2024-10-17 Meeting notes
Feanil Patel
All public Working Group meetings follow the Recording Policy for Open edX Meetings
Oct 17, 2024
@Feanil Patel
Previous TODOs
Discussion topics
Item | Presenter | Notes |
Item | Presenter | Notes |
Teak Maintenance Agenda | @Feanil Patel |
Access for teams that maintain many repos across the org | @Feanil Patel |
[inform] [idea] Old ticket was closed with idea to add Celery to Support Windows. See #maintenance-wg Slack thread for details. | @Robert Raposa |
Flaky test process. Flaky Test Process was updated to use Github instead of Jira. We need feat: add flaky-test label by robrap · Pull Request #566 · openedx/repo-tools to land. There are 21 Jira tickets that could migrate or be lost. Ideas for migrating? | @Robert Raposa | Inform, we’re migrating the old tickets and the label will exist soon.
There is be a new global label. |
Message by eden, is this in line with the maintenance-wg? | @Felipe Montoya |
Status of Upgrades |
edx-platform meeting | ||
ubuntu-22.04 vs ubuntu-latest |
Sumac Cut Concerns? |
Action items
Recording and Transcript
Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1E_XuqpuFJkyiY0o20-7QYGfupdKxum4Q/view?usp=sharing
Maintenance Working Group Meeting – 2024/10/17 08:59 EDT – Transcript
Adolfo Brandes, Andrés González, Feanil Patel, Feanil Patel's Presentation, Felipe Montoya, Jeremy Ristau, Kyle McCormick, Robert Raposa, Sarina Canelake
Felipe Montoya: Hello. That's good.
Feanil Patel: That's probably been.
Feanil Patel: Yeah.
Felipe Montoya: I'm not see you.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Your weather looks like a lot better than my weather.
Felipe Montoya: Yeah. At this hour I get this on right from the side. so,
Feanil Patel: But it's getting warmer for you now. Yeah, although it's never that cold for you.
Felipe Montoya: Yeah. in Columbia, It goes and comes with the wind. this week might be sunny and…
Feanil Patel: Yeah.
Felipe Montoya: And next one, it's raining and sad.
Feanil Patel: Just didn't.
Feanil Patel: Scream.
Feanil Patel: A lot of discussion topics from previously.
Feanil Patel: Ed it.
Andrés González: Hello.
Feanil Patel: And yes.
Feanil Patel: Stuff. You should all be able to Edit here and you help taking notes appreciated.
Feanil Patel: Should. That large enough. Everybody can read that, okay?
Feanil Patel: Other people can hear me. I think so, Robert. It might be on your side.
Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, I can hear you.
Feanil Patel: you can hear that.
Feanil Patel: And then you take going come back. one of these are discussions, we need to have not done this. that probably is not only there, so, Let's start.
Feanil Patel: We spoke a little bit last week about the teeth maintenance agenda. But Let's just review real quick and then we'll move to the next step.
Feanil Patel: And this is from last time Andreas. Do we need to talk more about the releases stuff? I think that's going to go to ETR.
Andrés González: This goes to Dtr.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. I'm gonna check that off.
Andrés González: Yes, I already did. Yes.
Feanil Patel: Brother had a topic, but
Feanil Patel: if anybody has other topics, feel free to add them.
Feanil Patel: Okay.
Feanil Patel: That sounds good. So real quick. Yeah, for A recap. Okay, there's nothing that is urgently required of our major upgrades Python. No, Django.
Feanil Patel: Grf, etc. So I think it makes sense for us to focus on the next major upgrade. That's gonna be required. Is we're gonna need to land Django by you release. So, I think last week we were talking about how we need to focus on the Django upgrade,
Feanil Patel: And that we're seeking a. Coordinating person.
Feanil Patel: For that work. Ideally, most of the work is actually Done by maintenance. But that we need coordinators somebody to coordinate that work, like I've been doing for the Python upgrade, and the Ubuntu upgrade. And the way that Brian Smith has been doing for the node upgrade. So I'd love for somebody else to take that on with some support.
Feanil Patel: The event. And I'll add on
Feanil Patel: The time we'll talk about the status of the upgrade real quick, but the info should be up to date in their tickets. Also, So I think that's it, unless anybody else wants to say anything, we are still looking for somebody to coordinate that work. If you're not sure what that entails, mostly it is sort of looking through and making a plan and telling repo maintenance, like ticketing it up in the repo so that repo maintenance know what to do. You need help with that. I'm a resource. so,
Feanil Patel: access for teens that maintain repos sarina is the discussion. Date deadline for that. I believe has passed now. Is that right?
Sarina Canelake: Yeah, we were talking about this in the comments. I didn't get any comments on it and I think I was expecting we do for core contributor voting people to comment saying, Yes, I agree with this or No, I have these concerns and…
Feanil Patel: Okay.
Sarina Canelake: I guess Robert pointed out that people had heart emoji. The post to me that's a very ambiguous thing,…
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah.
Sarina Canelake: it's not a plus one button, it could kind of mean anything. but, I mean I guess by default if nobody really says anything it passes I'm not really sure what we want to do here.
Feanil Patel: I think we can move with lazy ascent on this one. I think it sounds like maybe it wasn't clear. That you should vote like that, a vote is required. And so I think we default generally to, lazy Accenture, that sort of thing. So I just gave my thumb on it, just for extra clarity.
Sarina Canelake: yeah, I guess I don't get notifications for thumbs so to me it's like not
Feanil Patel: but I think given that
Feanil Patel: I posted a new post on it.
Sarina Canelake: thank you.
Feanil Patel: Okay, but I think you can go ahead and accept it. Given that the common period is complete, and there have been no concerns about it.
Felipe Montoya: You have two.
Jeremy Ristau: Yeah, I used that.
Feanil Patel: Okay.
Jeremy Ristau: I used that button as a plus one button. Since it was the only available one. But in the future, I can Use words instead of that button.
Sarina Canelake: Yeah, so one of the reasons it's helpful to use words is that it kind of rebumps the thread up so it kind of gets people to see it if they're browsing. But yeah, I'll be more clear for future things that I want people to. Say something.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. That sounds good.
Feanil Patel: Robert. are you back into audiovisual range for us? All…
Robert Raposa: Audio. Yes.
Feanil Patel: Do you want to talk about this next idea?
Robert Raposa: Yeah, and it's pretty brief if basically there's a ticket from Jeremy, Bowman, I guess. At the time, celery upgrades were
Robert Raposa: problematic and throughout this idea that maybe they should actually be tracked on the support windows. And that ticket never got picked up. I'm not clear, but it doesn't look like we have an active next.
Robert Raposa: Window or next to upgrade, But it's just an idea and I'm closing out all tickets and ideas. So I'm just passing along to this group but I don't know feel if it's going to close.
Feanil Patel: Yeah.
Robert Raposa: Even with this group, but Just pressing it all.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, I'm curious to see if that information is usually available that seller yet periods.
Feanil Patel: I think one of the issues is that celery upgrades Don't publish their release timelines. And so tracking them on.
Robert Raposa: Yeah.
Feanil Patel: That spreadsheet isn't super useful Until the new version comes out.
Feanil Patel: It's not super. Yeah, I think that that is probably the reason why they haven't been tracked. Okay. Yeah.
Robert Raposa: Yeah, which makes sense although it's also reminding me that I don't know if that elastic searches on there and I don't know if this spreadsheet was ever. Updated post. Reopen sourcing or not.
Feanil Patel: I think yeah, we haven't added a new version. So seven. Eight, nine are on there yet, so that's probably worth doing.
Feanil Patel: It sounds like there's currently still work happening to. Provide millier searches and alternative to Elasticsearch course search. Which is I think one of the biggest core features that
Feanil Patel: Still uses elastic search.
Feanil Patel: but,
Feanil Patel: And then I think the next one is yours as well. You want to talk through that.
Robert Raposa: Yeah, it's mostly just an informed that I updated the flaky test process. We're in the middle Creating a new label item. I haven't seen status but there will be a new label and then the only other update from this is the migration of some of our old gear tickets to Github is In progress.
Feanil Patel: Yeah.
Robert Raposa: So some maybe one or…
Feanil Patel: Cool, awesome.
Robert Raposa: have been migrated, but the rest will get migrated and hopefully we'll have The label. Available.
Feanil Patel: I see Are you guys merged this? But nobody has ran. I think I just ran this one. I think that label should exist now. You merge, this.
Feanil Patel: I think for things like adding these labels, did you've got to get a request already, also, I'll make sure that it's done. All right.
Robert Raposa: I think there was a ticket that I think Kyle said David picked up, I haven't actually
Feanil Patel: Yeah, I think I ran this while I was adding a different label. So I think this is done now.
Robert Raposa: Yeah, it I object is there? So, that's
Feanil Patel: So in that case and there's A
Feanil Patel: it doesn't have to worry about that.
Feanil Patel: The next is Felipe.
Felipe Montoya: Yeah, that's not critical but we received the message from Eden saying that r that is in the providers program, we were going to be assigned some Repository to maintain,…
Feanil Patel: All right.
Felipe Montoya: and I think this was targeted towards maintenance that are not currently maintaining anything, but I just wanted to check that we're online because We're going to be contacted by the openerx leadership, to your science and repos and…
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah.
Felipe Montoya: whatnot. And I was like wherever you're doing this. So I answered her saying this is how everything that we're maintaining if this was in alignment with
Feanil Patel: that's great. Yeah, I think if you're already maintaining a large set of repos like you guys are we won't be a sign like assigning new ones. This is for people in the providers program who are otherwise participating in the community right now and so we're looking to help them. take on some Maintainership, as a part of their sort of like, Being in that program.
Felipe Montoya: All right, that's good. The last thing it's mentioned a reporting and accountability. I don't know, section of the message. That was that we're supposed to submit an annual report, detailing the Number of hours that we have contributed and Reposit originally supported. I don't know what the expectation is there, but I'm trying. Okay, I see why. This would be interesting to have from the contributors from their providers. Sort of saying,…
Feanil Patel: Yeah.
Felipe Montoya: you are actually contributing to the community. But I'm trying to figure out a way to make that task not be like a super annoying thing to track. Every time that you're doing something and…
Feanil Patel: Yeah.
Felipe Montoya: I don't know what the expectation is for that report. And if it needs to its program you are or something that we can get from github or for cows.
Feanil Patel: I mean, I think what I would say is that I think you've understood the desire and if you suggest an alternative way to track that achieves that goal. then I think we would be very amenable to changing that to sort of But, I think maybe through some variation of, pull requests and reviews or some other data might be a useful way to do it. And if you think that that's sufficient then if you talk about it, but even sort of is in charge of that program and it's stuff, but we do want to align it to the maintenance stuff. So I'm happy to provide her input. That makes your lives easier so that we can spend maintaining less time writing reports.
Felipe Montoya: all right, makes sense I don't have yet, I get concrete proposal that I said this is how I want to report…
Feanil Patel: There.
Felipe Montoya: but done knowing that We're opening on the receiving end. I'll see what I can calculate that. It's not to to keep their accounting from I said, and I'll propose that in.
Andrés González: When we receive the same message and it was curious that it came from marketing. And there was wondering who is actually leading because, okay, we said, yes, we can maintenance a lot of repos and we are kind of expecting who is assigning the repose to the engineers. Yeah, who is really leading This process it's even
Feanil Patel: We're working on it together. I'm helping on the technical side and she is leading sort of the communications and process part of it. So I would say since she sort of hat maintains that program, she is making sure that that program is aware of the change to sort of help them, support maintenance more and the What repos and who. And how do we work that How do we get them?
Andrés González: okay.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, the goal is to eventually have these maintainers bcc's that have right access to those repos but obviously, we're not giving away right access to maintain the providers for free, without sort of validating that the engineers who are helping meet our standards. So the goal is to have them do support via forks as much as possible for a couple of months to sort of show both dedication and caliber. And once they've done that, we will nominate them and process them through as maintenance. That's kind of the general outline of what we're thinking.
Feanil Patel: So, real quick on the upgrades are mostly going The adventure upgrade I believe is complete everywhere. except for, Her in code jail.
Feanil Patel: And we did have to roll back ice platform to 2204. So I think for now we're gonna say is that Sumac will support Ubuntu 2204 across the board. I code. Jail is also already doing that in the PR. I have side in fairly confident that we can land and that the 2404 upgrade might not make it till either.
Feanil Patel: Sumac one or whatever or ortique. Yeah but I think probably we'll have it done by sumac one but as Sumac release, I think we will probably only have 22:04 support across the board.
Feanil Patel: that and Kyle that I think sort of checking with you on the tutor side, I think that is probably just an inform in the forums that Hey FYI, 2204 supported across all of our services
Feanil Patel: and then Tutor will take care of doing that bump.
Kyle McCormick: And make sure that happens we're in the process above it is 24. So I think on you need to stop doing that and…
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I think…
Kyle McCormick: then we're all set.
Feanil Patel: if you go to 22, you should be safe. I haven't looked at the error and we're talking about it in the side of the Meeting Critics platform. But the 2404 related issues are not fully solved for EDX platforms. So it's probably a risky move to move to 240 over there. I think honestly for everything else is probably safe if you want to be more granular, things outside of EDX platform, should be fine, but for addict platform, 2204 is the safe bet.
Kyle McCormick: Cool, I'll pass that along.
Feanil Patel: And Felipe for the Codegel Service plugin that you guys maintained there will have to be some changes to make 2204 support work. I'm an update the documentation as a part of my PR but you'll want to pull that up into your Tutor plugin before you bump it.
Felipe Montoya: I think the best thing would be to open an issue in the,…
Feanil Patel: there's some
Felipe Montoya: in the total country.
Feanil Patel: Okay, that sounds good.
Felipe Montoya: I…
Feanil Patel: I can once
Felipe Montoya: okay so I'll thank you. And Boy, says, with the maintenance of that and
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah. Moises is gonna review my PR when it's once I'm out of draft for it so He'll be pretty aware of what's going on and hopefully can make that change on your side.
Felipe Montoya: Okay, it isn't raining then I don't even have to create a ticket here.
Feanil Patel: Great great. I'll just make sure that he knows to update the plugin. Can do.
Felipe Montoya: Really.
Feanil Patel: Yeah,…
Andrés González: I
Feanil Patel: He started taking a look at it, but there was a weird forking issue where permissions behaviors are a little bit different in 2204. So I don't take care of it. Sorry Andrés. Go ahead.
Andrés González: yeah, I have a doubt about the dependency on wound or actually especially, when you work with Kubernetes because there are Different places where you might be dependent to the operating system in Kubernetes you usually run tutor in a bastion host. but that's different were the containers actually run. So you have two places and…
Feanil Patel: Okay.
Andrés González: then if you run to the local, everything runs in the same place. and I'm curious because I see a lot of people asking in the forum. To run open Index on Windows on WSL. And okay, the initial response is no, don't even try it.
Andrés González: But is there actually a requirement. To run. The containers basically that the function of Docker is basically kind of isolate the application And underlying operating system. So, My question is, why are we so dependent on the operating system?
Feanil Patel: We're dependent on the operating system for the services themselves, So, The container version of Ubuntu decides what? Config gets rock, like, what system configuration the system runs in. So for example, the reason why this code Jill issue is happening is that between Ubuntu 2004 and 2204 Ubuntu changed, how it sets up PAM, like the Access Management module config so that the behavior of resource limitation via pseudo is different.
Feanil Patel: So system configurations like that can impact upstreams things like code jail,…
Andrés González: Yeah.
Feanil Patel: which can impact the security of our EDX platform. So it does matter for what version of open to the containers running because of system dependencies like this one. Most to our services don't have those system dependencies but at ex platform for sure does.
Andrés González: So you should be. I haven't seen and anywhere with says, Okay open this runs only on this version of Ubuntu. I don't know if it Is it there?
Kyle McCormick: It says it in the edex platform readme. So it's two layers in the EDX platform.
Feanil Patel: Yes.
Kyle McCormick: Read It says, what the open EDX code needs to run on an app? we are saying Ubuntu 22 before. if you containerize it and you something like tutor, which wraps at x platform in And a docker container then you can run that on what ever your tool uses. So in this case tutor supports, any 64-bit UNIX based operating system, it doesn't say about You could probably run on a Mac. Maybe you can run it on wsl2. It's the Ubuntu 22:04 requirement is what the container runs. What the actual web server needs to run.
Feanil Patel: All and I think we could make it more explicit in those docs but I think historically, We have communicated it but I don't know if we've documented it very well.
Feanil Patel: But they're like, when the configuration repo was still a part of the release that sort of tracked and…
Andrés González: but,
Feanil Patel: decided what version of Ubuntu, the system supported, and that sort of sort of moved stepwise between versions. that that's not there. We need to be a little bit more clear in our documentation. So, I'll update the EDX platform documentation for that to be more clear. But there are other the rest of the system requirements are there? If we look in the Readme, You'll see that the version of Python and…
Andrés González: What?
Feanil Patel: Node and this will get updated shortly once the note 20 stuff lands.
Andrés González: Yeah, but that's an extra platform. Once you can turn the link that you sent just sent it says in the 2019 presentation it says yeah, some people reported to work on Wsl2, And why do we have to be clear? Sometimes we receive requests from customers saying, I want to install it in a windows and for me, it's a pain to try to do it, Windows. And I want to say clearly now open the text, That's not working window. Stop asking that. or if it supports Okay, then we will have to do the effort. I don't know. How to respond to that request.
Feanil Patel: I mean, I think From the perspective of EDX platform. It will work on anything that can run a container that meets the requirements stated in the README.
Feanil Patel: that is other than that You can say your company does not support running things on windows. But in terms of the core platform. If you can run a Linux container that runs the Ubuntu like that has a decent new enough kernel. And a Ubuntu 2004 or 2204 container, the platform will run.
Andrés González: I understand for Kyle, jail. The coachell is something different because that's it. Interests with the kernel and something different. But
Feanil Patel: I said. What a week ago, I believed that EDX platform was fairly agnostic a version of Ubuntu, but since then we've seen a proof by contradiction that it is not. So we need to do the more further research to figure out if that is a permanent problem where we're dependent on the system or a temporary problem that can be resolved and we can remove that system, dependency, whatever it might be, but I don't know the link is there in the notes. But I don't know the exact details yet. You're welcome to stick around for the second half of this meeting which is started a minute ago. And we're going to be talking more about that.
Feanil Patel: But real quickly. No, 20 upgrade. All the mfe's.
Feanil Patel: I think our support, both 18 and 20 currently and I believe adolfo's in the process of testing the tutor plugin on node20.
Adolfo Brandes: I tested it. I didn't test it As extensively as people are going to test sumac itself, but tutor nicely. Is already on note 20. So there's that.
Feanil Patel: Message.
Adolfo Brandes: And by the way, that stuff is just working as far as I could still.
Feanil Patel: I'd love to see that. Yeah. It seemed like this was a fairly innocuous. Upgrade from the node side. I think probably…
Adolfo Brandes: Yeah.
Feanil Patel: because we're getting to it sooner rather than later. There's nothing. They're like, we're getting to it. everything still supports both so our timing worked out really well.
Adolfo Brandes: Yeah. We should continue to do this going forward.
Feanil Patel: Sounds good.
Andrés González: Just as a small comment, again, here related to Node and Mx. This week, we do have some spare resources that we can allocate to help in micro front end. So, countenance on this notes, and the tests, and another thing. Yeah, because, I'm an coordinating. the tests for summer and yesterday, they had a call with the Chelsea. And we saw the product special that they have, and we saw a couple of dependencies that I haven't seen. and in the maintenance roadmap, I remember just
Feanil Patel: I just an enzyme. Yeah.
Andrés González: I wonder if they are critical and maybe we can help with that. They are related with. But they haven't seen in the world in Europe map and…
Feanil Patel: I think, for,
Andrés González: they are not I don't know if they are tracked.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah. they're on the product roadmap for maintenance, they are on the maintenance board as well.
Feanil Patel: For just an enzymes. in Justice right there. Yeah, they're the tickets. if you have resources, there are
Feanil Patel: the just upgrade, just has PRS that need to be reviewed and there are I believe just Two left.
Adolfo Brandes: And they're the ones with an uncertain future.
Feanil Patel:
Feanil Patel: and those never mind because there were four left previously but two of them were in Enterprise Reposit, looks like those of landed. So in fact the just upgrade is complete because the ones that are left are commerce and we're gonna archive those repos we don't need to do this upgrade there for the enzyme upgrade. I think the only thing left is EDX platform. Still has enzyme. So andrés if you have resources that can Replace enzyme. with jet straight. that's the replacement for enzyme because that's the testing.
Adolfo Brandes: We are replacing enzyme with just react fasting library.
Feanil Patel: With react test. Yeah. Yeah. So That's another platform.
Andrés González: but in EDX platform,
Feanil Patel: Yeah, there's exactly one enzyme test. In EDX Platform. And so it should hopefully be pretty fast, but I have not had time to look at that.
Feanil Patel: So those are much smaller and they're not critical but yeah the just one is complete. I tagged a couple people last week so it sounds like they've gotten to it enzyme. This is the last thing left is that ex platform? So if you can have every resources that can look at that, that would be super helpful.
Andrés González: I'll take a look at them.
Feanil Patel: Remember, it is way for a few minutes, but I think that's all we have for the Maintenance Working Group meeting. We're a little over, but not too bad today.
Feanil Patel: If you have more things, please feel free to add next items in the action items for any of the existing meetings and we'll work through them in the future. Thank you, everybody. If you want to stick around for X platform specific discussions, please feel free. Otherwise, we'll see y'all next time.
Sarina Canelake: I wanted to say one thing about the telling people in the forums to not use windows. I'm often somebody who says that because somebody comes into the forums, it's their first time posting they're new to open EDX. And I know we don't have a depth of windows knowledge in the community and so it just feels better to say right at the outset Hey, Your life is gonna be so much easier if you use a Unix based operating system. So, that's just My perspective is just like we don't have a community of users using Windows and right there, off the bat, that's a reason to try and say Hey, you're gonna run into a bunch of road bumps. If you do this, you're asking a pretty basic question already. So, I'm gonna steer you to using the technology stack that we support. so that's just my perspective on specifically the forums
Feanil Patel: Yeah.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, I think being clear that while theoretically it's available. The knowledge is mostly with Linux and Unix systems is very reasonable.
Sarina Canelake: Yeah, and when somebody's posting I can't get sso working, I'm brand new to the platform. It's kind of like if that's the first thing, you're gonna run into a lot of road bumps and you're gonna post in this form and it's gonna be crickets. so if somebody in the community wants to become an expert on running on windows and then wants to be in the forums answering all of those questions, Go for it but I don't know if that's worth it.
Sarina Canelake: All…
Feanil Patel: Yeah, that's good.
Sarina Canelake: I got a job. I'll see you guys later.
Feanil Patel: All right. See you later. Thanks. Karina.
Feanil Patel: This might not be an Ubuntu issue.
Feanil Patel: Okay.
Feanil Patel: I think we've made up the wait for Robert to get the context here, but it looks like it's an issue with the Lxmelt dependency tree.
Feanil Patel: which, Is an issue but it is I think not related to the OS version. And I wonder if it's actually related to the fact that
Feanil Patel: To you deploy installs other requirements after as a part of its deployment pipeline and some of those are no longer compatible with the version of Ubuntu. That test for failing or something.
Feanil Patel: I would love to know which tests were failing in. Any other data we have on this? And so I think we might need to just wait for Robert to come back.
Kyle McCormick: If we do decide to keep Ubuntu pins to 2004.
Feanil Patel: Unless you have that enclosure.
Kyle McCormick: I would love to figure out how to get a test into EDX platform. That fails on 2404.
Feanil Patel: All right. Yeah, Robert we're do. You have more context on this because the PR is sort of not enough information for us to understand what happened. Is there a place where the test for failing
Robert Raposa: So all EDX platform tests for failing for once. Yeah. Yeah.
Feanil Patel: 24. Okay.
Robert Raposa: and…
Robert Raposa: in terms of are there links to The specific failures.
Feanil Patel: All right.
Robert Raposa: I think that I was working on it. So I can check with her right now and see if she Has additional information. Third one.
Feanil Patel: Yeah.
Robert Raposa: But if you look at the time period, we probably can just dig up one of the failures.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, it'd be great to link those in the revert though. Just so we can like
Robert Raposa: Understood.
Feanil Patel: You say, I guess I don't need Master anymore.
Kyle McCormick: And just so I'm clear Did this happen. at the point of us switching the pin to Ubuntu, latest at the point that you have swapped the meaning of Ubuntu latest
Feanil Patel: What get?
Robert Raposa: Yeah.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. When Github swap up into latest, that's when we started seeing it.
Feanil Patel: So that was on Friday.
Feanil Patel: Seeing a ton Failure. So with that might just be that you guys caught it quickly not so,
Robert Raposa: Yeah, it might be that once it was fixed people revised to fix their
Feanil Patel: these are all the test runs, so there should be
Robert Raposa:
Feanil Patel: I would expect there's a couples version to
Robert Raposa: Let me see if I can find. The selector. That and also in contact with Diana right now.
Feanil Patel: yeah.
Robert Raposa: So I'm seeing if she has information
Feanil Patel: It definition. That one.
Kyle McCormick: The PR description says this is breaking on deploy.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, that's why I was confused as well.
Robert Raposa: So what happened is? All the tests were failing, then she tried a fix. That got the test to work but failed on deploy and then she was reverting her fix. And additionally. Doing some pins.
Robert Raposa: And unfortunately, I think she combined that not in the same commit but in the same PR and…
Kyle McCormick: Yeah.
Robert Raposa: that might have even more confusing …
Feanil Patel: Yeah.
Robert Raposa: what actually happened?
Feanil Patel: Okay. Yeah, yeah,…
Robert Raposa: Does that make sense? And then,
Feanil Patel: so I suspect that this is actually related to the pins more than it's related to the
Feanil Patel: Commits but we can test that theory. So
Feanil Patel: Sorry, keep going.
Robert Raposa: Yeah, I think she also was having Landing her revert, because it had failed tests Because her thing was to solve the failed test problem. So then she had to do it all in one PR in order to get a green build that she could actually merge.
Feanil Patel: Yeah.
Feanil Patel: Okay. That sounds good.
Robert Raposa: Yeah, so her.
Robert Raposa: Changes might give some indication of what. The problem is trying to fix.
Feanil Patel: All Yeah, because I think there's a couple of problems happening. Okay, cool.
Robert Raposa: Let me see.
Feanil Patel: Thank you for the other link. That's helpful. Yeah, I suspect this is actually related more to the Alex ML stuff but if that is an indication of generally, the level of Fragility of EDX platform then Doing. Incremental more controlled update of the version of Ubuntu makes sense. But I want to understand if it is Ubuntu or if it is That something else happened.
Robert Raposa: Yeah.
Feanil Patel: Because. Yeah, Alex Smells dependency tree is really busted right now, and I think we need to sort of push ourselves past it so that it is
Feanil Patel: Not our problem anymore.
Feanil Patel: But yeah.
Robert Raposa: Yeah, I don't know enough about that to know how that's related to the ubudu changes.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, I would be surprised if it was but again, why don't we have the information we need to sort of assess that at the moment. similar to code jail, where it might be something they added one line to a config somewhere that fully broke some of the critical behavior we needed. There might be something in the XML because Xml's based on top of Libxml SEC, which is shipped with the version of Ubuntu. So there might have been some changes in the XML sex that all star issues.
Feanil Patel: But again, we won't know. Until later are there other things we want to discuss right now? Or is there anything else people want to say on that topic?
Kyle McCormick: Unlike somewhat distress that we don't know What commit point at which the meaning of Ubuntu latest changed.
Feanil Patel: Mmm.
Robert Raposa: That wait, what's sorry?
Kyle McCormick: I'm just, A summer,…
Feanil Patel: Right. This is the risk of having Yeah.
Kyle McCormick: idly lamenting, the downside of not having a panda version, which is that at some point who to change meanings and that may or may not have caused the problem, and we don't know at a point Ubuntu changed meanings,
Feanil Patel: Right? Because it's an upstream change of us.
Robert Raposa: Okay.
Feanil Patel: Yeah no I mean that's a fair point. And that platform might just be big enough and critical enough that we do this bump manually for it, but that for libraries which don't super care what version of Ubuntu we're on. We leave alone. Reduce the maintenance burden…
Kyle McCormick: Yeah.
Feanil Patel: but not zero it out.
Kyle McCormick: Yeah. I'm trying to hold off on deciding until after we figure out what happened. And maybe we can do a mini RCA At the next meeting after we figure out…
Feanil Patel: Okay.
Kyle McCormick: what happened. because, you…
Feanil Patel: Yeah.
Kyle McCormick: there's a cost associated with Bumping the virgins and there's a cost associated with. Having the version flow I github discretion. And I think it'd be good to make an informed decision on that. once we know what happened,
Kyle McCormick: I agree. it might be reasonable for the able to have that X platform do one thing and have all the other smaller reboots do something else by default.
Feanil Patel: Yeah.
Robert Raposa: Then. Never mind. I just provided the two links that I'm now seeing that you already have but
Feanil Patel: Yeah.
Feanil Patel: I think more of this story is,…
Robert Raposa: I think yeah, I think
Feanil Patel: I think what were you made right now and then Make better decisions.
Robert Raposa: Yeah, I don't know if she has,
Robert Raposa: shoes claiming you can see the version of Ubuntu.
Robert Raposa: In the actual test runs that were failing.
Robert Raposa: but,
Feanil Patel: So that Yeah.
Kyle McCormick: But dynamite doing, a little wiki write-up of. The chain of events. Or something like ties. These PR together.
Feanil Patel: because presumably, if there was an issue that prevented deploys, you guys will be doing an RCA anyway, so maybe we could just have that
Jeremy Ristau: Right. Just the timeline.
Robert Raposa: And yeah, I haven't seen anything about a RCA. That's
Feanil Patel: I think you should have an RCA if I were I would have one.
Jeremy Ristau: Yeah, you're just looking for the timeline, Kyle. portion of that makes sense.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah.
Kyle McCormick: I'm looking for the timeline. Yeah.
Feanil Patel: the timeline with links to any PRs or failed runs or whatever other details, people actually looked at that made them make the decisions they did.
Kyle McCormick: Yeah, I think it's completely reasonable to be on 2204 for sumac. But we do need a strategy going forward. Yeah.
Feanil Patel: We'll be fine. Yeah.
Feanil Patel: Then, at some point, I will reattach that upgrade and see what it is myself, but I would love to know. If there's other things in the process, we may need to improve or this will inform sort of whether we go to latest or whether we go to pinch, two versions, right?
Feanil Patel: And that informs how much communication we're doing about it, etc.
Feanil Patel: So, the dog wants to go.
Feanil Patel: Is there anything else we need to discuss? Otherwise, I think we can call it a day for now and we can check back in on this next time.
Jeremy Ristau: Hour for me.
Kyle McCormick: Sumix getting cut. In a week. If any?
Feanil Patel: But the next week. Yeah.
Kyle McCormick: Last-minute concerns about the code that goes into sumac maintenance wise feeling good.
Feanil Patel: No, think I'm feeling pretty good. I just need to land that update and release code jail before then. But like I said, I've got it working on 2204. I would love to get it working on 2404 and I'm one more test or one or two more tests away from that. So I'm trying to spend a little bit of time this week just while I have all of the context on it to try to land it. and then, It'll support both and we can jump that X platform whenever we're ready in the future. So,
Kyle McCormick: Okay.
Robert Raposa: and actually to little potentially related things, one on that is we no longer have A ned who's sending out internal emails about?
Robert Raposa: Something getting cut and what people should be thinking about or considering in terms of what's going in or not going in and bug fixes and things like that. And that feels okay, potential gap that someone be whatever could go in for and
Robert Raposa: We also had a recent issue, I don't know if we, all right, looked into it, but
Robert Raposa: There's an open webhook that does commenting for Osprs and I don't know if it's totally different job but just reusing That webhook I don't know what net did, but we're doing something different for EDX. Repo prs.
Robert Raposa: I don't know if that stuff Tied together more than it should be or not. Because I don't actually know Where all that lives. and I don't know if you can point to where the open X webhook
Robert Raposa: Death is.
Feanil Patel: And I mean, you open Alexa Web hook stuff is here. That's
Robert Raposa: that's okay. That's useful. And then yeah, I wonder if it's Literally in there.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, there's…
Kyle McCormick: It is literally in there.
Feanil Patel: yeah, there's a bunch of the config, isn't there? Because it Responds to Web Hook. So if you look at the EDX Org, there's probably an orgwide Web hook set up to hit the deployed version of this code. And then there's code in there for EDX exposing stuff in there I believe. you can just go up in there and…
Robert Raposa: You can get it. Sounds good.
Feanil Patel: take a look.
Robert Raposa: Yeah, didn't realize that was just Aruba.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, it's a Django app. No,…
Robert Raposa: Yeah.
Feanil Patel: it's a flask cap. I think, actually
Robert Raposa: Yeah.
Feanil Patel: it's The Flask app with celery.
Kyle McCormick: Yeah. Robert there's a forum post that'll go out when the branches are cut. And you could take that forum post and reemphasize it To use, lack.
Robert Raposa: Do you? I mean, I could if you're interested in.
Robert Raposa: possibly digging up one of
Feanil Patel: The previous one's.
Robert Raposa: Yeah, I'll save I don't know if the old communications from Ned that are internal to you. really had some to you specific things or if they also had language that might help for future post, but you've been doing this for a while, so You probably don't need his stuff.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, I think.
Robert Raposa: I just think
Kyle McCormick: I think it had some wording that Make sense for people…
Feanil Patel: Very specific.
Kyle McCormick: who didn't have their heads and they like into the open source development.
Robert Raposa: Yeah.
Kyle McCormick: We're not going to do that, but if you want to add that context,…
Robert Raposa: Directory.
Feanil Patel: Yeah.
Kyle McCormick: definitely feel free.
Robert Raposa: Yeah.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, and…
Robert Raposa: Thanks.
Feanil Patel: this is the step you had, right?
Kyle McCormick: That is adapted from Nets email just like a more open edxified version of it.
Robert Raposa: In the screen.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, and everybody always signs it, Ned on that.
Kyle McCormick: Yeah, you have to sign it.
Feanil Patel: That's our requirement.
Kyle McCormick: we are Robert, it definitely will appreciate any Passing along of the community events to developers that you do.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah.
Robert Raposa: Yeah. thanks.
Feanil Patel: I think as much as you can point them to the forums and get them accounts on the forums be like, if you watch here, you can nowhere all the things are happening.
Kyle McCormick: Particularly announcements because I know there's a billion places to watch…
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah. Announcements
Kyle McCormick: but that's really stuff goes.
Robert Raposa: Yeah. Yeah. Do we still have that? Page, that makes it. sort of the how to listen for announcements at some point, I am not very recently at this point in time,…
Feanil Patel:
Robert Raposa: but Realize that you need to listen to the different individual. Announcement. I don't know if that's announcement or architecture but You can't listen at the top level and get all the ones that are underneath it. everything is individual, even if it looks like a child topic.
Kyle McCormick: Online frustrating.
Robert Raposa: So you need to know the list of things that you should listen to.
Robert Raposa: Unless there's either that or you need to know some other way to do what I just explained. I don't know how to do.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, there might be another way to do it, but It's probably good. I don't know where that is. That might have gone. I think we did that as a exercise to you,…
Robert Raposa: The.
Feanil Patel: so it might be to you side wiki,…
Robert Raposa: Night. I think it's there, but
Feanil Patel: but not on the public side.
Robert Raposa: let me see.
Feanil Patel: Nick, we have veered well off of the topic. So I'm going to stop the recording for people. But I'm happy to stay out and chat.
Robert Raposa: That's good.
Meeting ended after 00:57:08 👋
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