2024-10-03 Meeting notes

2024-10-03 Meeting notes

All public Working Group meetings follow the Recording Policy for Open edX Meetings


Oct 3, 2024


  • @Feanil Patel

Previous TODOs

 Discussion topics







Discuss access for teams that maintain many repos across the org.


Upcoming Major Changes in the Next 6-months

  • Module Federation

  • Design Tokens

  • We’ll want to not land those in the same release.

 Action items

Next time: @Andrés González would like to bring into the agenda the topic of how many releases back are we keeping under maintenance. We, as site operator and Open edX service provider, have the policy to use in production the previous release to the latest. The reason behind that is that even when a new major version is released, there are still bugs that are discovered by real use. Cannot create new course for new organization using the frontend-app-authoring MFE · Issue #1199 · openedx/frontend-app-authoring is an example of a bug found in Redwood while it is the current release. In addition, the fix to this bug implied un-archiving an archived repo. IMO, repos of the versions under maintenance shouldn’t be archived. I would like to propose to keep the latest two (2) versions under maintenance. I know this can be a challenge to the maintenance group, considering the scarce resources they have. But I think this is something to bring back to the maintenance agenda.
Next time: @Robert Raposa Flaky test process. Flaky Test Process was updated to use Github instead of Jira. We need feat: add flaky-test label by robrap · Pull Request #566 · openedx/repo-tools to land. There are 21 Jira tickets that could migrate or be lost. Ideas for migrating?
Next time: @Robert Raposa [inform] [idea] Old ticket was closed with idea to add Celery to Support Windows. See #maintenance-wg Slack thread for details.

Recording and Transcripts

Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1--8VfXIa3tBXPOMUeRJA3Lah80v0VWAb/view?usp=sharing

Maintenance Working Group Meeting – 2024/10/03 09:00 EDT – Transcript


Adolfo Brandes, Feanil Patel, Feanil Patel's Presentation, Sarina Canelake


Feanil Patel: Hello.

Feanil Patel: I'd be pretty quiet medium today.

Feanil Patel: Adolfooking you hear me? Okay, it's on your end.

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah.

Feanil Patel: I can't hear me.

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah. We'll get Tori,…

Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah.

Adolfo Brandes: jump out and then

Feanil Patel: The old, turn it off, and turn it back on.

Adolfo Brandes: yeah.

Feanil Patel: Or things change. The more they stay the same.

Feanil Patel: Share this screen. I think it'll be a pretty quiet one today, Jeremy and However yeah.

Adolfo Brandes: I saw, yeah.

Feanil Patel: and with Kyle being sick, it's like we'll see how many

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah.

Feanil Patel: but I did want to highlight for people who are watching the recording. The new role that Serena posted, can you hear us now, Sarina?

Sarina Canelake: Yep, can you hear me? All…

Feanil Patel: Yep. clear.

Sarina Canelake: new headphones.

Sarina Canelake: Yeah, I posted a new rule.

Feanil Patel: you guys have any other discussion topics. You want to? Talk here.

Sarina Canelake: I have nothing today.

Feanil Patel: I think last week was very big, so,

Adolfo Brandes: But what? Yeah. People are scared. No, just kidding.

Feanil Patel: I think it was really good which was I think establishing that the six-month timeline can be Sort of. Scheduled. Even if we can't we haven't completed. The work is really big change, that will hopefully speed up a lot of clean up.

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, I agree. That was a good step forward.

Feanil Patel: Yeah, so I need to go back and look at what we're doing over the next six months that we should announce soon. So if you guys are aware of things that are in that boat, let's get the announcements out for anything that we expect to land by tech.

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, the module federation work is in that ballpark while not probably a bit. Wait, no, we're in October. So yeah, definitely six months not take…

Feanil Patel: Yeah. Okay,…

Adolfo Brandes: but six months.

Feanil Patel: all right.

Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah. I mean if we want to land it right after take Now is the time to announce it and prepare people to be like, you will have to do X amount of work. Six months from now.

Sarina Canelake: Yeah. I mean honestly I think even…

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah. Yeah.

Sarina Canelake: if we thought we might be ready to land it in teak. I almost think I would veto it because of design tokens landing. Antique

Adolfo Brandes: It's gonna be a lot of thought, but at the same time and…

Sarina Canelake: Yeah. Those two are both big and…

Adolfo Brandes: those two are kind of scary.

Sarina Canelake: scary, they're gonna require work. I think it'd be better to focus,…

Feanil Patel: Yeah. Definitely sequenced. And

Sarina Canelake: our efforts on landing one at a time.

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, I agree.

Feanil Patel: That makes sense. Yeah, I think both of them are gonna require a lot of documentation to get people to move to them. So,

Sarina Canelake: Yeah. Yeah, I mean, we're already thinking about that with design token. So I think,

Feanil Patel: yeah, sounds good. All right.

Feanil Patel: Yeah, I think we want to even outside of the releases, spacing them out a little bit so that people can do the maintenance On the master side for MIT and to you and anybody else who's on master the useful.


Feanil Patel: you release really interesting because it's gonna have the Django upgrade. Possibly a big front-end revamp. Of some sort.

Feanil Patel: Along with probably a decent number of libraries related features if I had to guess.

Sarina Canelake: yeah, I think

Sarina Canelake: It's good to be looking at what the effort required is for site operators and developers to migrate each release because even…

Feanil Patel: Yeah.

Sarina Canelake: if the Django upgrade is really big hopefully it's not. Too much of an in.

Feanil Patel: That's a good point. Yeah.

Sarina Canelake: We're not asking site operators to, I mean they might have to if they have custom code, right? But

Feanil Patel: Yes. the biggest unknown right now at the Django upgrade is that they redid some of the migrations related syntax that I reread it and…

Adolfo Brandes: 

Feanil Patel: I think it will be okay, but I need to actually test it to be confident that it won't cause a migration that causes people to index extremely large tables. I don't think you will.

Sarina Canelake: 

Feanil Patel: think they fixed it, so that it won't, but I want to confirm that.

Sarina Canelake: My.

Feanil Patel: Yeah, so That's the reason why I keep bringing it up is I'm like, we need to spend some time on it because they changed how you declare indexes and if you are using the old way and you change it to the new way and code, it will generate a migration that migration should be a low-cost migration, but it might not be

Sarina Canelake: Gotcha.

Feanil Patel: So, I need to do some digging there.

Sarina Canelake: Gotcha.

Feanil Patel: but looking at previously,

Feanil Patel: it's a lot of the previously I marked off. I think the next major thing we need to figure out is this What are the maintenance goals and announcing them as early as we can and what are the sort of major changes dropping? That we need to announce.

Sarina Canelake: Yeah. Yeah, just on the first discussion topic…

Feanil Patel: but,

Sarina Canelake: because we didn't actually say anything, just for anybody who's watching and…

Feanil Patel: 

Sarina Canelake: then maybe finial, if people come to the second one or something, I haven't had any comments on that. And I,…

Feanil Patel: Yeah.

Sarina Canelake: I want to make sure that it works. For the people who need it right now.

Feanil Patel: Yeah, I agree. That's why I put it on. So yeah, if you're watching this later, please go comment at the link is in the notes here. It's on the Forums, if you search maintainer at large leave, it's the only topic that uses that term since it's new at the moment. So if you have any feedback on it, please provide it

Sarina Canelake: Even if that feedback is this works for me and I want it, that's great feedback,…

Feanil Patel: Super yeah,…

Sarina Canelake: put it on the ticket.

Feanil Patel: yeah, Cool. I think honestly if there's no other topics and I don't think anybody who is on the EDX platform. Side is likely to show up later, this can be the world's shortest maintenance. Working group meeting,

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah.

Feanil Patel: They need to take up time. Talking.

Feanil Patel: Yeah.

Sarina Canelake: Can we stop the recording? And I ask you an unrelated question.

Meeting ended after 00:08:57 👋

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