: It's just some added contexts that repo is pretty much at the level of ance. Of course authoring right? it's not some random repo that occasionally use it's pretty important for the authoring experience particularly now afterwards.

Feanil Patel: Robert you

Adolfo Brandes: right,

Feanil Patel: Yeah.

Feanil Patel: right

Adolfo Brandes: yeah, no like me and Brian and now Braden can go in there and review and I've already started.

Feanil Patel: Okay.

Adolfo Brandes: No, totally. No. Yeah, and as I always say feel free to tag me but my availability to go through all the repos goes up and down according to And that's the other day. the Ripple will be better maintained if there's somebody that it passed with it, right?


Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, the

Feanil Patel: Right. Yeah adolfoam maybe.

Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah. perhaps a call for CC's for this repo would be useful

Adolfo Brandes: yep. totally

Feanil Patel: On the disc like hey,…

Adolfo Brandes: that sounds like a good start.

Feanil Patel: have you worked in this review before and want our interested in being a cc we're looking for more CC's on it? Would be a call we could make on the forms.

Feanil Patel: At least sort of see if we can get a little bit more capacity.

Feanil Patel: Okay, And then Robert you have it on your plate to take back to tnl to see if they Either can help do more of the core…

Adolfo Brandes: And maybe just ask…

Feanil Patel: because there's like what?

Adolfo Brandes: if they're still interested in maintaining it.

Adolfo Brandes: Maybe they're not like which is totally fine just It will take it from there…

Feanil Patel: decent number of

Feanil Patel: There's 12 open source contributions 11 of…

Adolfo Brandes: if that's the case.

Feanil Patel: which are passing tests.

Feanil Patel: So if we could get some reviews on them.

Adolfo Brandes: You're good.

Feanil Patel: Also a good question.

Robert Raposa: I didn't hear the music part and I was like, did I not say anything? So yes, I was actively asking you.

Feanil Patel: I'm just looking for an audible confirmation from your Robert that you got that. your muted

Feanil Patel: You still needed?

Feanil Patel: Okay, cool.

Feanil Patel: Thank you. And then front end app learning and mostly I think this is another one…

Robert Raposa: so one question that Jeremy had asked it's just out of curiosity and…

Feanil Patel: where we need feedback to you. I want to say

Robert Raposa: the was wondering if there's 18 PRS and it's repo and I didn't verify this he said 183 in edx platform. But it is just curious like one.

Feanil Patel: Yeah.

Robert Raposa: Where the focus is on rainbows and stuff like that. But he also said that more species definitely presentation, and he didn't. Respond immediately with any changes in maintenance anything around that?

Kyle McCormick: 76os open source Community PRS internet platform Yeah,…

Feanil Patel: Yeah.

Kyle McCormick: the number should shrink the edx platform is more than four times bigger.

Feanil Patel: Yeah 706. yards and Yeah, I think given that there are fewer cc's in content component focusing there would be more useful. We can tap more CC's for edx platform.

Robert Raposa: Yeah.

Feanil Patel: And hope I suspect that the Cadence on front end lip content component is probably not as high as X platform. So clearing out that backlog would be more valuable.

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, after the initial development rush for that. it tapered down significantly. Which is also…

Feanil Patel: Yeah.

Adolfo Brandes: I'm asking whether they still want to maintain it. Maybe it's sort of in maintenance mode already in terms of Interest. I don't know.

Feanil Patel: that

Robert Raposa: I'm making sure I get an explicit answer to that question. I don't.

Feanil Patel: cool

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah.

Feanil Patel: and then for the learning rfe Braden and Farhan at open craft are interested, but I just want to confirm with Nathan that he's good with doing that handoff and I haven't heard back from them in a couple of days. So.


Feanil Patel: I think if we can get a confirmation. Or honestly, we don't hear back and we want to just make that pull request and have them just approve the pull request. I just want to make sure there's an explicit handoff from the old maintenance of the new maintenance.

Robert Raposa: so I get confirmations. Sorry from Jeremy that they need sometimes to think about that. So.

Feanil Patel: And then the next one is front end up learning Robert. I need input from Nathan or whoever is on his team for whether or not they're good with transferring their repository to open graphs. per maintenance I put a link in the notes

Robert Raposa: Yeah.

Robert Raposa: sorry, the point of this question is it's not an open graph. But just are you able to do knowledge transfer? What's the actual question? Sorry.

Feanil Patel: Of one is any concerns and then no concern Does that also mean you have capacity to help do the hand There will probably be questions, potentially and…

Robert Raposa: Yeah.

Feanil Patel: so are you good with this transfer? And this is mostly…

Robert Raposa: Yeah, okay.

Feanil Patel: because we've not done a trend I think the first transfer so the process is being defined as we go.

Robert Raposa: Yeah, I guess I was wondering in there the explicit does the person who is giving up maintenance Have a say over whether or not they are happy with who it's being, trans people not.

Feanil Patel: Good question. I guess they don't. I guess we should just make the update.

Robert Raposa: and

Robert Raposa: And why would that be but I definitely get the question that's like can you make yourself available for doing the transfer and sort of like it would be weird to say, I don't want to maintain this anymore Community you go figure out who will maintenance and…

Feanil Patel: Yeah.

Robert Raposa: then I have veto power over that I want to say.

Feanil Patel: Yeah, yeah.

Robert Raposa: I don't maintenance and…

Robert Raposa: know that's not a good.

Feanil Patel: No, not you.

Feanil Patel: That's fair.

Robert Raposa: or maybe the final question is here's where it's going here. And Definitely agreeing to get up maintenance it because otherwise you.

Robert Raposa: I will reach out more about that. just supporting

Feanil Patel: Yeah that but yeah, I think thank you for talking me through it. I think let's just proceed. And we'll just get it going.

Robert Raposa: essentially

Feanil Patel: and then review this is new. I figured the maintenance board is actually in pretty good shape now, although probably the text is a little small. So let me know if this is the right size.

Feanil Patel: We've read a bunch of things in progress. I figured we would just checking on them here and keep the updates on those tickets because these also are on the platform roadmap in some cases and we'll make it easier to communicate out. the Adolfo's this done now. I feel like you.

Adolfo Brandes: Sorry, what are you referring to?

Feanil Patel: This is the code of standardization.

Adolfo Brandes: 

Feanil Patel: Enterprise and

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, the missing ones were mostly Adam basically saying can we not make this a requirement for these because we don't want to have to go in and A rerun clothes when they fail and…

Feanil Patel: Okay. then

Adolfo Brandes: figured okay, you're maintainer there you'll deal with the follow. It's your call.

Feanil Patel: then it looks like this one is good now for Commerce.

Adolfo Brandes: but

Feanil Patel: you like

Adolfo Brandes: yeah, and the Commerce.

Feanil Patel: Yeah, and that one I think is now good. So I'm just gonna merge that and I think we can close this.

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah.

Feanil Patel: Thank you for coordinating. this large thing

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, no worries. That was actually an interesting tour into. said grab replace


Adolfo Brandes: I guess the next steps here are how are we doing in terms of has this improved the failure rate of just keep an eye out for that, right?

Feanil Patel: I've not seen code cover issues and actually a couple weeks now, but

Feanil Patel: I think we need to collect sort of more evidence, but I think it is better. in the places where I've been operating at least

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, and if it so happens that it's still annoying then we can start talking about. what to do

Feanil Patel: yeah. Yeah.

Feanil Patel: that's

Feanil Patel: Okay, and then the pilot for using the Dipper for breaking changes I think is in progress. Probably we're trying to set a date for one where want to discuss it again. Maybe although I think it's January next year. There's probably the right time to talk about it again.

Feanil Patel: Because we'll have done at that point a couple of different Deckers by that process. Does anybody think we should talk about it earlier than that?

Adolfo Brandes: I mean individual cases are already going to be discussed individually, So I think it makes sense to have a general review. in January

Feanil Patel: Yeah.

Kyle McCormick: Sounds good to me.

Feanil Patel: just

Feanil Patel: Migrating elements APS VR this is kind of a certain species in the next platform are working on this. So that's just to track that. Adolfo do you or is that Brian's not here, but You know what the state of this is or should I check in with Brian?

Adolfo Brandes: 

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, that's now fully on Brian's plates. I haven't checked up on it this week. So I don't know…

Feanil Patel: Great.

Adolfo Brandes: if there's been any progress. I think he's still looking into it. Yeah.

Sarina Canelake: I have an update I have.

Feanil Patel: Yeah, so probably check back in two weeks on this.

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah.

Feanil Patel: That sounds good. Just upgrade. I think this is still mostly in review cycle and there's still a bunch of stuff that needs review.

Adolfo Brandes: So I have some minor update here, which I shopped it around. And I'll listen to actually.

Adolfo Brandes: Picked up they're not CC's anywhere or anything, but just doing sort of testing if stuff is working. So it's now on me to go down that list and see which ones they actually tested and press the merge button.

Feanil Patel: Very nice.

Feanil Patel: Full that's good. And then I think this is another one where we just need reviews from CC's and maintenance across a bunch of these.

Feanil Patel: I think a bunch of these things just don't have maintainers. So I've got them on my plate to later. But if you are Borg wide maintainer take a look at some of these they should be pretty fast.

Feanil Patel: And then the last one on here is enzyme which I need to confirm this but I think my latest review of this is that it's actually done everywhere except in to front ends And so I might consider this done because I think it's not done in certain. Mfe's that either are not maintained or are to use specific. I need to figure out what the state of these last couple checkboxes is but

Feanil Patel: This might actually be completed but we just never did the communication or rounding, Closing out of this one. So I've got that on my plate to take a look at.


Adolfo Brandes: Yeah in my require is taking a official stance on front and app support tools and those which I think we're sort of already doing elsewhere.

Feanil Patel: Yeah.

Adolfo Brandes: I forget where And the pair board somewhere and yeah.

Feanil Patel: Yeah, we're gonna have some Deckers for that one soon. I think so. if closing this requires us to do that that is already on the list to do so and yeah.

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, it looks like it's pretty much almost closing.

Feanil Patel: Yeah, so I think was very close. Yeah, and I think the big focuses for sumac

Feanil Patel: we should start thinking about what our targets are in terms of maintenance for teak because I think for the you release we're going to

Feanil Patel: we're gonna need to upgrade Django by I think the you release.

Adolfo Brandes: okay.

Feanil Patel: Because five one is out in five two will be out. Sometime early next year I believe.

Adolfo Brandes: Okay.

Adolfo Brandes: do we expect major breaking changes or is it just regular?

Feanil Patel: I mean there's a lot of Django five zero and 51 warnings when I start up that X platform.

Adolfo Brandes: Notes, okay.

Feanil Patel: So I think the accent movements team is currently sort of documenting those and turning those into tickets so that people can pick those up Less in an urgent manner. Some of those are good first issues to clean up warnings and unknown way. So we'll sort of try that for the next six months. And then we may need to accelerate it on the back half depending on how much is done. hoping to deprecate ideas before then so that we don't have to do Django upgrades on as many ideas.

Adolfo Brandes: How about…

Feanil Patel: We've been

Adolfo Brandes: how about python version and Ubuntu version supported that also usually when?

Feanil Patel: Ubuntu is one that we need to figure out actually and maybe we can make a note for next time to talk about it.

Adolfo Brandes: if tutor goes Some other routes maybe we can start forgetting about Ubuntu.

Feanil Patel: Also that is controlled that Ubuntu and in testing and we need to figure out sort of what the plan is the Ubuntu upgrade for testing should be a lot easier now because we're using standard GitHub.

Adolfo Brandes: Okay, yeah.

Feanil Patel: Yeah, we're using the standard GitHub like workers. So that is a lot easier to test than it was when we were using our own private workers.

Feanil Patel: Maybe I'll just make that if it's as easy as what happened with the node upgrade I would take it. but I imagine This is a question for what's the coordination we need for updating Ubuntu on tutor?

Kyle McCormick: I mean in the past it's been. registered

Feanil Patel: so kind of similar announced that were

Feanil Patel: Dropping support on the certain day or something.

Adolfo Brandes: Just to add some color.

Kyle McCormick: What is the Ubuntu upgrade mean is it that you're dropping support for Ubuntu? Funny word is it that? You are recommending that deployer you're changing the recommendation for deployers.

Feanil Patel: I think it'll have to be a two-part thing like that. Right because it'll Start running and this is the thing. I'm worried about is if I start running tests with 20, we're now doubling up testing again.

Feanil Patel: And so

Kyle McCormick: I mean How many shirts do we really need to test on both OS versions?

Feanil Patel: Good question.

Kyle McCormick: Probably not many.

Feanil Patel: We can probably do what we did last time when we did the mango update and have a minimal set of shards testing on Ubuntu 20 and half the most running on 22.

Feanil Patel: but I think we need some because I don't know where the Ubuntu version will matter.

Kyle McCormick: Yeah.

Feanil Patel: And presumably Robert and team would six months to be able to switch Ubuntu versions.


Feanil Patel: We absolutely are yeah, this is a discussion of what does that look like and what when do we do? Which parts?

Feanil Patel: No, That was an expensive thing. We had talked about right

Kyle McCormick: That presentation this process came up kind of like after the python 3/8 to 311 upgrade.

Robert Raposa: Yeah, which makes sense, except there's still a couple of little things that I think. We haven't finished and you doesn't know that date. On which that is going to happen. So it's not like it has to be six months from today,…

Feanil Patel: for presentation

Robert Raposa: but we should know a date, like the base that text issue…

Kyle McCormick: so we've already

Feanil Patel: here for Ubuntu

Robert Raposa: if for Python 3 so that but

Feanil Patel: I think Python 3, we've already dropped from ITX platform.

Robert Raposa: Yeah, so many misunderstand. All right, I didn't mean to fully switched topics on it…

Feanil Patel: it's not again,…

Robert Raposa: because you're just Ability,…

Feanil Patel: but I like Yeah.

Robert Raposa: but yeah later. standard

Kyle McCormick: I think that is a good topic to Circle back to you. But on the Ubuntu thing, I think ideally. We do the six month process. There's a Dapper for the old one. we can try to run as two shards as possible and I can do a little bit of digging to figure out what would be a good representative set of charts when we get to the point of needing to do that. and then

Feanil Patel: I think I left a comment in the unit test workflow already with your previous suggestion. For mongo, and it'll probably use that different.

Kyle McCormick: Yeah, I'd probably go even smaller for event, too.

Feanil Patel: And into all So Ubuntu upgrade is the thing we need to plan for.

Feanil Patel: What is it? not critique and then

Feanil Patel: Adolfo on the front end side, I know we're in enzyme right now and Is there a react upgrade that is on the horizon that we need to?

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, there's always. The big blocker was enzyme once we're done with that.

Feanil Patel: right, so okay,…

Robert Raposa: but

Feanil Patel: and I think

Adolfo Brandes: And since it seems we can start. Yeah.

Feanil Patel: I think we are. Yeah, I'll prioritize closing that all the way out this week and then we can think about the react upgrade for coordinating the react upgrade for. not sumac but take

Adolfo Brandes: yeah, I expect this to land together with our close to the module for duration of 65 stuff so

Feanil Patel: that's

Adolfo Brandes: It's part of that conversation as we're unifying all the dependencies anyway.

Feanil Patel: Cool, you got it.

Robert Raposa: and enzyme I think falls under the similar question to me, which is I'm guessing that works started before we had this new pilot process. I'm not saying we need it a date that is six months from now, but I wonder is there an enzyme ever already but

Feanil Patel: Yeah there that's what's on the maintenance board is the Dapper.

Robert Raposa: Okay.

Feanil Patel: I just

Robert Raposa: I thought it was sorry. Got it.

Feanil Patel: yeah, it's just the Dapper it is I just put it on both boards just so that I would have it from the maintenance inside of the world.

Robert Raposa: Okay, and you mentioned you were going to do some final? work follow up on that I mean said

Feanil Patel: Yeah, which is full disclosure is gonna be me grabbing for enzyme in all of our front ends and seeing what still has it.

Robert Raposa: Yeah, so there was a conversation. I thought it was between you and Deborah unless it was internal around question. Are you going to follow up with her about?

Feanil Patel: Yeah, that's on here. And that's done. there was miscommunication Max thought that They were waiting on enzyme. But in fact all of the repos that he listed did not have already had enzyme removed and they could proceed with other upgrades if they wanted to so that has been communicated back to them at this point. I think. But that context is on this enzyme ticket…

Robert Raposa: We get yeah.

Feanil Patel: if you want to look at that conversation.

Robert Raposa: That's good. It was just earlier. You said enzyme is still in some two year private repos and other things and I'm just wondering is there anything I need to do to follow up and say by the way? It's important.

Feanil Patel: We need to get ready. Yeah.

Robert Raposa: It's important that everyone knows about this and here's why.

Feanil Patel: Yeah, I'll look through the edx org as well just to since this was a pretty thing that was tracking across both.


Robert Raposa: but

Robert Raposa: Yeah, and…

Feanil Patel: but

Robert Raposa: is it and if you can give me a search I don't know if any chance it could be in a private repo or…

Feanil Patel: Yeah, yeah.

Robert Raposa: not or if you're in.

Feanil Patel: Right, I'll take a lot. if I search I was gonna grab it on my local copy of things so I won't be able to search private things, but I'm sure I can do it be a GitHub search also just send you that. Yeah, I'm gonna do that later. I just literally have not had time to go through that yet. And so I'll probably have today.

Robert Raposa: nice. I just want to make sure.

Adolfo Brandes: For the record. I just ran one off the cuff and it looks like it's contained to those repos. We would expect indeed support tools.

Feanil Patel: Okay.

Adolfo Brandes: front and components AI translations most of the most repos that the wider Community doesn't use

Feanil Patel: Is AI translations required repos or…

Adolfo Brandes: But it's what it's worth actually doing another search.

Feanil Patel: is it?

Adolfo Brandes: This was just

Feanil Patel: yeah, I'll do a full pull and validate that and put the information in the ticket and

Adolfo Brandes: yeah. Sorry, I talked over You were asking front and the AI translations.

Feanil Patel: I was trying to remember if I think that's not a required install right? It's like an optional. Okay.

Adolfo Brandes: No. yeah good question.

Feanil Patel: Okay.

Kyle McCormick: Pretty sure it's required. I think it's not going right before.

Adolfo Brandes: Yes.

Kyle McCormick: Running slots became viable.

Feanil Patel: slots Yeah, Okay, we'll figure that out.

Adolfo Brandes: There's enzyme in edx platform apparently.

Kyle McCormick: 

Feanil Patel: Yeah, yeah. What did Brian said? FedEx platform uses every possible way of testing to test its front end.

Adolfo Brandes: Okay.

Kyle McCormick: Maybe that's fine.

Feanil Patel: Which I think is.

Kyle McCormick: Can we just putting energy into edx platform front-ends except Xbox

Feanil Patel: I mean that might be I'll take a look at how much there is and just say We're good with leaving. This as is because It is not supported and it might block this on the react upgrade next platform. But that's another thing. We maybe want to just accelerate the extraction of react related components from edx platform.

Feanil Patel: we didn't get to a lot of edx platform specific stuff, but perhaps those are things we should talk about next time which We have 10 minutes. We can talk about the python 3/8 stuff or we can talk about front-end strategy for edx platform which seems like a bigger topic and we should talk about next time.

Sarina Canelake: Can I ask a quick question about upgrades overall? I want to be sure that it's super surface in all the discussions with product about our product priorities for the release. What upgrades have to be hit by certain deadlines? And I think I was struggling a little bit to discover that information for myself. So what is the best is it a spreadsheet? Is it a view on the board? What can I see? That's like these upgrades have to happen by sumac. These ones have to happen by tea.

Feanil Patel: The platform roadmap should have that information. So we're trying to track the tickets on both boards and on the platform roadmap side It should be tagged properly on that side.

Sarina Canelake: 

Sarina Canelake: Okay. I didn't see a release tag though.

Feanil Patel: right

Sarina Canelake: So on the specific boards, they will be

Feanil Patel: on the specific boards, they should be like the matte we haven't done it for tea yet, but for sumac We should have maintenance is already on there for no 20 and react 17 which probably add some of these other ones there,…

Sarina Canelake: Okay.

Feanil Patel: which is a good call out.

Sarina Canelake: Yeah, I did. Yeah.

Feanil Patel: but yeah, that should be the correct place to look and we'll make sure that

Sarina Canelake: Okay, No, I think I did look there but I didn't really think to go dig into the specific tabs for the specific releases. So that's good to know.

Feanil Patel: yeah.

Feanil Patel: Yeah, the node 21 of most is the only one that's critical to land the rest of these are nice to land but not required but I'm going to put them on there anyway, and

Sarina Canelake: Yeah, I wonder if it's worth making a differentiator of that somehow I want to know what's gonna say.


Sarina Canelake: this is a step back from this group, but When we are talking about a deadline for a cut what are the things that might actually push back the deadline for the cut and what are the things that we would just have to…

Feanil Patel: right

Sarina Canelake: Sorry, that didn't make it.

Feanil Patel: Yeah.

Robert Raposa: so if you already mentioned that's good. We did start adding dates to the tickets That they end releases.

Sarina Canelake: But that's not necessarily answering the question of

Adolfo Brandes: just

Sarina Canelake: If the enzyme deprecation missed the sumac cut it sounds like that wouldn't be as big of a deal as if the node upgrade missed it. And that's kind of the information that I would like when doing release planning with Jenna.

Feanil Patel: Yeah, you tell us how you want that info and we can put it in there.

Sarina Canelake: Sounds good.

Kyle McCormick: There's a label release blocker.

Sarina Canelake: Yeah release blocker. That's what I want. That's the label I want.

Kyle McCormick: It's every single repo. to

Sarina Canelake: Yeah, add that to. the ones that are going to block the most recent releases because if it's gonna block

Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah note I think is the only one for first and mac and I think we need to do the tea planning which we're going to start doing next.

Sarina Canelake: Okay.

Robert Raposa: The question about these meetings so in the reverse order.

Feanil Patel: Yeah. right

Robert Raposa: We always got 30 minutes at a coupon. I don't know that we always need it. But I also don't know that we want to just not Switched at platform. That's

Feanil Patel: Yeah, I think that's a good call out and next time I'll set a clock timer for 30 minutes and to switch over and we'll shift subjects that need to be shifted to either afterwards or next time.

Robert Raposa: who and they still have a good four minutes going to discuss that could jail question and that's a

Feanil Patel: codegel

Robert Raposa: and sorry, There's a to you ticket for start installing kojo requirements from Bayside text instead of 538.text. And I don't know…

Feanil Patel: Okay.

Robert Raposa: if that's related to a deadline something that little change or if that's just up to us to do whenever we feel like

Kyle McCormick: That file is super inconsequential and small.

Kyle McCormick: Leaving it there really affects no one so. No, I don't plan to rip that out and break you guys that said if you stay on that file forever. It means you're staying on an unsupported python forever.

Robert Raposa: You guys just says that.

Kyle McCormick: So the action required is that you guys should upgrade code jail because python 3A is heading towards end of life.

Robert Raposa: and then we would

Robert Raposa: typically and it would be good to Or is it an obvious thing? Sorry, I don't know enough about this where we would just delete would we be the ones that still leading? What we no longer need? so or the income or it doesn't matter.

Kyle McCormick: I'm so unconcerned about that file that I hadn't thought about it. You guys are welcome to delete it once you're done.

Feanil Patel: I think it's great for you guys to delete it mostly because it shows up in the security advisory reporting as files that have other security vulnerabilities potentially so I can ignore them. what's

Kyle McCormick: High three games pi38.text might have a security vulner

Feanil Patel: Yeah, you can ignore it. But if we remove it, it's a good. Not like you don't want to scare people. over the long term

Robert Raposa: And it's just useful to get rid of things that no should care about so,…

Feanil Patel: Yeah.

Robert Raposa: and that's all on us. I don't just update our ticket.

Feanil Patel: Yeah.

Kyle McCormick: yeah, the

Robert Raposa: That's great.

Kyle McCormick: on python 38 I'd say If a repository isn't testing with python 38 it still works in Python 38. That's just like a happy accident and could stop being the case then anytime.


Kyle McCormick: And I realized that the communication of when Python 3 Was formally dropped wasn't great because there was never formally dropped. I think we just kind of moved past it and that's what I hope we do a better job with going forward. But for all intents and purposes py38 support is essentially dropped and if there are any ideas that are stuck on pythree for you folks that would surface that. Now and see what we can all do to get those off python 38. So that makes sense.

Robert Raposa: Yeah, eventually just create. Red pepper ticket but with a date in the past whatever this is up or whatever it is, but just follow that process since that's the process that this kind of thing.

Kyle McCormick: Go for it.

Feanil Patel: I think it's one of those things where if you guys think that would be valuable Robert do it, but it don't think anybody else cares. So if it's not useful to you, don't do it.

Robert Raposa: I think I was just misunderstanding house, and I thought you were referring to Other consequences in addition to this one.

Feanil Patel: That we're good. Mostly, I think in other services and such where we might be dropping support and if you guys have an updated.

Kyle McCormick: Yeah, there's the services that we didn't prioritize. it's Enterprise stuff.

Feanil Patel: right

Feanil Patel: So if you guys have an upgraded Enterprise, you might be going out of support for Enterprise repos. without a python 311 capable

Feanil Patel: version of it

Robert Raposa: Okay.

Robert Raposa: And I think I'm just gonna follow up with I get that it's on us and what I don't get is. My brain wasn't fully.

Feanil Patel: Yeah.

Robert Raposa: yet following

Robert Raposa: Exactly what needs to happen in order to pass it on and…

Feanil Patel: Yeah.

Robert Raposa: exactly what the problem is, but now I'm clear we don't need a Dipper it is to you only issue and I'll just get more clear through. I'm happy just be right…

Feanil Patel: Yeah.

Robert Raposa: what you said to me and all unless it's in the

Kyle McCormick: Yeah. it's a two you issue…

Feanil Patel: yeah, it's a

Kyle McCormick: unless someone else is running those Enterprise ideas.

Robert Raposa: done which

Feanil Patel: Yeah, so the way that basically I think it should be.

Kyle McCormick: We're looking for that Master upgrade ticket. Yeah.

Feanil Patel: Yeah, it should be in the archives.

Robert Raposa: Answer people that have stepped up and said that they're confusing Enterprise.

Feanil Patel: 

Robert Raposa: when the people that have said they

Adolfo Brandes: If anybody it might be some open craft customers that do.

Feanil Patel: there are

Adolfo Brandes: but I'm not even sure that's still the case.

Kyle McCormick: sit

Feanil Patel: Yeah, I think there are.

Kyle McCormick: Digging through the chain.

Kyle McCormick: There's better. That's it. Nice.

Feanil Patel: That's the one yeah.

Feanil Patel: No, it's like I know I had connected them all. I just had to get from any one of them to this one.

Robert Raposa: Yeah, so this is a ticket that would.

Kyle McCormick: right

Feanil Patel: Yeah, so the list of repos that we didn't prioritize but if our important to other people they should do is at the bottom there those tickets exist in those repos. So either they're done and nobody closed the ticket or they're not done yet.

Feanil Patel: But any Commerce worker people in the community did because they wanted that.

Feanil Patel: But the Enterprise ones whatever nobody was like this is so important that I'm putting resources behind getting this done.

Feanil Patel: okay, we are past time so I'm happy to let everybody go and I'm happy to also stick around for further questions when I go ahead and stop the recording.

Robert Raposa: But I'm probably like so, thank you.

Meeting ended after 00:59:47 👋