2022-02-14 BTR Meeting notes

2022-02-14 BTR Meeting notes


Feb 14, 2022


  • @Sofiane Bebert

  • @Peter Pinch

  • @Tobias Macey

  • @Adolfo Brandes

  • @Régis B.

  • @Sarina Canelake

  • @Jhony Avella

  • @Gonzalo Romero

  • @Dennis Bates

  • @Pierre Mailhot


Video link



  • Plan for Nutmeg Release

  • Improve our asynchronous workflow

Discussion topics









30 min

Nutmeg Release

@Sofiane Bebert

Review items for Nutmeg Release Candidate:

  • Call for a volunteer to add items to lists in git-hub and confluence

  • Members assignment- task created to talk to the people here who have a role. Does anyone want to change?

    • Chair - Sofiane Bebert

    • Release manager - Regis Behmo

    • Release testing coordinator- Need Volunteer

    • Bug Triage - Jhony+ Gonzalo Romero will split role

    • tCRIL Rep - to be assigned

    • Release Documenation expert - Peter Pinch Sarina and other will assist in mid to late April

    • Community Liaison - Dennis Bates +??

    • New ROLE - Sofaine Bebert + Regis (tutor) +Frontend Adolfo

  • Requirements for an MFE to be included in a community release

  • Date For Release: 9th June 2022

    • Cutoff date April 8th for cut-off to master (fri)

15 min

Issue Reviewers

@Sofiane Bebert

During the Maple retro, we discussed creating a “Task/Issue Manager” role that multiple members can take on.

  1. How should we name the role?-

    1. Project Manager?

    2. Progress Coordinator?

    3. Issue Manager?

    4. Delivery Manager?

    5. Foreman (Foreperson)?

  2. What are the expectations of the role?

    1. works only with a subset of issues

    2. every week chase update issues with people working on issue.

    3. remind people of commitments

    4. expected to be shared among multiple people

  3. How does it work with GitHub?

    1. Add a tag for issue type that helps coordinator?

    2. tags-to be decided

      1. tutor

      2. frontend

      3. MFE

      4. bug

      5. eCommerce

    3. only progress no code responsibility

 Let’s put it in practice for Maple.3 issues!

15 min

Frontend Working Group Plans for Nutmeg

@Adolfo Brandes

  • Want to Synch front end with nutmeg

    • MFE ticket

  • Open Invitation to come to Frontend meetings

    • Thursday at 16:00 UTC

  • Roadmap coming out of Frontend Working group

  • Adolfo to coordinate time to these issues and act as a contact point

  • could be looking at a MFE plugin system.

  • Adolfo to find out if any new core MFE will be released in Nutmeg

    • Gradebook - additional work for nutmeg

  • Check list of requirements for new MFE’s to be made public and as a test.


New Features


  • Library V2 on roadmap may not make nutmeg

  • Block store to be integrated as a plugin in the core edX system. goal for nutmeg

  • Discussions

    • Will the new MFE for Discussions be ready in time for Nutmeg?

  • Deprecate old learner experience to New Learner MFE experience. to be determined.

Action items

@Sofiane Bebert Create a post about the BTR roles available
@Sofiane Bebert Create a post about the new BTR role


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