2024-08-08 Meeting notes
Feanil Patel
Kyle McCormick
All public Working Group meetings follow the Recording Policy for Open edX Meetings
Aug 8, 2024
@Feanil Patel
Previous TODOs
Discussion topics
| Presenter | Notes |
| Presenter | Notes |
Maintenance Update
| @Jeremy Ristau | random inform (and win for FE plugins!)... an ai-translations repo was retired because it was replaced with the new plugin approach. It was simple, seamless, and is a much better implementation than the original one! |
Maintainership Update/Check-in |
| |
Cypress e2e tests DEPR | @Maksim Sokolski | [DEPR]: Cypress E2E tests · Issue #123 · openedx/cypress-e2e-tests |
Python 3.11/3.12 tracking | @Robert Raposa | |
Edx-platform Meeting Agenda Below Here | ||
Resiliency in edx-platform roadmap ticket |
Frontend Strategy for edx-platform |
| categories of remaining frontends
are we racing against frontend-app-shell?
Action items
Recording and Transcripts
Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Bkhk5fzUIokn9XgUxuIYjlrCqDg3G4qP/view?usp=sharing
Maintenance Working Group Meeting (2024-08-08 08:59 GMT-4) – Transcript
Adolfo Brandes, Awais Qureshi, Feanil Patel, Glib Glugovskiy, Jeremy Ristau, Kyle McCormick, Kyle McCormick's Presentation, Maksim Sokolskiy, Michelle Philbrick, Piotr Surowiec, Robert Raposa, Sarina Canelake
This editable transcript was computer generated and might contain errors. People can also change the text after it was created.
Robert Raposa: Yeah.
Kyle McCormick: when Robert
Robert Raposa: you maintenance
Robert Raposa: We can add this to the list to discuss later if we need to but I just want to inform you that I don't know if I already did that. I added the resiliency section to the edx platform roadmap and added one ticket That had existed and I came across and wanted to find a home for it. No, I don't remember…
Kyle McCormick: Awesome. Thank you.
Robert Raposa: what that ticket was. That's fine.
Kyle McCormick: let's definitely talk about it in the edx platform meeting.
Robert Raposa: Okay, sounds good.
Robert Raposa: Is there a notes page yet, or?
Kyle McCormick: There is a link in the chat.
Robert Raposa: Okay. Thank you.
Kyle McCormick: Good morning, Adolfo.
Adolfo Brandes: Good morning.
Adolfo Brandes: How's it going?
Kyle McCormick: Going good.
Adolfo Brandes: Okay.
Kyle McCormick: That was an exciting Summit yesterday Alpha.
Adolfo Brandes: I'm happy with where we got to so. right
Kyle McCormick: I like the summit format. I was Talking to about how it's nice that you can really spend an hour setting contacts and getting everyone's thoughts on the table. And then you still have time for Solutions and it's not like you all come back in a week and have forgotten everything and need to repeat it. So it's really good to have that three hours of just figure it out.
Adolfo Brandes: yeah, and I think the big thing is that Focuses it gives folks a deadline to think about it. so they get to the meeting with thoughts and…
Kyle McCormick: Yeah.
Adolfo Brandes: sometimes demos, even if they've wrote up that demo of the summit but it's fine. It's the fact that it was a deadline.
Kyle McCormick: Yeah.
Adolfo Brandes: So yeah.
Adolfo Brandes: I'm glad you think it worked.
Robert Raposa: but
Kyle McCormick: We're just chatting about the Xbox rendering Summit. and we think we have a way to have the unit page in sumac and more ideas for improvements for there afterwards
Kyle McCormick: So finale said, he'll be a little late and he told me to start the meeting as soon as we're ready to go. So I think
Kyle McCormick: if one more minute for folks to show up, but then we'll get started.
Kyle McCormick: Does anyone have any topics besides the two topics that they know is put there?
Robert Raposa: and just going through. the Checklist, is that one of the things that is there?
Kyle McCormick: Yeah, we'll do the checklist. Hopefully that'll buy us in time currently we have nothing to talk about.
Robert Raposa: Yeah.
Kyle McCormick: Sure thing. All right. Thanks for coming everybody. We're gonna get started then it will be here in a few minutes.
Robert Raposa: Did you record no,…
Kyle McCormick: It is automatically recording.
Robert Raposa: sorry? Okay, great.
Kyle McCormick: so Yes, be aware you're being recorded right now.
Kyle McCormick: So to do some last time fennel said something about a front-end strategy for edx platform.
Kyle McCormick: I don't know what the exact action item was. Although I know the general topic of this was talking about how we're going to getting the remaining Legacy front inside of FedEx platform. so
Kyle McCormick: I think we can table that and see if there's discussion time in the ax platform are the meeting.
Kyle McCormick: I'm going to skip the news items. Robert let us know about one of the DTE when the data dog profile and features enabled so we can get some sweet profiling. Are we there yet?
Robert Raposa: We are not there yet. It may be some time. I think I just forgot to go into this page and check this off, but I think we'd said last time that. I had added this to the task. That we have around this and We probably don't need to discuss it every time.
Kyle McCormick: Got it.
Kyle McCormick: I do not remember exactly which profile we were looking for Jeremy. I wrote that down to capture conversation that was going on.
Robert Raposa: this
Robert Raposa: sorry. Was that a chat question?
Jeremy Ristau: It's totally fine. it can be any and all that. I was just wondering if there was something specific that people are looking for.
Robert Raposa: Yeah, I think it was just general davo and performance and others questions and does this turn up anything?
Kyle McCormick: I got moving down Jeremy Dipper tickets for course authoring Legacy front ends Will you do that?
Jeremy Ristau: yeah, I mean, yeah, I mean there's a backlog to get to create diapers and begin the Decker process when that gets picked up. This will happen.
Kyle McCormick: cool Sounds good. Should I check this off then if there's a ticket in your backlog? What do you want to have it here is a reminder.
Jeremy Ristau: Yeah, I mean it says ensure depart tickets are created. So that definitely hasn't happened But I don't mind either way. I mean from my perspective the action item will get taken care of at some point. But if this group wants to keep tracking it, I'm good either way.
Kyle McCormick: What's up for now?
Feanil Patel: Jeremy do you have offensive how deep in the backlog it is like is this weeks away?
Jeremy Ristau: No, I don't know.
Feanil Patel: I think in that case we should probably keep it open just to make sure we don't lose it as we're trying to clean up after ourselves.
Kyle McCormick: It agreed. ten update maintenance stocks with guidance for when to merge regulator dependency up the api's. Is June 10 on the call?
Kyle McCormick: is not and lastly Brian and Adolfo write up a maintenance or debit for dropping the way we do photos.
Adolfo Brandes: I Did Brian has a ticket open? I'm not sure if it's out of draft mode yet and I didn't check up this last week apologies. I'll do it the following one.
Kyle McCormick: circling back to Do's that finial had his name on front end strategy for edx platform.
Feanil Patel: That was mostly to make sure we have a discussion about it during the second half of this meeting. So I added it to the agendas so that can be checked off.
Kyle McCormick: and commerce separation plan …
Feanil Patel:
Feanil Patel: I Yeah,…
Kyle McCormick: yeah, I saw you leave this note.
Feanil Patel: I left that note. Looks like we might have some new maintenance. So I'm in the process of sort of communicating with them. now and…
Kyle McCormick: process
Feanil Patel: figuring out Yeah hypothesis. We have some people really ready to take the backend on but not the front end yet. So it's kind of in a bit of limbo but there's a second group interested in it as well. So maybe we can get them to split the work amongst themselves and work together. So we might have maintenance for the Commerce system on the bedside soon.
Kyle McCormick: All right. Cool. Thanks for following up on that.
Kyle McCormick: And last item Robert infernale review what Legacy code exists for any front and MFE that are part of the current release. this sounds like it relates to that wiki page that we worked on putting together. Is there a new action?
Robert Raposa: Yeah. no,…
Kyle McCormick: Is this new action on top of that?
Robert Raposa: it's a
Robert Raposa: agenda item on the Dipper working group that we haven't gotten to.
Kyle McCormick: Would it be fair to check this off or the purposes of this meeting and then? Have the Debra working group going to own this.
Robert Raposa: possibly the Dapper working group doesn't have a list of action items that probably maybe we could add and grow and just to make sure it doesn't get lost on that side.
Kyle McCormick: I will be at separate today so I can make sure that the action item transition happens. What's up, Jeremy?
Robert Raposa: Sounds good.
Jeremy Ristau: I'm not super familiar with the scope of the depper working group is there a charter to identify things that need to be deported and then Dipper them or just once a Deborah is submitted ensure that it moves through the process.
Kyle McCormick: Have a bit of if anyone wants to jump in feel free. My sense is their dual Manda is manage the debit process kind. Make sure it's being followed Grease the wheels a bit and then with their extra time. Take on Deckers that have been kind of lingering in that no team is likely going to pick up.
Jeremy Ristau: So if this action item is go find things to put on the Dapper board that feels out of scope for that team, right?
Kyle McCormick: On one hand, I agree on the other hand. I don't know who else will do it.
Jeremy Ristau: Other than Robert and vanilla, I guess.
Kyle McCormick: Who are on the group?
Feanil Patel: Yeah, whether I do it as a part of that group or…
Jeremy Ristau: Yeah.
Feanil Patel: individually. It's not going to be anybody else.
Jeremy Ristau: Yeah.
Feanil Patel: Who does it except for the people. We're talking to already.
Kyle McCormick: Which group are you building the hours to finale?
Feanil Patel: I don't have a billing code for the depper groove,…
Robert Raposa: this so
Feanil Patel: but I do have one for the maintenance group. So.
Robert Raposa: start for lost
Kyle McCormick: second It Off
Robert Raposa: wedding
Kyle McCormick: the transition Okay.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. I think that's fine. I think that group could do a little bit more of the proactively removing things which we have fun stepped away from
Kyle McCormick: That's what you do.
Kyle McCormick: Finale the first two items. I believe are yours if you want to jump into either of them.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. real quick on the maintenance update hold on. I'm going to switch screens real quick.
Feanil Patel: And yes.
Adolfo Brandes: Yeah.
Feanil Patel: That was surprisingly seamless. for the
Feanil Patel: enzyme and just We are making really good progress for enzyme. There's a thing now two repositories left that don't have this upgrade.
Robert Raposa: together
Feanil Patel: One of them is at X platform, which I just made a ticket for it is literally one test file in the next platform that uses enzyme so I'm kind of hoping to consult with Adolfo and Brian Smith and some of the other front-end people and see if we can just convert this to some other kind of testing pretty easily.
Feanil Patel: For For it's the cookie policy Banner front end. and I spoke with Igor and glib yesterday who are the maintenance of that repo and they're gonna take a look at it over the next couple weeks. So they know that it's a thing we're targeting for. sumac And we'll have it done before then. So I think the enzyme upgrade will definitely land before sumac.
Feanil Patel: And be fully done. There's a bunch of Jeremy didn't want to flag. There's Enterprise and other sort of very to use specific repos that still don't have the enzyme replaced with react testing libraries. There's maintenance to be done there, but I'm not prioritizing those for the same reason. I didn't prioritize them for the python upgrade, which is that in a lot of cases the PR's exist, but nobody on those teams have reviewed it so I don't feel like I need to For those things since they're not used by majority of the community. But I'm flagging to you in terms of internal maintenance that's relevant to you folks.
Jeremy Ristau: Did the Dapper investigation uncovered that enterprises not to use specific or?
Feanil Patel: It uncovered essentially that there are a couple people who are using it right now, but would be happy to move off of it. and so there's I think exactly two instances of it being used outside to you today and not to the degree where they want to take on the maintenance of it either so
Feanil Patel: It's kind of in maintenance limbo. And there's sort of higher priority things that I've been focused on finding maintenance for then Enterprise. So I've just been back burning yet. Unless somebody speaks up.
Jeremy Ristau: Sounds good.
Kyle McCormick: Pearson does want to continue using this cookie policy Banner or Enterprise
Glib Glugovskiy: It's about Enterprise.
Feanil Patel: is enterprise
Glib Glugovskiy: Yeah, definitely Enterprise. So yeah, just we had the meeting but as a projects recent just an hour ago, and we get to the discussion about the use cases for the Enterprise and so on and it's called. he will try to also answer this on and post on the discuss post, but he has his own opinions about the Enterprise and the value of it for them specifically for the community and I believe it's not and changing the whole strategy because they're still few of operators who are actually using Enterprise because of the complexity and lack of documentation as a reason, but I believe we still
Glib Glugovskiy: Need to came to consensus regarding whether this functionality can be preserved in one way or another moving to some kind of plugins to the system or as extensions or any vendors who would like to take on Frozen investigations through Guardian like that. Not just the clicking code, but also trying to maintenance is functionality in open and text installations.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, I mean, I think further investigation in this space is needed. But in terms of somebody being I will maintain and get these move forward. Nobody has stepped up. So I'm just informing everybody who's using Enterprise that they're not a priority and they can sort of deal with that information. However, they if they want to make PRS to make it more up to date or more secure. They're welcome to and I'm happy to accept those but I'm not gonna let go out of my way to make sure that they are up to date.
Feanil Patel: Other than inform people that like they are not.
Kyle McCormick: Okay, so that's enzyme right?
Feanil Patel: yeah, so that's enzyme just I think is in a similar place but felt there's still a few more non-enterprise repos that need the just update landed but I we're making good progress there. I think the number of PRS that are open has been shrinking for the just updates Adolfo.
Robert Raposa: right
Feanil Patel: Do you want to speak to that? I know you've been reviewing some of those as well
Adolfo Brandes: Probably yeah, I'm looking at the list now. There's some that have third-party review basically as I said last time I'll listen took a look at some of them don't so I expect to be able to merge some more.
Feanil Patel: right
Adolfo Brandes: this week But there might be some left so we'll see. as usual commerce is…
Feanil Patel: Yeah.
Adolfo Brandes: who knows what's going to happen? in terms
Feanil Patel: It sounds like we have a new maintenance at least for the back end. I'm gonna see if I can get some people who are willing to review for the front end. I'm happy to land Things based on review from people while we try to get their sort of CC and…
Adolfo Brandes: Okay.
Feanil Patel: maintain our access squared away. but the people yeah.
Adolfo Brandes: That's fine. It's more the socks compliance thing. I don't know if it's still applies and
Feanil Patel: No, I think as far when do you relinquish access to those repos? that is part of the thing they relinquished right? So I assume they have other strategies for That we can thanks to those repos.
Adolfo Brandes: All Good to know. I wasn't sure about that. All right, cool.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, that is my understanding somebody to you if you guys believe differently correct me, but I'm not hearing any objections. So I think those repos are now on blog for merging.
Feanil Patel: right
Feanil Patel: That's fine. But here this is what will be operating under unless we hear otherwise, so if it is important that it not be this way, I expect somebody to speak up. So this is the inform.
Robert Raposa: I have the same thought as Jeremy so we got the inform. Thank you.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, Great.
Feanil Patel: And then the node upgrade. I think it's been mostly on Brian's table, but he has not had time to look at it. So those that's still.
Feanil Patel: Sort of not yet fully activated. I would say I think the tickets exist in some places, but not all the places and I haven't seen a lot of movement on the Node 20. Testing yet. But hopefully I think he's on vacation for the rest of this week. So once he's back, I think that's when he's gonna have time to spend on that.
Adolfo Brandes: Also Brian is focusing on Landing or trying to land some of the design tokens.
Feanil Patel: Design tokens, right?
Adolfo Brandes: And while we don't expect that to be a sumac thing, he does need to get the peppers out and that requires some.
Feanil Patel: then
Adolfo Brandes: For instance. I was mentioning the big threat on front and working group about configuration changes and if we should pepper. All some of that is done because of the sign tokens, right? So I'm basically explaining why he hasn't gotten to know 20.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, yeah, I think I talked to him about it and we both agreed that it's not urgent that it be the top thing on his list, but it does need to get started before the end of this month. and so…
Adolfo Brandes: Yeah agreed.
Feanil Patel: if we can get The PRS up by the end of this month for 70% of the repos that have node. That is I think a good Target.
Adolfo Brandes: sounds like a plan.
Feanil Patel: that's everything I have for the maintenance things that Are in progress right now? one There is a sort of minor update across all of the repos that published a Pipi. Which is happening.
Feanil Patel: So if you are maintainer of a repo there might be a PR for you under this epic that you need to look at in the repos. It's really a very straightforward change, but I haven't seen a lot of people merging them. So I just want to call out. Once again that this will literally take you five minutes to look at and be like yes and land. but
Feanil Patel: we need to do that.
Robert Raposa: he just in the episode and…
Feanil Patel: And I'm planning on going through the ones that currently have maintenance
Robert Raposa: then there's
Feanil Patel: But if you're a maintainer that would take load off of other people if you can make a look at that.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, thanks for that call Jeremy as a part of the enzyme work one of the places that we needed to upgrade was the AI translations repo but then we didn't because we had already moved away from it to a plug-in so We're able to identify an archive that repo instead of needing to do a bunch of maintenance on that. So that was really a huge win both on the maintenance front and on the new front-end plug ability as a solution. So kudos to all the folks who worked on that.
Kyle McCormick: right Good to move on to farhan's right extension.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. yeah, this is just as a part of the maintenance checking FYI for Han bucks is one of the people who wants to take on the learning MFE maintainership along with Braden. I think this will the deadline is tomorrow. This has four votes if you have objections definitely speak up if you don't definitely vote so that we can get this squared away with the process.
Feanil Patel: I think we need one more vote which I'm sure we'll get by tomorrow, but Once that happens he will be added as a maintainer for that repo along with Brayden and I've merged that change. So I think we can consider that transferred as of now to those folks and I'll make sure to speak with them about this is actually I think one of the brings up because this is the first repo that's been transferred sort of officially through this process, which is really exciting. But also if you have feedback on the process or things that we can streamline about it. It's a great chance to speak up.
Jeremy Ristau: Yeah, I actually noticed this one and while I have worked with Farhan enough, I think I am fully confident in this Handover. One thing that I Like internally noted but didn't call out was most of his work in front and lib content components was building the parser which is mostly back in logic and not front end logic and so it felt an incorrect leg to stand on to arguing for a front end maintenance.
Feanil Patel: mmm Yeah.
Jeremy Ristau: I really know what to do with that. It was just something that popped into my head that probably isn't anything to do with it.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, yeah.
Jeremy Ristau: He's obviously, maintaining another front end repo. So I'm totally comfortable with it but something just to bring up for the future.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah, I think it's a good call out for as we put up prior work for people to Be thorough about showing the right kind of work and if this is backend work, but he has done other front-end work. And this is this one shows quality of work and this one shows competence in the language maybe being more explicit about those things is a good thing to do.
Jeremy Ristau: right
Feanil Patel: I think that would be an okay comment to put on there no objections…
Jeremy Ristau: or
Robert Raposa: right
Feanil Patel: but in the future would be good to Yeah,…
Jeremy Ristau: more for approximate yeah, yeah and
Feanil Patel: but I think putting it On that post is helpful.
Robert Raposa: this right
Feanil Patel: So that other people who make nominations or so aware of it because I think it's a very reasonable point.
Robert Raposa: protection it just
Feanil Patel: But that way we can learn and do better in terms of our posts.
Feanil Patel: cool
Feanil Patel: I think that's all I had on that one. There's other sort of. maintainers rights that have been approved…
Robert Raposa:
Feanil Patel: but I haven't seen the new maintenance take actions yet. So one of the things that I'm going to start doing is sort of checking in with the new maintenance to get the catalog info updated look at the dependencies that the pr is depend about as raising and…
Robert Raposa: this way
Feanil Patel: that renovate is Raising and make sure that those are getting closed at a reasonable time. Once I have a better understanding of what that work. Looks I'm going to see if we can automate and make that I'm not me problem but something we can. share with people more broadly because I think part of this will eventually become part of how do we make sure maintenance are doing a good job maintaining But as a first I just want to sort of get my feet wet with what does that actually entail in terms of evaluation?
Kyle McCormick: All right, next up. We have python 311 through 12 tracking and I do want to highlight that we are basically at time for this portion of the meeting. Is there an abbreviated version of these we can do or
Feanil Patel: Yeah.
Kyle McCormick: it looks like Maksim has a question. Where is the 311 and 312 is just an inform.
Robert Raposa: Let's go to maximum because I'm still gonna be on and I just have a quick question. on the python, but Let's go to Cypress.
Kyle McCormick: got
Maksim Sokolskiy: I hope I also have a good question. So The main question for me. I want to maybe ask all the group. or maybe operators
Maksim Sokolskiy: about this Cypress Central and just framework we are using right now. Intercontinent, we actually use it and I want maybe some opinion from you guys.
Maksim Sokolskiy: What maybe was an initial intentional intention to create this repo who may be and how used it? Internally in Rocklin gang we've done some work with it. We added some amount of not regression, but maybe smoke taste and for our platforms here. but right now we are trying to speech to Blue right since we write that is suitable for a long progression style like a test scenarios, but we actually use it we use Cyprus and
Maksim Sokolskiy: I'm deciding right now as I want to maintain as a repo or not. And basically I can do it but I won't some one somebody's opinion. Is it actually valuable for anybody except again for now? Yeah, so basically my question Do the community will benefit from the three part to be alive. at least for some time and maybe in the future to switch to some other technology and one machine we
Maksim Sokolskiy: Talked a beat in Guitar working groups that it can be valuable to automate our testing for releases and maybe this is a repo can be used as a start point to do it.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, I love all of those ideas. the reason the motivation behind this Dapper was that it looked like the testing was fairly hard coded to http://edx.org staging environment, but it sounds like Maxine you're saying you guys are using it.
Maksim Sokolskiy: Good.
Feanil Patel: And this wasn't on the list of things at X wanted to maintain so we're starting depart. But if there's interest and sort of energy to make this a more General tool for open edx and pushed for more automated testing. I think that is a great idea and something that we would support So if you wanted to reply to this stepper and say I want to become maintainer of this repo and keep it in the org. I would be happy to sort of chime in and support that and we can close the Decker as not deprecated and transfer maintainership.
Robert Raposa: And…
Maksim Sokolskiy: Okay.
Robert Raposa: it sounds like you're unsure about wanting to take on maintenance ship but wanting to have this conversation about whether it's useful to the community. You should also just comment on the Dapper about all of your great thoughts and…
Feanil Patel: Yeah.
Robert Raposa: get them on the Dipper so that the rest of the community can see this that's
Feanil Patel: Okay.
Maksim Sokolskiy: Yeah, yeah. Okay. I got you. Yeah, So my question is closed right now. I will reply I will post all my thoughts and probably supposed to be maintenance was a repo, cool
Robert Raposa: Okay, great.
Feanil Patel: Thank you Max.
Robert Raposa: Thank you.
Kyle McCormick: Thanks Max
Feanil Patel: Yeah, and I think your thought about using it to do to automate more of our sort of release testing is a great idea and very worth. putting more energy on so It's a thing that I like Kyle and…
Kyle McCormick: big time
Feanil Patel: I have definitely talked about before but I was like, I don't know who would have time to do that. So if that's the thing that you can get BTR to do more of I think it's a great idea.
Maksim Sokolskiy: Yeah, I believe I also reach my role from release manager to something like release optimization test in guy.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. nice
Kyle McCormick: That's good. Since you mentioned that Max is that I think in that for sumac or for future as in do we need to find a release manager for sumac?
Maksim Sokolskiy: I definitely will this switched before sumac and we discussed it on Google already on which our meeting. So it will be my third release so I had replaced by the police.
Kyle McCormick: Yeah, forgot about that policy. their limits
Maksim Sokolskiy: Yeah. Yeah.
Feanil Patel: term limits That's good.
Maksim Sokolskiy: Yeah, we need some new ideas. So it's mandatory in my opinion.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, but I think you putting that energy into automation will be really useful for the community.
Maksim Sokolskiy: Yeah, okay.
Feanil Patel: Robert you want to ask your question real quick. Also, if anybody needs to drop off now, we're gonna sort of switch to That X platform related conversations after this last thing but let's keep it in under five minutes so that we don't. Subsume at a platform again.
Robert Raposa: Sounds good. So I think this ticket is great for tracking different things and sorry I can't.
Feanil Patel: You're good.
Robert Raposa: Okay.
Feanil Patel: We don't hear the background.
Robert Raposa: Is a second. Just a train going by.
Robert Raposa: But this ticket is also closed which makes sense if this ticket only needed to be open for the top ones that are marked prioritized. So the question is really around just upgrade tracking and I don't really know. exactly what Jeremy Bowman slash Army bomb used to do but I think there was a lot of Confluence pages and things like that. do we still have some Confluence pages that link out to things like this and say this may not be entirely complete but marked as closed and I'm just curious about tracking the rest of the work versus pretending it's done.
Kyle McCormick: right So I would say that.
Feanil Patel: Yeah.
Kyle McCormick: The fact that we have repositories and they open nx organization that are unmaintained or I guess under maintained would be a better word the fact that we don't have an assigned maintenance for repositories. Creating the situation where as a working group. We don't actually Collectively care whether they're upgraded to python or not. that seems like an exceptional and temporary situation by the words of the oep every repository in the org should be maintained and we should care whether each one is upgraded. so I think My sense is that the fact that we had these. issues on here that were left open while the broad ticket was closed is just a system of We have this situation. We need to work through where not every positive repository is maintained.
Kyle McCormick: And once we're there, which hopefully will be there for the next python upgrade. Then we would only close the ticket when everything is resolved.
Feanil Patel: Kyle it looked you close the ones for Enterprise unless it's Venture because those upgrades had happened. Is that true or…
Kyle McCormick: I did do that.
Kyle McCormick: Yeah, The only one that's actually missing. The upgrade right now is taxonomy connector.
Feanil Patel: Okay,
Feanil Patel: So I think it's important to note that when I originally closed this epic which I was using to track the overall maintenance. I left the tickets in the individual repos open, which I'm actually okay doing for under maintained repos it is okay for somebody to look at Enterprise catalog and see that it doesn't have the 312 upgrade and it doesn't have the enzyme upgrade. It doesn't have those tickets living in that repo. I'm totally okay with the thing I didn't want to do is track it on the maintenance board as a thing that we care about anymore,…
Robert Raposa: right
Feanil Patel: which is what the Epic was meant to do it was for the platform roadmap and for this things that are part of the open edx. Community release
Robert Raposa: it yes. I'm confused about your question to Kyle and Kyle's answer. So these are closed because they're done. or they're
Feanil Patel: Yeah, so I think the Enterprise team did them but did not communicate with anybody anywhere that they had done them or closed the issues on the repo.
Robert Raposa: Okay, great. Okay.
Kyle McCormick: Yeah, what happened was we close the top level ticket, but the issues weren't complete yet. Then the issues were completed…
Robert Raposa: Yep. You got it.
Kyle McCormick: but They weren't closed and then I closed the issues.
Feanil Patel: right
Robert Raposa: Okay, Okay. Thank you.
Robert Raposa: okay, and it sounds like there's no point at which. we do want to track this I get that it's temporary situation that we're in and all that but it's not like hey, by the way if we get to the next named release and there was anything that wasn't done on this we would just release it and be fine.
Feanil Patel: I think we're going to be at least for the next release or to be in a situation where we don't have maintenance for everything. I don't think we're finding maintenance quickly enough to be in a place where everything has to maintainer for a little bit. That's said I think we're scrutinizing which things stay in the open edx org as a part of the Community release and so This list of things that are not being prioritized but are in the org should hopefully shrink due to a couple of different measures.
Robert Raposa: Okay.
Feanil Patel: and this is a personal opinion if people want to differ I like the process is not so set in stone that we can't change it. But I think that it's still valuable or repos that don't have specific maintenance done to have that maintenance called out in their issues because issues are turned on every repo. But that doesn't mean that they are priority for the platform that is being released to the community. I don't think we're ever gonna get into a situation where the platform that is released to the community doesn't have an upgrade. I think that I probably like me and Adolfo and accent will probably act as a backstop for. the repos that are critical to the open edx release
Robert Raposa: Yeah, I think it's the ones that are not critical. When we get to a named release is there…
Feanil Patel: Okay.
Robert Raposa: if they are still a part of the name release because of this temporary situation is there's some page or some place for someone to be like, by the way, here's parts of it that are not secure because of this. situation or whatever
Feanil Patel: Yeah, I think in the release notes, we would mention that right but I think what I'm trying to say is I don't want that…
Robert Raposa: Okay.
Feanil Patel: then diagram to contain anything…
Robert Raposa: Yeah.
Feanil Patel: where things are in the release but The Enterprise stuff is mostly not tagged for releases. And that's why it's a weird one…
Kyle McCormick: It is it is.
Feanil Patel: because
Kyle McCormick: Everything in that python service is in the release not prioritized section is currently tagged.
Feanil Patel: Right, Okay, so that's like a thing we should change. Potentially, but that's like a big conversation.
Kyle McCormick: reasonable lines Yeah, we could talk for 20 more minutes about that and…
Robert Raposa: Okay.
Kyle McCormick: seem really had a platform meeting.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, yeah.
Kyle McCormick: So maybe that's an accident for next time.
Robert Raposa: That's good. Thank you.
Jeremy Ristau: Okay.
Feanil Patel: I just added a note to next time for that in the action items. Alright, edx platform.
Feanil Patel: To talk about the resiliency stuff first. Do we want to talk about front end strategies kind of an open question. So perhaps we leave that for the end if there's time.
Robert Raposa: I'm sure and there's two parts to this. The first is this last little section that I dropped in that doesn't really have anything except for
Robert Raposa: this one ticket That's the result of something that Tim found and fixed in a different ticket, but this is some. follow-up work for that So this is more an started off as an informed, but I think Kyle said we should. Add it to the list, so I don't know Kyle if you want to discuss further.
Kyle McCormick: This is good. I kind of want to slot this in under.
Robert Raposa: Okay.
Kyle McCormick: an epic So I can keep everything on the roadmap in Epic, but I don't know…
Robert Raposa: That's That sounds great.
Kyle McCormick: what that epic is yet. So I will keep track of this and make sure it ends up in the tree of tickets from the road map.
Robert Raposa: Yeah. Great.
Kyle McCormick: As for this particular issue. Yeah, that looks really reasonable. I don't think Eric should be able to crash.
Feanil Patel: But Our air pages are too complicated if they are crashing.
Robert Raposa: Yeah, and then the other is also a quick inform that was like the pr that it fixed and I'm not really. Clear on.
Robert Raposa: back porting, I know we like Because we don't use the named releases.
Feanil Patel: Really?
Robert Raposa: I don't think that's something that we typically do I think the security working group has a process for that but for a random fix that we recommend should be probably back ported. I don't know what the process is.
Feanil Patel: And this seems like it's worth back porting Max. Is that something that you can coordinate and handle? Do you need somebody from TU to make a PR or is this something where you can just take it and Cherry, pick it onto the release.
Maksim Sokolskiy: I talk about redwood 2. or
Feanil Patel: Yeah, we'll just putting it on master. So that is there for Redwood, too.
Feanil Patel: reporting this PR to Redwood master.
Maksim Sokolskiy: Okay releases tomorrow. Let me do it by myself.
Feanil Patel: Okay.
Maksim Sokolskiy: Shouldn't be tested separately. and precisely
Robert Raposa: Yes.
Maksim Sokolskiy: for aim is the first part a bit.
Feanil Patel: Okay.
Maksim Sokolskiy: So we have to test it, okay.
Robert Raposa: Yes, and we do I mean this is out in production for us and as a result. I think so.
Robert Raposa: and so process-wise Bringing something like that up. Here is the right place or dropping into the BTR working group slack Channel.
Maksim Sokolskiy: it's but Yeah,…
Robert Raposa: What's the What's
Maksim Sokolskiy: it's better to drop it in Guitar Channel, but I'm here and…
Robert Raposa: okay. Yep.
Maksim Sokolskiy: I will create this big port to today.
Robert Raposa: Yep. Okay.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, I think generally BTR is the right place to bring up things like that.
Robert Raposa: Yeah, that's
Robert Raposa: Okay, that's great. Thank you.
Kyle McCormick: Also find to come to BTR with the pr made against the release Branch if it's not a lot of work to do that just to save Max and steps.
Robert Raposa: Yep.
Maksim Sokolskiy: Could you take me here under this pier?
Robert Raposa: Yeah, that sounds great.
Kyle McCormick: Right. Let's talk front end strategy for edx platform.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, so I think we started this conversation last week a little bit, but it was kind of a big thing, which is I think we should get rid of a lot of it but I think it's more of a question of how we get from here to there. There's a lot of mfe's I think we have a path for some of this stuff. So there's Things that have mfes, that's the thing. We're going to talk about in the different meeting later.
Feanil Patel: We should get rid of the old front ends for anything that has the mfe's and make the mfps the default where we're possible. I have a lot of problems with running 17 MFE static sites, but not withstanding that is the current strategy we're using and hopefully it'll get resolved by some of the work that's happening soon.
Kyle McCormick: All right. Two categories here things that have a feature parity MFE and things that don't have a feature parity in the city.
Feanil Patel: Right, right. I think identifying the ones that don't have future parity is. Work that we should do.
Kyle McCormick: and as the lack of parity enough, it's significant enough to hold up.
Robert Raposa: out my bracelets
Feanil Patel: Right, somebody needs to make these decisions and I think it's us.
Kyle McCormick: yeah, or the type of process or…
Feanil Patel: with …
Robert Raposa: I just
Kyle McCormick: Both, yeah.
Feanil Patel: I think it's like the Deborah process is the process to use to make this decision product is a set of people to involve in this decision. But as the maintenance getting it so that we're not doubling up confusing our system is ours to deal with is from the perspective of everybody else involved. This is solved because either the new thing exists they're using it or the old thing exists in using it, but we're gonna feel the pain of having these dual systems that are parallel the longer they stick around in parallel the longer there might be for development on both sides that will then meet to deal with so I think as maintenance where the right people to deal with us. Yeah authen is a great example
Robert Raposa: actually
Kyle McCormick: and there's things that haven't been ported yet.
Feanil Patel: right
Kyle McCormick: and they're …
Feanil Patel: I think for those good.
Kyle McCormick: I was gonna say Xbox views which we have a path forward for now. I'll link the ticket here later, but We actually have a way to get those.
Feanil Patel: Yeah.
Kyle McCormick: Basically entirely out of the platform over the next couple releases.
Feanil Patel: And so I think then for things that don't have an MFE. inside there there's actually two things There's the admin Pages which I think will always remain or there's the set of things that we will always keep in the platform. The admin page is being sort of like a really big one
Kyle McCormick: So I guess then I need an amendment about Xbox fuse because Xbox views By her continued to be served by Django. Sorry, we'll be served by the platform.
Feanil Patel: right
Kyle McCormick: They don't need to be rendered by Django anymore. wait
Robert Raposa: just
Feanil Patel: Because they're gonna be no, it's not true.
Kyle McCormick: Okay, Jacob Adam pages will be rendered by Django,…
Feanil Patel: Is it?
Kyle McCormick: but they won't be checked into edx platform. That's the difference.
Feanil Patel: Right, they won't need a compilation step in order to be rendered by Django.
Kyle McCormick: yes. It will yeah.
Feanil Patel: So it speeds up the development process and gives us more isolation.
Feanil Patel: I think those are pages that will stay rendered by Django.
Jeremy Ristau: The Robert do you mind meeting?
Feanil Patel: Robert we're getting a lot of chatting behind you.
Robert Raposa: sorry.
Feanil Patel: Sounds like they're having an exciting conversation.
Robert Raposa: I think it's easier for me to tune it out than my mic. So I wasn't even noticing it.
Feanil Patel: Okay.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, I know. It's
Robert Raposa: This is just an inform something that just came up internally around things that don't have an MFE is the link and page
Feanil Patel: I saw that discussion the discourse post for that.
Robert Raposa: yeah.
Robert Raposa: Yeah. I think there's a Path with mfeas and whatever, but I don't know. so
Kyle McCormick: There's the support tools on a fee, but that also has a lot of specific stuff in it.
Feanil Patel: That is a different problem. Yeah.
Feanil Patel: this is a when you click the support button, it used to currently makes a zendesk ticket, but they want to change that and how do we do that in a operator agnostic way moving forward
Kyle McCormick: Yep, right. Thanks.
Glib Glugovskiy: Okay important part of the Guardians in places that don't have them if you get catalog the whole catalog domain is not covered with my feet also the course about pages and…
Feanil Patel: right
Glib Glugovskiy: at least and also index page of the platform itself. It might benefit from static rendering eventually. I'm not sure but it's currently the learner any facing parts that…
Feanil Patel: right
Glib Glugovskiy: then have anything.
Kyle McCormick: Yeah.
Feanil Patel: so maybe that part of the work that's left is actually identifying and classifying the current views in the next platform into one of these existing categories right Of the things that don't have an MFE things that should move to an MFE or things that should be removed or deprecated.
Glib Glugovskiy: I actually remember that there should be discussion also about support for the wiki Pages.
Jeremy Ristau: I'll mention.
Glib Glugovskiy: It's a whole Hollow on sync that integrated with a platform and…
Feanil Patel: right
Glib Glugovskiy: maybe received without moving to Memphis.
Feanil Patel: red and the wiki is this perennial weird problem because we've forked off of Django Wiki so long ago now that it's our own thing and it doesn't really have a maintainer and doesn't really have a good product Vision moving forward.
Jeremy Ristau: I don't know if there's anything to really do here, but I'll note that we recently run into a situation where across applications inside of data dog. We have one rum application per MFE and you actually lose session context as you go across mfe's so the more and more MFS we have the more and more painful it gets to trace many sessions room
Feanil Patel: Right, right and understand what a user is doing without. Building even more tooling. Yeah, and…
Jeremy Ristau: you've got it.
Feanil Patel: I think some of this is moving to a centralized shell and the stuff that's in was it up 65.
Feanil Patel: 64 the one that 65.
Glib Glugovskiy: Yes 65.
Feanil Patel: Thank you.
Jeremy Ristau: So would we be racing or would we consider that a dependency here or?
Feanil Patel: I think it might be a good. place for collaboration and communication more than anything like hey, if you're looking to move small parts, there's moving the existing mfes into it, but then sort of understanding how are we going to need to make mfe's of these things? we don't want to make mfe's out of these things and then convert them into shell components because that's like doing work. We might be able to skip over if we go directly to Shell components. So understand those are things that are going to need to interact for sure. And so we're gonna need to understand that as maintenance and figure out what our strategy and plan should be with regards to that. But I don't want to wait for it to land and be good before we make any movement. I want us to be sort of working in tandem as much as possible and not doubling work, but also not be a forcing function for some of that stuff to be useful.
Jeremy Ristau: Okay, because it also brings operational overhead with the pipeline per MFE and whatnot. If we…
Feanil Patel: Yeah, yeah.
Jeremy Ristau: if we're saying, we should do identify 20 more mfes. We should build and then go build them before we figure out how to maintain many fees.
Feanil Patel: Yeah.
Jeremy Ristau: Okay? All right.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, but I think there's a lot of things we can do before we build an event for you, which is identify what all those things are that are not done come up with strategies for does this page just need a clone in the new react front end world or does it need something more complex to replace it every changing and that's a product conversation that we need to engage in and have that have been their pipeline of This page exists currently did you know about it? Also, Also, do you want it to be the way it is? Those are all opportunities that we have luxury of to some degrees sometime to be able to have those conversations instead of we just have to get rid of this right now because it's an emergency. So I think identifying what work is left and sort of making that. Strategy of over the next
Feanil Patel: I in my complete honest opinion. This is probably over the next three or four releases. We're going to be having these conversations and slate migrations. I would be happy with this faster. But I also don't think that it's like the top priority for any single group nor should it necessarily be I think it'll unlock things but it's not like by itself. something that
Feanil Patel: Other sort of Feature work, but it's also something that we can't have zero effort on because that will just lead to more toil and pain in the future.
Jeremy Ristau: Okay, I guess I'm just thinking about the AI translation situation…
Kyle McCormick: I also
Jeremy Ristau: where if we had the front end plugin framework,…
Feanil Patel: right
Jeremy Ristau: we would have saved ourselves 99% of the effort I think because we had to figure out…
Feanil Patel: right
Jeremy Ristau: how to solve the problem in a way that ended up being not the way we wanted to solve it and I just have a worry we'll do the same thing here.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah. No, I want to avoid that and I think it's special because right now there's conversations on the front and plug inside for routing slots to be able to insert sort of new pages into existing mfe's as plugins. So there's perhaps these things already slotted we can have experimental versions of these slot into existing MFS potentially.
Kyle McCormick: Yeah, I'm also mightily averse adding a new MFA at this point. It's horrible for operators. just we shouldn't do…
Feanil Patel: Yeah. It makes no sense.
Kyle McCormick: We should wait until front end up shell happens and we can do some consolidation. Luckily in addition to that planning work that they know is talking about we have this whole section things that have an MFA the mfe's we've absorbed the operational complexity already of having the MFA. We've absorbed the build impact of having it. We have the repo. It' it's that parody and we just haven't removed the old stuff and that's what that whole Wiki page that we have separately and that Dippers working group is gonna look at We can make progress here without adding more mfes. We can. Implement Studio course preview in the learning MFE and then be able to remove all of Legacy courseware. That's just something that's been sitting for three years now.
Kyle McCormick: So that's my take on this is that we should really focus on removing front ends rather than mfeifying if there is no drawing need to Add new mfas right now.
Feanil Patel: That's a good call out. maybe we should just focus on the part where we are near parody but haven't reached it and so can't remove the old thing and then come back to some of the things that don't have mfe's a little bit later and…
Jeremy Ristau: Yeah.
Feanil Patel: the likelihood that some of the front end shell stuff is more solid by then is higher. So that makes sense to me that seems like a good place to sort of land for now.
Jeremy Ristau: Yeah.
Feanil Patel: And that stuff we're already in conversations about so there's not new action items that come out of that other than what we're already working on. So that makes sense. I just wanted to sort of have this higher level conversation and make sure we're moving in the right direction. So I appreciate everybody doing that with me.
Jeremy Ristau: I'm very aligned with finding the one thing that feels the most valuable in getting it all the way to done rather than you…
Feanil Patel: Yeah.
Jeremy Ristau: identifying 26 more things. We can't start right now.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, no. No, it's totally fine. I just want to like it's sometimes nice to back up and be like we are still working on the right one thing right and…
Jeremy Ristau: Yeah. Of…
Feanil Patel: I think we are.
Jeremy Ristau: Yeah. I also really hope I'm gonna plus one glib's comment as well. It's a really good. I'm aligned with that for sure.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, I think having. domain specific and I think my internal dream is that once we have shell and everything kind of gets installed into the shell that we will have a single front end routing strategy and everything will be under that one front end website.
Jeremy Ristau: Yeah.
Feanil Patel: and so If that happens. I think we are in a situation where it's much easier to add domains and to manage domains than if we're in this situation where we have to build up a whole new mfv just to get a domain. represented
Jeremy Ristau: yeah, with the aura MFE example if at one point everything was an X block and it feels like now everything fronted is an MFE and it just adds a whole lot of overhead to be great…
Feanil Patel: Yeah.
Jeremy Ristau: if we didn't have an iframe inside of an MFE powered by it gets really fast. Yeah.
Feanil Patel: It gets I don't think of the complexity is not adding value.
Jeremy Ristau: Yeah complication not complexity. Yeah, exactly.
Feanil Patel: Yeah.
Jeremy Ristau: All right.
Feanil Patel: Thank you everybody. I will see you all next time. Have a good day.
Meeting ended after 01:04:44 👋