2024-08-29 Meeting notes

2024-08-29 Meeting notes

All public Working Group meetings follow the Recording Policy for Open edX Meetings


Aug 29, 2024


Previous TODOs

 Discussion topics







MFE maintenance prioritization


  • How do we prioritize the variety of issues in the repo we maintain?


Release testing window issue prioritization



Who will review ubuntu upgrade PRs


[question] Jillian was asking for Ubuntu upgrade PR reviews. Is that something that Feanil will be kicking off for initial PRs, or do we need to find someone? There were no responses in Slack yet.




edx-platform specific maintenance

Resiliency for edx-platform



Waive 6 month grace period for this DEPR?


[DEPR]: Support for XBlock Runtimes with raw string scope IDs · Issue #784 · openedx/XBlock

 Action items

Recording and Transcript

Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KgTUbuLfOypXDfhHktDPnljswgeD8Th6/view?usp=sharing

Maintenance Working Group Meeting – 2024/08/29 08:59 EDT – Transcript


Adolfo Brandes, Adolfo Brandes's Presentation, Andrés González, Awais Qureshi, Kyle McCormick, Robert Raposa, Sarina Canelake, Zameel Hassan


Sarina Canelake: Everyone andrésario.

Andrés González: Hello, Sarina. How are you? Good.

Sarina Canelake: Morning Adolfo.

Adolfo Brandes: Hey Sarina. Andrews Roberts. Awais

Sarina Canelake: is anybody did so finials out today? And he usually runs this meeting curious. If anybody got deemed the in charge of the meeting.

Adolfo Brandes: I guess not officially, but I think I know where to look for the agenda. let me take a look. Just a sec.

Sarina Canelake: Thank you.

Robert Raposa: You happen to know, if Kyle would be joining, just wondering more about the EDX platform.

Adolfo Brandes: Good question. Yeah, he should. He usually does right?

Sarina Canelake: Yeah.

Robert Raposa: he said he had a topic, so

Adolfo Brandes: Okay, that's good. Indication

Robert Raposa: Yeah.

Adolfo Brandes: I'm creating the notes page for this meeting.

Adolfo Brandes: Blue Link in the chat. I'm going to share my screen in a second.

Adolfo Brandes: All right, so I think the meetings already being Let me check. Recorded and being transcribed.

Adolfo Brandes: Regular attendees. Correct me if I'm wrong. We usually go through previous to-doos right. Unless there's a more urgent topic.

Adolfo Brandes: These topics are, I just copied over from the previous one. In case we still want to take a look.


Adolfo Brandes: So Kyle, we're winging this as for news, not here. I just created The Meeting notes page and I suggested we start with the previous to Do's, I forget if that's the usual order or not, but

Adolfo Brandes: Okay.

Robert Raposa: Do you want to review the next ones which are usually the top it down? The Agenda. Or those,…

Kyle McCormick: That sounds good.

Robert Raposa: topics.

Kyle McCormick: What's Up? Let's put those in the Topic Discussion To someone who's editing the notes. mine clearing out the discussion topics. And adding in the ones that we had up next.

Adolfo Brandes: Sure, I can do that.

Adolfo Brandes: Why do I I'm getting all these health things.

Adolfo Brandes: The next ones would be what.

Kyle McCormick: We have from the previous studies, I see What's up with the XM rolls and permissions work? And next. I see that twice. I think that's it and resiliency topic for the EDX platform part of the meeting.

Adolfo Brandes: Cool.

Kyle McCormick: And if anyone else has stuff they wanted to bring up now's, a great time to put it in the agenda.

Andrés González: Yeah, I would like to something otherwise, we are doing some maintenance activities in the mfeas with one and Leo and sometimes wearing that how to prioritize. We look at issues and see but sometimes we're in doubt how to prioritize which issues To take. And work on.

Adolfo Brandes: All right, I can help a little bit there. Kyle.

Andrés González: there is an issue with maintenance, we've gone through that but I think they are most All of them that we can take care already done. Yeah.

Adolfo Brandes: So the two main things we're looking at as far as the frontend goes for maintenance is the note 20 thing, I think that's taught up top of mind. So any reviews or anything related to that is a great help. and the other one was, I think I might have sent you this. At some point is finishing reviews of I blanked out on what the main topic was.

Adolfo Brandes: I'll remember it shortly. It's probably in the previous maintenance, working group meeting agenda, so I'll circle back that. And there's one.

Adolfo Brandes: There was one thing I think I mentioned to in the past which was work on the header. Which is now on Brian's nests.

Adolfo Brandes: table plates, basically, which is refactoring, the header to support more customization So that's also happening. So maybe a review there could also help but those are the maintenance things. I'm aware of, if anybody else has anything to

Adolfo Brandes: suggests, that would be great.

Adolfo Brandes: Talking to correct me if I wrong andrés, you're basically offering help right for maintenance. Yeah.

Andrés González: Yes, absolutely. Yes, I am. you gave us a github issue that had a number of Pr's to review or issues or a list of other issues to take care of. And probably we should review that maintenance issue.


Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, this is what I'm trying to find now through the history here.

Andrés González: Yeah.

Adolfo Brandes: I think I found it.

Adolfo Brandes: My social sharing my screen. I think so. it's just upgrade. Okay.

Adolfo Brandes: so basically, we're waiting Yeah,…

Andrés González: Yeah, that one.

Adolfo Brandes: We're waiting to merge whatever we can hear and I think everything we could merge and review is already done, right?

Adolfo Brandes: the Left are basically sort of question marks on what we want to do with the whole thing such as E commerce.

Andrés González: Yeah. Exactly.

Adolfo Brandes: So yeah, you're right. this is pretty much done. We discuss this in a previous maintenance working group meeting.

Andrés González: But maybe there are new issues arising that we can put it.

Adolfo Brandes: 

Adolfo Brandes: So the ones where I pretty much know help is being asked for is in the node. 20 upgrade, there's a thread in I think the Front end working group.

Andrés González: Okay.

Adolfo Brandes: Let me fish out a link for it.

Andrés González: Good.

Adolfo Brandes: but we can do that We don't need to discuss the individual issues right now, right? We can move the meeting forward and…

Andrés González: No, no.

Adolfo Brandes: I'll just send you the link.

Andrés González: No maintenance was about …

Adolfo Brandes: But by the way, thank you.

Andrés González: where to look to prioritize. And if you go to the individual mities, you see issues and some issues are strange reports that is not very clear if it's about it. that's it just to mention…

Adolfo Brandes: Okay, that's also a good question.

Andrés González: how to

Adolfo Brandes: So the place we've historically used for prioritizing. Front-end work is on the front and working group board.

Adolfo Brandes: And this is pretty much my fault. I haven't reprioritized that in a couple months. So it's probably out of date, but that's a good call out because I should go back and reprob to reparatize some of those, the purpose, being exactly what you're asking for, right? So, we have a mechanism for different and it's just not as updates as at once. So, basically, content working group boards, there's a backlog there of unassigned issues, which should be prioritized, roughly in order of what the community would like to be done first. So, that should answer your question in general, but it is missing some recent priority prioritization,

Andrés González: Yeah.

Andrés González: We can help with that also.

Adolfo Brandes: But that's just the front end.

Sarina Canelake: What? I mean general there's a really good question of …

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah. Sorry.

Andrés González: Yeah, yes.

Sarina Canelake: how should maintainers think about prioritizing the issues and the repos that they maintain, So I maintain one repo…

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah.

Sarina Canelake: which is the open that exposes repo, This is not really representative of many other repos, but I can say when I took over the maintenance shift, there were 40 unaddressed issues and now we're down to 17 because I went through and prioritize them based on my priorities as a maintainer. And I resolve the ones that I thought were most important and that was kind of a value judgment for me. And I think for a lot of repos, much of the same will exist and maintainer should to an extent drive the direction of the repo. And if there are bug reports that are major usability bugs or you're seeing bug reports coming out of say

Sarina Canelake: The Btr Test Cases, I would say that those would be more important than a small edge case bug, that doesn't affect very many users and that would be the heuristic, that I would use to judge which things I should address first. Things with deadlines, like the No 20 upgrade, probably a higher priority than some of those edge case bugs. I think it's not always a science. It's sometimes an art and Adolfo. It doesn't sound like what you're doing is necessarily going to capture every single issue on every single repo and a prioritization order.


Adolfo Brandes: 

Adolfo Brandes: No. This is sort of the Content working groups of view of it, So, whatever is brought up and that meeting and then in that channel, usually should end up in this board like calls for help.

Sarina Canelake: Right.

Adolfo Brandes: There's nobody assigned. We want to fix this bug, but we don't know who's gonna do it. It ends up in the sports, whatever repo it is, And the way it's organized is up front, Bugs? Should be fixed first and then enhancements, at least, that's the general idea.

Adolfo Brandes: I mean, again, this is just one option of where to look I agree that.

Adolfo Brandes: If you want to fix something, even if it's in this board, you should probably consult the maintenance of that repo too. Maybe there are more important things. But if you're just fishing around for something To work on, I guess. This is a reasonable start. For the front end. Again, I want to make that clear. There might be other places to look,…

Sarina Canelake: Yeah.

Adolfo Brandes: particularly not related to the front Such as coming to this meeting, there are issues that come up all the time here too.

Sarina Canelake: Andrés helpful.

Adolfo Brandes: 

Sarina Canelake: Everything we said.

Adolfo Brandes: Also, feel free to bug me when you're picking something up. it's totally fine to ping me. I'll be glad to help select something.

Sarina Canelake: Yeah.

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, exactly.

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah.

Adolfo Brandes: All right, Cool. Thank you.

Adolfo Brandes: I guess the resiliency thing was specific to X platform.

Kyle McCormick: just, Since we have 10 minutes, I'll post the question. If someone is a maintenance run and repo, do they need to be paying attention to this meeting and the front and working group meeting and both boards. or is it her to say all the maintenance priority for friend and Repos is, coming from the friend and working group

Adolfo Brandes: Since I'm in both meetings, I usually do the courier work. this came up in maintenance, should they tackle it and vice versa, right? So,…

Kyle McCormick: At.

Adolfo Brandes: I'm Completely glad to continue doing this.

Adolfo Brandes: So as not everyone has to join both meetings and keep looking both boards. that said, I think it's good for people in both camps to be aware of where these issues are discussed. For example, the board that I just showed, right?

Adolfo Brandes: But in reality, I guess it'll continue to be something like, what's happening nowadays, where, can somebody go and talk to Btr or working Fronti group about this? And we just send somebody And the other way around.

Adolfo Brandes: But I'll be glad to take. Suggestions to those groups as well as to…

Kyle McCormick: Okay.

Adolfo Brandes: how we could do this.

Kyle McCormick: All right, did anybody else have any topics for the General Maintenance Working group part of the meeting?

Adolfo Brandes: So, I took back to Btr The findings of the previous meetings on what to do about prioritizing issues. During the Release Testing window. If you all remember that, and there were no objections to the rough idea, which is

Adolfo Brandes: We'll have a single Btr board for all the issues. They're going to be tagged or in prioritize accordingly and will communicate to maintainers that we're in a release window and any help would be appreciated but we're not expecting maintenance to look at the BTR board. Will rely on the issues in the maintenance, repositories? Right. So we do expect maintenance to keep an eye on the issues in their repositories. So during release testing We find an issue in a particular repository. We'll make sure that issue exists there. And basically, we won't. Have any qualms and pinging maintenance to look at them during the window.


Adolfo Brandes: And yeah, that's the current state of things just informing back that. There were no objections to this. On that end.

Adolfo Brandes: A Robert has something in the chats.

Robert Raposa: It's Just bringing up. Jillian. And

Robert Raposa: last night relative to me. Some uber to upgrade PRs that she put in the Working Group maintenance channel.

Robert Raposa: 

Robert Raposa: I'm not sure.

Robert Raposa: Finial plans on you Like finial presented, the original issues. I'm not sure if The nail completed this. on anything yet or or if these are the first PRS but

Robert Raposa: it's just

Adolfo Brandes: Is that a thread on the particular channel? Just So I can.

Robert Raposa: in the working maintenance channel. Yeah.

Adolfo Brandes: Okay, that makes sense. I see it. Okay.

Robert Raposa: Sorry.

Adolfo Brandes: So she's actually specifically asking for approval of two, PRs that exceptions and completion. fair enough. Yeah.

Adolfo Brandes: I don't have an answer, but do we have maintenance for these repos I have no idea, addict, submissions and completion.

Adolfo Brandes: These are the PRS by the way. this is one. I'm just going to look out of curiosity. What's involved?

Adolfo Brandes: Okay, lots of Github workflows. Make files stuff. Requirements. Okay, yeah. Yeah, maintenance CC. Should look at this, right?

Adolfo Brandes: So if we look at the catalog info, it should be

Adolfo Brandes: Committers adding some submissions. That's the owner. I don't know how to take it from here. Just

Robert Raposa: I think Maybe this is just waiting for Finial.

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah. Yeah.

Robert Raposa: I don't know how long he's out. Because I guess he made.

Adolfo Brandes: As you said, yeah.

Robert Raposa: notices about how he thinks that Ubuntu upgrade should go but again, I don't know that there were any examples and maybe this is the first one that would be great to Have his thoughts. So maybe I'll just reply and say maybe once it was actually can.

Adolfo Brandes: yeah, I think that that's probably

Adolfo Brandes: what we should do, I don't know Kyle any Thoughts.

Robert Raposa: Never mind. I didn't even notice that she had written that in a thread where finale presented this but she also,…

Adolfo Brandes: that's right.

Robert Raposa: And she also sent it to the channel. So I hadn't noticed that so, …

Adolfo Brandes: Me neither.

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, okay.

Robert Raposa:

Robert Raposa: never mind and finale will probably speak up once he's around. That.

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah.

Kyle McCormick: Also realized that the upgrade issue that says we need to test on 2404.

Kyle McCormick: It should say, Ubuntu, latest. Not open to 2404. So, all these issues are wrong.

Kyle McCormick: That's all.


Adolfo Brandes: All right, do we have anything else for the general section?

Adolfo Brandes: If people want to jump ahead to the RX platform one, I guess it's fine too, right?

Adolfo Brandes: Since I have another meeting, I'm Dropping out and stopping my steering. So,

Adolfo Brandes: No worries. Cheers.

Robert Raposa: It right now.

Kyle McCormick: It will.

Kyle McCormick: Okay, we've got resiliency on the agenda and then something I need to add to the agenda. What was the name of that Deprecation?

Kyle McCormick: You know what I'm talking about Robert? I'm just trying to find the issue, right?

Robert Raposa: The Xbox.

Robert Raposa: Thingy just scope or something.

Kyle McCormick: It's got these.

Robert Raposa: Also, is it possible that? The resiliency. Topic. Is just an action item that we didn't check off last time.

Kyle McCormick: I think that's very likely. I'm going up To the item.

Robert Raposa: Okay.

Kyle McCormick: There are a couple links.

Kyle McCormick: Yeah, they're the same links. it's the air page recursion and the Arcroad map. Issues.

Kyle McCormick: Yeah, I think we're good here unless you want to bring anything new up.

Robert Raposa: no, I think that was just After we added it, last time, we didn't check up the item that said to add it.

Kyle McCormick: Got All right, it is checked off.

Kyle McCormick: Then the only other item on the agenda is this Deprecation ticket. I know you already responded Robert and asked that we add custom attributes and I can absolutely add that to the task list. That's a good idea. To make sure we're actually using. The new blocks when we think we are and also make it so you guys can tell without jumping into Django Admin Where the new blocks are being used and where the existing locks are being used.

Robert Raposa: Yeah. Also, if there happen to be errors or anything, it'll be tagged To.

Kyle McCormick: Right, Is the idea that we Assign a custom attribute. with the key being Something tied to the Xbox name. And then the value being either extracted or Built in.

Robert Raposa: I mean, I'd have to say I feel like there are a lot of Xbox related attributes. So I think so what I was imagining was literally just, which whether it's new or old,

Robert Raposa: but I don't know if there's any other IDs or anything or if there's a specific

Robert Raposa: And point URL or whatever that you want me to look at and I can tell you what we already have. Good place, or you can look at the code. But I think there's a lot of x-block related custom attributes, already.

Kyle McCormick: I Okay, so when we are, Extracting X Block, We should comb through it a bit to see if there are custom attributes being defined in the body of that Xbox. Make sure we're not accidentally dropping those as part of the extraction. So that's one action item and the other one is to add an attribute that tells us whether any given Xbox is running in or extracted mode.

Robert Raposa: Yeah, the first topic. Short. I mean I imagine custom attributes and anything. if you're moving code just making sure that that works but was you were talking about adding the Xbox ID. I think there's some general code for all Xbox. That's doing all of that already. And I can double check, but my point was I don't think we need anything other than and we switch. New to old,


Kyle McCormick: Got it. Okay, that makes sense.

Robert Raposa: but I could verify that for you if I knew where to look,

Kyle McCormick: Yeah.

Kyle McCormick: It could you verify for me? whether we're putting the X As a custom attribute already. Of the key would include the type. So that's sufficient.

Robert Raposa: Yeah, I guess I did. URL. So that

Kyle McCormick: Here I can. Send you one. I guess I don't know any usage keys on your site. I could find a stage one that would

Robert Raposa: it can be with a star. For the actual YouTube. Yeah.

Kyle McCormick: Are you just looking for a pattern?

Kyle McCormick: this is tough because there's a bunch of ways you can get an Xbox to render. There are a lot of different views to render Xbox

Kyle McCormick: I think this is the one that's used by the Iframe. I'll send it.

Robert Raposa: Are there other? Topics. I'm doing this.

Kyle McCormick: I guess I am making a request to waive the Grace period. Do you feel like, you can say yes to that Robert

Robert Raposa: And yeah, I mean This is the one that I said, yes on the pier.

Robert Raposa: Order.

Kyle McCormick: You said could be waived, okay? I wasn't sure if that was hypothetical or if you

Robert Raposa: No, that was a assuming that.

Robert Raposa: Because you're gonna announce the Deborah or you did. I just met assuming there's no one out there. He was like, this matters. To us for this reason.

Kyle McCormick: Right. Got it.

Robert Raposa: The only.

Robert Raposa: yeah, I don't Know of any way to know.

Robert Raposa: Again, I don't think it's a six-month thing. I think it's just whether it's six months or now. there's a little risk because it's a refactor just making sure that we've caught everything and…

Kyle McCormick: Yep.

Robert Raposa: I can't think of anything extra that we're going to do that. We need six months for so.

Kyle McCormick: Right, make sense. Yeah. I'm

Kyle McCormick: I'm saying we purposefully add some assertions to the Xbox repos, so that unit tests will fail. If there are any strip, there's any string ID usage so that it would be loud. Failure in unit tests rather than quite failure in production later. Think.

Robert Raposa: All right, hopefully and yes I did see that and that did make sense to me.

Kyle McCormick: Okay, then I'll announce this. I just wanted to Be able to.

Robert Raposa: Include that is in the proposal.

Kyle McCormick: Yeah, yeah. Include The target removal day in the proposal before communicating it.

Robert Raposa: Yeah. I, Am something looking at that time.


Kyle McCormick: I just realize that this whole time.

Robert Raposa: So there.

Kyle McCormick: I've been totally mixing this up with the Xbox Waffle Flag extract and that's the one that you asked for custom attributes on

Robert Raposa: And yeah.

Kyle McCormick: I'm glad you're looking at it anyway because I would have had the same question for that one.

Robert Raposa: There is a usage key. What's the matter?

Kyle McCormick: Great.

Robert Raposa: Custom attribute. Alright.

Robert Raposa: this

Robert Raposa: I think the only Decision? What? I don't know. You said there's

Robert Raposa: I don't see anything that necessarily has the X block. Type.

Robert Raposa: As you said, there's a block That type as well. so, I think you could probably just have a very general,

Kyle McCormick: Cool.

Robert Raposa: Single. Custom Attribute. I can't think of a good name right now but let's just say

Robert Raposa: Using Legacy, True, False, whatever, but whatever it is, it could be a single custom attribute that is used across all the Xbox that you're moving. because we can,…

Kyle McCormick: Right.

Robert Raposa: Look at the blog type.

Robert Raposa: And that would just give us. One dashboard.

Kyle McCormick: Definitely. Do you? know, the name of either the block type or the Usage key attribute

Robert Raposa: of the custom attributes. Yes. and I,

Robert Raposa: provide that So, there's

Robert Raposa: black.

Robert Raposa: Is the blood type custom attribute.

Robert Raposa: It's just

Robert Raposa: those are the customer.

Kyle McCormick: and I see is called Usage Key. Those are both. Set up in the Render X block view. And I can definitely stick another one in here that block, something about extraction status or whether it's legacy.

Robert Raposa: Yeah.

Kyle McCormick: The value is just a string. There's a third possibility for this other than true and false. It would be not applicable. So if it's the next block that we're not trying to extract or one that just was never an EDX platform in the first place. I could do an empty string for that or Do you have particular? Probably, they'd be more useful than the others.

Robert Raposa: I think. Why don't you just Don't have the tag.

Kyle McCormick: They're do that. Yeah.

Robert Raposa: so the tag will only show up for ones that we are extracting and it'll show. whether you have the attracted one or not,

Kyle McCormick: Sounds good.

Robert Raposa: that will be helpful and then yeah, I kept thinking we might need to discuss one a dashboard is actually available, but it really doesn't matter because the dashboard will just be there before someone turns on the waffle switch, but you're going to be Adding it before it,

Kyle McCormick: Yeah, I'm just realized something that's very moment that I'll make this little more complicated. And that's that http://edx.org overrides. I think HTML video, and It at least overrides HTML with a custom Xbox. That's defined with your AI translations.

Robert Raposa: But The custom attribute, that's a complication around the extraction. Yeah.


Kyle McCormick: Yeah. Yeah.

Robert Raposa: second thing to think about

Kyle McCormick: I'm all that over. I'll probably be asking for some details on your private plugin, so that we can

Kyle McCormick: Make sure we roll out the extraction in a smooth way, still.

Robert Raposa: Are those? When you override.

Robert Raposa: Is that done in some general way? That can be detected.

Kyle McCormick: Yeah.

Robert Raposa: By your code of that and override is in place.

Kyle McCormick: Yeah, there's a way we can check it in code.

Kyle McCormick: it's kind of meta programming. It's like, you'd look at the

Kyle McCormick: if you have a class, you look at the underscore or under, Module value. And if it's,

Kyle McCormick: Either x module. HTML. Block that we know is the original one and if it's something like I don't know, EDX plugin that HTML.

Kyle McCormick: If it's anything other than that, then we know it's not the Built-in one. I think we can also

Kyle McCormick: There's otherwise ways that involve going through import Lib and looking at the entry points to the overhead happens via entry points. But answer your question. Yes, yes, in the code we can see whether it's overwritten or not,

Robert Raposa: Put together. And with this effect to your

Robert Raposa: Extraction code. to make sure that If someone. Flips the flag by mistake that they wouldn't flip from an overridden. Next block to the extracted X block when they probably never want the extracted that but

Kyle McCormick: that's a great question. So,

Kyle McCormick: It depends. How the over it and one is defined. If the override is defined as a subclass. So I'm going to take HTML for example, if HTML with custom stuff is the overridden version of HTML block It's the overhead version of HTML block, and it's a subclass of HTML block, and we switch out, block for an extracted version, then HTML with custom stuff. Is now a subclass of the extracted version of HTML Block. and that would most likely just

Kyle McCormick: depending on how much, whether it's using, internal methods of the old HTML block that could just break the HTML with custom stuff luck.

Robert Raposa: Yeah, absolutely. Now you're making me wonder Does the override.

Robert Raposa: Need this capability of.

Robert Raposa: or it's own capability of switching between an overrid of one versus an override of the other,

Kyle McCormick: I think what we need is to.

Kyle McCormick: I think what could happen is that Accent.

Robert Raposa: Yep.

Kyle McCormick: What's the flag out there and announces when the new extracted HTML block is ready. And then on your guys's side.

Kyle McCormick: Then. Adjust your custom override. And on stage or in development environments, you can use that flag to switch. Its subclass out, between the whole, the built-in block and the extracted block.

Kyle McCormick: So, during the six-month grace period, you guys would be able to Use the same flag to.

Kyle McCormick: Get your custom block over to being the Based on the extracted block. And then at some point, we remove the Built-in block.

Robert Raposa: You got it. I guess someone would have to look at the code,…

Kyle McCormick: Yeah.

Robert Raposa: but what I'm not clear on is

Robert Raposa: And it sounds like you might not even declared because you don't know what the overridden could look like. But is it possible that the over and…

Kyle McCormick: Right.

Robert Raposa: Could be a subclass of something.


Robert Raposa: in the platform that will apply both for are the new and legacy Xbox going to be separate process. So that over I can only be attached to one or the other.

Kyle McCormick: It'll be the letter.

Robert Raposa: Got it. So then if it's the latter,

Robert Raposa: and maybe this is just in our problem or anyone who's overriding problem, but I'm still not really clear on the rollout plan. first, what, basically would we have to

Robert Raposa: Just you introduced to Flag. for switching between a new and old overridden one and we would just not use your flag because we're not even using your block.

Kyle McCormick: 

Kyle McCormick: the

Kyle McCormick: so, the way Our flag works. Is it?

Kyle McCormick: Swaps out the implementation of the class. So there's a class in the platform called, L block. Right now, that is the old block. the flag does is it's going to say I'll just type it in code because it's easier.

Robert Raposa: so if it's just swapping out the implementation, and if our override is subclass exists, Then that your flag will. Affect. The The Overridden class, either So I probably Missed.

Kyle McCormick: Exactly. Yeah.

Robert Raposa: I just didn't present my question clearly, but that's what I was trying to get.

Kyle McCormick: Actually.

Robert Raposa: yes. So we'll just have to Swap it.

Robert Raposa: Got it. So then is there. You don't actually need to detect. If it's ever really or not. where's the complication with it already?

Kyle McCormick: I think the complication with overriding is that up until this moment, I had thought that We could. Do this swap. In a way that doesn't require reaction from anybody. other than you guys, may be pausing the pipeline and Smoke testing on stage Before resuming the pipeline. that was a level of development. I expected we need for me, you all. but since you have an overridden block that's built on these,

Robert Raposa: And sorry just to understand what you just said. You mean with the toggles disabled, you're talking about just a fear of this. Conditional code at all.

Kyle McCormick: No, no. The fear of switching to the extracted blocks.

Robert Raposa: Got it, if switching. Is behind a toggle.

Kyle McCormick: Right, so Pipeline. Pause wasn't the right. thing, just

Robert Raposa: Okay, I'm just trying to get clear on whatever, so if That's it.

Kyle McCormick: Yeah, I told it's hard enough.

Robert Raposa: So everything is behind a toggle It feels like. I guess I'm still not seeing the difference between whether we over have overridden or not. It sounds like the same exact process, which is. you'll, Turn on the toggle, maybe for a specific user and test. Make sure everything's good. If you're happy with that, you can turn it on for a percent rollout. Obviously in stage, we can turn it up on for everyone and

Robert Raposa: and I guess I'm still not clear. Unless you're saying overriding may have happened in other ways that aren't sunpassing us, but otherwise it just sounds like overridden Xbox. Don't change anything.

Kyle McCormick: My I think where it's different is. And how you folks need to react.

Kyle McCormick: Before The reaction we needed from you guys was just to turn the flags on and confirm that nothing changed. Whereas, now it's You folks need to


Kyle McCormick: Fix your overwritten blocks. And then turn the toggles on and make sure everything still works. So before without overrides, there was no ing work on your side. with overrides, there's coding work on your side.

Robert Raposa: Because the extracted version will be incompatible. With.

Robert Raposa: An Xbox One,…

Kyle McCormick: Yeah, the extracted version will be completely compatible in terms of the like and…

Robert Raposa: and Yeah.

Kyle McCormick: the Xbox database fields will be the same. The handler math is what they saying. however, We weren't going to make any guarantees about the private methods in that X block. that I'm sure that you're over in, Xbox is reaching into, and making assumptions about

Robert Raposa: Got it. I understand. and What it seems like. You'd want to do? Is.

Robert Raposa: Make the Exposed in whatever way. I mean, just make it so that An overriding X block. Can make use of the same toggle to decide between.

Robert Raposa: Different implementations, maybe swap out the implementation in the same way that you are whatever it is. But it will need to do.

Kyle McCormick: Yeah.

Robert Raposa: So, we'll need to duplicate your conditional in some way.

Kyle McCormick: yeah, which I think is that won't be hard, right? You can import the new top, you can import the toggle in your custom block. And then do some logic based on it, I think. That'll be straightforward.

Robert Raposa: Yeah, and

Robert Raposa: From a timing perspective. As long as the toggle is disabled. everything should work fine and it shouldn't matter. It's only We need the extracted block. There first. And then we could test slash code. With the toggle enabled for.

Kyle McCormick: Yep.

Robert Raposa: Fixing the over and blocks.

Robert Raposa: So it's just more. Work. Maybe that you were originally planning not for you.

Kyle McCormick: it's right. Yeah, It's potentially more waiting and more coordination.

Robert Raposa: Yeah.

Kyle McCormick: Not in a way that's like worrying me just like I wasn't thinking about it before.

Robert Raposa: And what's the coordination or just like helping someone understand how the extracted block. has changed in ways how the API has changed or other things. So that the override Can be fixed.

Kyle McCormick: I guess that's it.

Robert Raposa: Yeah.

Kyle McCormick: I think before, it would have been reasonable for us to say Hey, this is a puree factoring. Can you guys flip this toggle on in the next two weeks? And give us a thumbs up so we can start ripping out the old code. And now that two weeks around doesn't really seem realistic.

Robert Raposa: yeah, so so one other possibility for you is the custom attributes can go in. as early as possible or as soon as possible and you could add a custom attribute for determining if it's overwritten and just so that we can have a very clear list of. Hey, Here's the ones that we're gonna have to do this extra. Work on. and know it not just from people remembering or seeing the code and this is Well, that and additionally, here's what we're seeing in production. So make sure that we're not missing anything.

Kyle McCormick: Yeah, I could do that.

Robert Raposa: so whatever. That name would be and next block over written.


Kyle McCormick: Yeah. I'll tag you in the review, for Both those attributes. Join one PR.

Robert Raposa: And that can go out. Sooner rather than later, if you want Someone to send you data on. Hey, what is that list? I…

Kyle McCormick: Yeah.

Robert Raposa: You already know often what that list is. It sounds like You definitely more than

Kyle McCormick: I know I can ask Nathan and I don't know the name of the repo. Where the blocks are. But I know if you go to that, Repo and go into setup that pie. I can tell you exactly where to look to tell me the overrides, but it'll be good on a dashboard.

Robert Raposa: There's only one group.

Kyle McCormick: Save some

Kyle McCormick: And less Moore has happened. That I'm not aware of, I'm pretty sure. It's a repo that's maintained by Aurora. That adds the AI translations Xbox.

Kyle McCormick: It's possible. More has been done. Without me hearing about it though.

Robert Raposa: so that got it. Let me. I just

Robert Raposa: did my hackathon, but here. For that. Repo yesterday. So, I could find it.

Robert Raposa: In a moment. and then if you want to, just tell me what file to go to, I said,

Kyle McCormick: Okay, set up that pie. Look for the entry point X block V1 override.

Robert Raposa: This.

Robert Raposa: HTML Problem and Video.

Kyle McCormick: The Usual Suspects.

Robert Raposa: Yeah.

Robert Raposa: and we know, That I guess. The custom attribute would still be useful just in case.

Robert Raposa: Anything else? I haven't,…

Kyle McCormick: Yeah.

Robert Raposa: we have writing that we didn't know about.

Kyle McCormick: Yeah, it's not crazy to imagine that. Another team that needs to override of luck.

Robert Raposa: Yeah.

Robert Raposa: I mean we're not aware of it, But although I guess I can also just search

Robert Raposa: The Org for Next block, V1 overruns and that's the only place. So, unless there's another way to override that that seems like the list.

Kyle McCormick: Gotcha.

Kyle McCormick: one or way I just realized we could combine these attributes together is just by Printing out. Never mind. That wouldn't work. I was going to say we could just print out the module path of the Xbox, but as I explained before, the way we're gonna, Swap out the underlying animal implementation of the box would mean that wouldn't work anyway.

Robert Raposa: Yeah, I mean that last attribute is Whatever and…

Kyle McCormick: I'll make both attribute.

Robert Raposa: it is less important. Now it seems like it would hopefully just confirm that these are the three that we know about but

Robert Raposa: If what I just searched for is the only way Xbox one. Overrides is the only way to override. That's the only repo that has it and those are the only three blocks.

Kyle McCormick: Yeah. Yeah. That is the thing to search for it. Could come from any repo that's installed into your except though.

Robert Raposa: Got it. But that was everything within our Oregon and I don't know. Open an X.

Kyle McCormick: There is none and I would make sure there's none because I would be kind of bonkers. why would we override our own stuff?

Robert Raposa: Why is it in open the next? Xbox.


Robert Raposa: Tutorial. Okay, that's why that's a reasonable placement.

Robert Raposa: Sounds good. I'm glad the world is not bunkers. All…

Kyle McCormick: And yeah.

Robert Raposa: let you.

Robert Raposa: And thank you and we'll talk more. And take it.

Kyle McCormick: Yeah, see you later. Robert. Thank you.

Robert Raposa: You got it.

Meeting ended after 01:00:37 👋

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